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Daily Blessings Issue #073 -- Global Transformation September 17, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, Global TransformationThere is a process of transformation occurring in the physical and energy body of the Earth. This process is part of Her evolution and is connected with the evolution of all beings on the Earth -- humanity and all the animal and plant kingdoms, and the many non-physical beings connected with the Earth.There are beings who guide humanity and who guided the Earth in Her transition.. There are nature spirits who are charged with the task of uniting the spiritual realm and the physical realm. These beings work with physically embodied Light workers, teachers, Masters, and with Christ through whom the Light of God is manifesting onto the Earth plane. This marvelous and holy partnership was planned before the Earth began, in order to manifest God's plan. Each soul on the Earth at this time was conscious, before incarnating, of the importance of this time. Some souls come for a short time, and some for the entire time of passage. Each soul on the Earth at this time carries the divine blueprint of purpose -- the reason for their incarnation, and the mission they are here to accomplish. You who are drawn to this work, receiving this message have a unique part to play in the times ahead. This is the time of activation of your mission -- not in its ultimate form, but in its beginnings. For some of you, there will be a continuation of work begun at another time. For others, you will be called to new paths, new teachers, new relationships and new work. All those currently receiving these messages carry the inner understanding of your soul's mission. It is time now to embrace this fully, completely, and with a clear knowing of your purpose. There are some here who are not yet conscious of your mission. We say to you at this time, that your soul already knows your work, but there is some resistance, reluctance, and fear involved with stepping forward into your Light. This fear keeps you small and therefore deprives the world of the divine gift you are here to embody. We say to you, to release the past with love, and step fully into the present and the future. You are ready. Your soul is willing. Your path is clear and your heart is ready. We bless you and your work. We love and appreciate you.
May all beings be blessed.
News Update - The Daily Blessings will be on an irregular publication schedule from Thursday, September 15 to Friday, September 23. We will have limited internet access during this time period and it is not clear how often it will be possible to receive and send out messages. Our regular daily publication will resume on Saturday, September 24.
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