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Daily Blessings Issue #041-- The Process of Giving Birth August 05, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, The Process of Giving BirthThe willingness to endure through times of challenge is one of the important spiritual skills that people of the Earth are learning at this time. Many are being asked by their life circumstances and challenges to learn how to keep going through difficult circumstances.This is important because the Earth is preparing for a birth. Just as a woman with child waits patiently for the new baby within her body to grow, so do the spiritual realms of the Earth patiently await the New to manifest. Then when all is ready in God's time, there is a period of labor. The body, mind and spirit are stretched. The woman endures this pain because of her great love for her child, and her desire to bring the new child into manifestation. When your life brings an abundance of challenge, remember the great love of the mother who is giving birth. You also are giving birth to your Greater Self, participating in this grand and sacred planetary shift towards a new reality. What will help you through times of challenge is love. The love in your heart for God, and for your fellow souls will strengthen and comfort you. It is also important that you surround yourself with love in your environment during these times. Choose carefully who and what you give your time and energy to. Are your relationships nourishing and healing? Do they uplift and support you? Are your work and home environments uplifting? If not, consciously choose to bring into your life more love, more support, and more blessing. God's love is the most powerful force in all of creation. More and more people are awakening their hearts to receive and resonate with God's love. Seek these others and you shall find them, and this will support you in the times of giving birth. May all beings come to know the sacred and holy presence of God within their own hearts. May all beings come to know themselves as beloved by God. May all beings be blessed. Amen. Received and shared with gratitude and love,
Mashubi Rochell Copyright ©2005
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