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Daily Blessings Issue #080 -- The Restorative Power of Rest
September 29, 2005
Hello Dear Ones,

The Restorative Power of Rest

During this time when higher vibrations of Light are arriving to earth, the physical body is in an accelerated state of change. The transformation process can be difficult as all the body systems adapt to operating at a higher frequency.

Regular periods of rest are essential for all at this time. Even a 15 minute rest taken several times a day can do wonders in restoring and rejuvenating a weary body and spirit.

At this time rest is not simply for the purposes of sleep, but also for the Light body to assimilate and process energies. Rest is as essential and water and food to sustain the Light body.

If possible, take your rest in a quiet area lying down, or if this is not possible, sit outside in nature against a tree. Breathe deeply, think calm, peaceful thoughts. If the mind is excessively active, pray for help in attaining peace and rest. Schedule these rest periods daily and you will notice greater ease in your daily life.

May all beings be at peace.
May all beings receive comfort.
May all beings receive God's holy love. Amen

Copyright ©2005

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