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Daily Blessings Issue #163 -- The Illumination of the Heart
March 04, 2006
Hello Dear Ones,

The Illumination of the Heart

The holy Light of God as a presence is now moving into the physically manifest world in a new way. This profound new step being made in the Earth's evolution, and in the fulfillment of God's plan, is laying the foundation for the awakening of God's heart within the hearts of humanity.

God's heart which is divine love, extends to all beings at all times. In the previous cycle of the evolution of consciousness, human beings were experiencing themselves as individuals, and this necessary step required that a consciousness of separation from the whole, in order that awareness to focus on the self. For this reason it was more dififcult to experience God's love, which comes from All That Is, and is an expression of the Oneness of creation.

Now new possibilities are arising so that the heart can become illuminated, healed and reconnected with the Oneness of God, all the while retaining the unique spark of individuality that God created within each soul. This blissful re-uniting of parts of the self that were formerly separate, is just the beginning of a world wide spiritual awakening that will eventually manifest like a wave of Light enveloping the planet.

For this moment, the seeds of awakening have been planted now and are beginning to take root within the physical body of the Earth, and within the hearts and minds and bodies of those who are open to the Realms of Light and to the new vibration of God's love that is now in motion.

This Light is an active force and presence within the world, one that will continue to engender opposition from forces of darkness that wish to halt this new awakening. It is important to remain steadfast in God's love, and in the knowing of God's love and God's reality as the ultimate redeemer of all that is out of balance in the world.

It is not possible to know the experience of another, and so it is important to refrain from judging what you see happening around you. God's justice and the law of cause and effect will continue to bring each situation for each soul, and for all nations, into divine re-balancing. Your part in the new time that is arriving will be revealed to you, through the illumination of your divine heart, and through the awakening and healing of your human heart.

All parts of the self must be brought into balance, harmony and purity in order for the Light of God to move through you. If there is a blockage, an area of yourself or your life that you hold back from God, this prevents the river of God's life from flowing through you and bringing the Light that you are seeking.

Those things within you that previously felt unbearable to face, will become easier for you to be with, and to hold in God's healing embrace. As you are able to stand with God, accepting and seeing all within you, a new Light will born within you that will illuminate your heart, your mind, your body and your soul.

This divine awakening is possile now as the new presence of God's Light on the Earth begins to transform all of life according to God's promise and God's plan. With all love and blessings, Amen.

Copyright ©2006

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