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Daily Blessings Issue #119 -- A Smooth Transition to 2006 December 03, 2005 |
Hello Dear Ones, A Smooth Transition to 2006Those that have followed our messages may be aware that humanity and all of the Earth is involved in a major transition process at this time. 2005 has been a pivotal year in opening the doorways of God's Light and humanity's consciousness, so that more of God's love can now begin to flow more freely in the hearts, minds and bodies of all beings.God's love is a tangible, living reality that can be felt on all levels of being including the physical body, which recognizes and responds to the divine light which is being sent from the spiritual realms to the Earth. God's love expanding has allowed many souls to come home to God within their hearts, and to re-arrange their priorities to focus more upon the enduring spiritual values. Many challenges and natural disasters manifested on the Earth in 2005, and additionally there have been many souls faced with a new level of challenge with their physical body. For some, this may manifest as illness, or unspecified, unusual physical symptoms. As greater Light enters the atmosphere of the earth, the physical bodies of all beings are quickened, which for some will bring to the forefront buried parts of the self that have been crying out for attention. For others, latent spiritual abilities are being awakened, which may bring about unusual symptoms or greater levels of exhaustion and the need for rest. Another major challenge being faced in 2005 is the rapid change in political, social and world government structures. These changes are invisible to many at this time, but are already affecting many, and in the future will affect all beings. The many changes ahead require that all beings develop a resilience and flexibility that allows for God's Light to flow through the heart, the body, the mind and the spirit. God's Light is freely available to all beings who wish to receive it, and provides nourishment, support, healing and comfort. If one carries rigidity within, this limits the ability to flow with unexpected changes, and also blocks the free flow of God's love through the body, mind and spirit. Rigidity is an energy pattern that is a response to fear, which creates a contraction within the consciousness. This contraction is meant to be a temporary defense mechanism which serves a purpose for a limited time, but can become lodged more deeply in the body, mind or energy bodies. The root of many illnesses, addictions and psychological conditions is a deep contraction that developed around an unbearable emotion or event in the soul's history. At this time there is an unprecedented opportunity for deep healing to happen for all beings. There is a window of opportunity present now that is a doorway into a new reality and a new vibration of Light. To enter into this doorway, it is necessary first to divest yourself of all inner and outer baggage that you have been carrying that is no longer necessary. Much of what you needed in the past is no longer needed now. We say this to you with all love, all trust and all faith in your soul's courageous willingness to step forward into God's new life. Enter this doorway freely, with your love, your faith, and with your trust. Use this time, at the end of 2005 to joyfully release that which is no longer needed, so that you can be fully open and free to receive the magnificent blessings that will be made manifest on the Earth in 2006. A new Light is being born on the Earth, one that will one day speak to every human heart and be heard from every mountaintop and from every corner of the planet. You are an integral part of this holy time, and we thank you and bless you for your presence, your participation and your love.
May all beings be blessed with God's holy, divine love. Amen.
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