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Dealing with Agoraphobia

Hello, I wish that God will help me overcome the remnants of agoraphobia and autophobia I suffer from having had an anxiety disorder for the last few months. I also want to overcome my need to resort to food whenever I feel afraid and insecure because if I don't, an irrational fear of dying of hunger comes over me. I'd love to be able to stroll around the streets in my own company without feeling panic-stricken any longer, I want to be able to use public transport on my own again without feeling threatened, to be able to stroll around life without having to carry any food with me always as a "safety procedure". God, please give me strength and courage to overcome this. I want to feel free and safe again, especially when I am on my own for any given reason. Thank you.

Comments for Dealing with Agoraphobia

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Feb 16, 2012
Anxiety recovery NEW
by: Anna

Hello to you and to all who are currently suffering with anxiety,

I suffered from generalized anxiety disorder for almost 6 months. I've been so blessed by the lord above who has helped me get so much better. Read my blog. I hope it helps. And feel free to drop any questions. Hang in there, you will get better, I promise!


Feb 08, 2012
I will pray for you NEW
by: Anonymous

I will pray for you. You are in a horrible situation and I have been suffering the remnants of these horrible conditions for years. If there is a God I pray that in His mercy and compassion that He will take you in His love and free you from such horrible feelings. It is dreadful not being able to live life to the full and it seems so unfair. Lots of love to you from me. And remember a stranger is only someone you have never met. God Bless you and good luck.

May 01, 2011
I understand
by: Anonymous

I understand how you feel and I will pray for you. I have been praying for this as well. I don't want to be afraid to go far from my house and routine anymore. I am holding back my family from doing things and going places. I have for years and I do feel terrible about it. It is as though I live in a bubble. I will pray for you and for all who have to suffer through this pain.

Where there is life there is hope so maybe this will change....hang on and just see.....

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