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The Destiny of Nations - Part II
When, in the course of human events it becomes possible for one nation to exert its will upon all others to the detriment of those whom it subjugates, then that nation must be prevented from doing so by the spiritual necessity of the entire organism that is... Read Article
The Nature of Dreaming - A Doorway Into Multiple Realities
There are different kinds of dreams that we dream, and each has a value in its own right and must be taken seriously as a representative of an aspect of our consciousness.Some dreams seem peripheral to everyday life. They have fantastic characters, absurd plots,... Read Article
The Challenge of Death and Dying - Caring for Aging Parents
he process of dying is one of the great stages of learning of the human soul, often met with fear and resistance, yet even in the presence of these, filled with the growth of the soul in its appreciation of its relationship to life.There is no one way to experience... Read Article
When Family Members Drift Apart - A Spiritual Perspective
Relationships that are inherited often feel like they are not chosen. Some are peaceful and loving, but many are embattled or difficult in other ways. Sometimes the reasons for creating distance seem more compelling than the reasons for creating love, yet in... Read Article
Things Are Not as They Seem
This is the guidance I've been receiving, during a time when it appears little is moving forward. I'm told that the increase in light is being covered so that it feels like things are the same when they're not. I've been reading several other people's guidance this month which has a similar theme ... major change, yet invisible for now.
Beginning a Spiritual Practice - The Importance of Beginning
Often, the most difficult hurdle to overcome in a spiritual practice is the hurdle of beginning. For even though one has the best intentions to improve the quality of life and to deepen one's relationship with Spirit, it is in starting that a space must be... Read Article
The Weeping of the Earth for Her Children - A Planetary Prayer for Light
"Four years after the US-led invasion, the ICRC says the conflict is inflicting immense suffering, and calls for greater protection of civilians Women found it "simply unbearable" to confront their children with the (dead bodies) morning after morning... Read Article
The Meaning of Dreams
The activity of the unconscious mind goes on all of the time whether we are aware of it or not. This activity includes many layers of perception that have to do with connecting the past and the present, the present and the future, and with integrating the meaning... Read Article
Soul Relationships and Physical Relationships
Those we are close to are related to us in complex ways, historically, biologically, and in terms of soul-connection. Yet often, what outpictures on the level of the physical, does not reflect the intensity and meaningfulness of the soul connection that has... Read Article
Attention Deficit Disorders and Related Problems in Children - A Spiritual View
The phenomenon of limited or impaired attention span, of difficult or aggressive behavior, of problems with peers or of making friends, of body level agitation which leads to nervous gestures or an inability to sit still for more than a minute all of these... Read Article
Violence in Virginia and the Time We Are In - A Spiritual Perspective
There is to be a time in the earth's future when all that has been promised shall be revealed. This time is rapidly approaching, and the turbulence and catastrophe in terms of human life that is witnessed on the earth today shall pass into a new day of peace... Read Article
You Are Beautiful - The Path of Remembrance
Beloved Ones, many of you judge yourselves harshly and see yourselves with eyes that are veiled, perceiving only the limitations and not the beauty that lies within. Yet, every soul is radiant with an inner light that never dims though it may be covered over.... Read Article
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