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Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Comments for Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

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Apr 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer to ask for help to get a job and find real love.

May 02, 2010
by: Anonymous

I seek help that my enemy will be enlighten and do the right thing

May 03, 2010
Request for Employment
by: Anonymous

I'd like to request that i may find a hospital job this year.

May 05, 2010
Tough times for my daughter
by: Mary

I prayed for my daughter to get through a tough time. I believe in the power of prayer and that Jesus helps us through tough times.

May 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

I pray that my baby daughter will be healed of her brain tumor, and live a long and happy life.

May 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

Please help my husband and I find employment.
We have two little boys that depend on us.

May 12, 2010
Prayer in need
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus I ask that you help me out financially and to also help my parents as they are going thru some health issues right now. In Jesus' name, Amen!

May 15, 2010
Prayer for financial help
by: Anonymous Soldier

I pray to our Lord that after a year of waiting that my wife and I may have the money for proper wedding ceremony soon.

May 17, 2010
help me pass my driving test tomorrow
by: k

DEAR HEART OF JESUS - For: to be successful in my driving test tomorrow help me xx

DEAR HEART OF JESUS: In the past I have asked for many favors. This time I ask for this special one. Take it, Dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within Your own broken heart where Your Father will see it. Then in His merciful eyes, it will become Your favor, not mine. Say for 3 days and promise publication
Donor Notes: when you need God the most

May 18, 2010
desperate situation
by: Terri

Please pray for my son to find a job, stop being so depressed, stop his drinking and find someone to be happy with. Also please help our household rid our financial problems. Thank you lord.

May 19, 2010
thank you jesus
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish powerful prayer and thank the good lord jesus mary and joseph for listening and answering my prayers

May 25, 2010
desperate for GOD
by: Anonymous

I pray for employment, have not had a lasting job for the past four years and have been dependent on my family, am over thirty and very desperate for independence. I feel like God has abandoned me.

May 28, 2010
Worried about future employment
by: Anonymous

Recently left a miserable job. I am praying and waiting for the Lord to lay his head on me and grant me a peaceful place of employment. I am drowning in debt.

May 28, 2010
by: Elle

My eyelids have swelled and hence i have prayed that they reduce soon

Jun 01, 2010
Thanks and Praise to Jesus
by: Celine

Please publish this prayer as a testimony of granting my petition as I strongly believe that the Lord has already started working on my problem. Thank you Jesus Praise you Jesus. Love you Jesus!!

Jun 01, 2010
my son is killing me
by: julia

im too weak to even type my 20 yr old son is addicted to marijuana, doesnt work here all day out late at nite from moment hes up he verbally and has physically abused me, he calls me horrible names spits me i cant explain it, he got a little better but not enough he demands that we do things for him and im physically ill i have high bp been dizzy for weeks i dont sleep feel weak chest pain , i dont know what to do i reason with hm he calls me names he has nowhere to go but doesnt try help me!

Jun 01, 2010
Thru Him alone
by: Anonymous

for my family relationship esp. with my wife and for our financial needs...

I know God will take care of them all, in His own time and through Jesus Christ alone.


Jun 03, 2010
by: gabrielle

please let me live with my father in june please let everything go right please i am so unhappy

Jun 04, 2010
right now miracle blessings
by: Anonymous

I need Divine intervention in my life right now I have recently lost my home finances job and also please pray that God touches the heart of the man I was supposed to marry that we may be able to unite again and that He finds the love in his heart for me we once had.Please pray for my 3 children and grandchildren.And that I will find my divine purpose in life and live according to Gods Holy Will.And that my desire to do some type of ministry to help women and that the desires and plans I have will manifest themselves thank you..

Jun 04, 2010
Help from attacks
by: Sister Chandra

Healing/happiness for Terry R. restoring him to his natural state.

An entire office of helping workers to mend sorrowful broken hearts/ adding confidence in God's incredible plan for their future if so accepted and to listen to God's word... may it be carried/delivered with sweet fragrance.

In His name, Almighty Father God in heaven. Thank you for everything. Amen.

Jun 04, 2010
Thank you Jesus for my favour granted.
by: Anonymous

I am praying for a job that I have applied for and believe I would receive it in Jesus Name.

Jun 13, 2010
finiancial need
by: metilda

praise the lord

Lord please help me to get financial help for my house construction ,Which we need very badly now.we are helpless.

Jun 16, 2010
Begging for help to find employment
by: James

Please here my paryer Jesus and please come to my aid in finding a job. I am begging you for help.

Jun 16, 2010
thank you my jesus
by: metilda

Thank you god for what you have done at this moment,I got my money to build the house .Thank you jesus for your love.
HELP MY PARENTS TO COME OUT FROM THEIR DEBTS.I know very well that you have heard their cry please help them jesus.

Jun 17, 2010
In desperate need of they help Lord Jesus and Mary Mother of our Savior
by: Bobby

My son is going through a bad divorce and fighting for custody of his children. We are in desperate need of the money to pay his lawyer to continue his work to help my son who is under a lot of stress due to his wife lying and spreading bad rumors about him. I ask the Father in heaven the Holy Mother of our Lord and all the Sanints and Angels in heaven to please help us with the needed funds to help my son and his childern from this bad divorce and the lying and stalling tactics of his ex wife, so that we may be able to pay his attorney to continue fighting his cause for the safety of his children.

Jun 17, 2010
Thank you Lord for your Great Mercy.....
by: Grace

Lord Jesus thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do, your Love is so great for us.....I Love You, Praise You and Thank You Lord......

Jun 19, 2010
Prayer for Financial Assistance
by: Anonymous

Thank you for answering my prayers. I am in desperate need of financial assistance for my family and myself.

Jun 21, 2010
my prayer
by: Anonymous

i pray for God's help in terms of my family's financial need, my employment and for protection against people who's saying false accusations.

Jun 21, 2010
Financial Help
by: Anonymous

I would to request for approval of my loan to help cope up my financial problem.

Jun 21, 2010
financial blessing...
by: Anonymous

Lord please help me in my problem.. i need a financial blessing for my money problem..

Jun 22, 2010
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much. My prayer has been answered. Yes it's true...Thank you so much Lord. This prayer is so powerful.

Jun 23, 2010
god help us in this time of need, we need a miricle
by: Anonymous

god please do not let the false aligations stand against us in court and let brooke come home to us so that we may be a family

Jun 23, 2010
Urgent in our difficulties for prayer
by: Anonymous

I am in really urgent in requesting a prayer for my husband to overcome of addiction and help my husband s heart to be soften heart to listen to me in many good ways for family s needs and also help our financial blessings will pour to us for many wonderful blessings. Also pray for my lovely daugther s heart to be soften heart to listen me for going to teen bootcamp because she is struggling some things at home and school. Thanks for your prayer in our needs.

Jun 25, 2010
The Lord Will Provide
by: Annoited

My prayer requests: My friend just got fired I pray and ask Heavenly Father to provide and have mercy on her. I ask heavenly Father to also help me get a better job, and to get a new place where I can stay and afford the rent, for the word of God says ask it shall be given unto you. I also ask for God to have mercy on me, and I confess that I am a sinner, I repent in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I ask all of this in Jesus Name. AMEN. Thank you.

Jun 26, 2010
Im believe that the Lord will answer my prayers!
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus, please help me get a job at the bank where I wanted to work and please Jesus help me find a job that I'll be happy to work in. In Jesus name, I trust and love you! Amen

Jun 26, 2010
prayer for health
by: patsy

I pray so urgently for a clean bill of health for my scan of 6/24/10. I pray for a clean and healthy body and soul. And I ask forgiveness for not appreciating my healthy body, and promise to respect my body as long as I shall live.

Jul 02, 2010
Thank you so much Lord
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much Lord Jesus for answering my prayers.

Jul 03, 2010
Thank you
by: Frances

Thank your in advance got answering my request. I have faith that my finances will be blessed by you. You are an awesome wonder there is no power greater then you. Thank you Jesus

Jul 05, 2010
by: Inga

I prayed for my impossible love towards my other half. I prayed for us to find the way to be together inspite of the impossible circumstances. I prayed for my dear dear other half and myself to find courage to stand through these hard times and save our love.

Thank you Lord for beeing with us.
Please help us.
Yrs, Inga.

Jul 05, 2010
before next payday
by: prayer for a better home in the same neighobor hood.and promotions for my coworkers who keep up drama that they be bless and my finiance make a quick turnaround.

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Jul 06, 2010
Finanacial need
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
I am in dire need of finances to pay bills. I am having a difficult time to meet my expenses. Some days I just dont know where the next meal will come from. I need to move to try to get my life back on track but dont even have the money to do so. I truly believe the You will help me Lord. I ask this in the name of Your
Son Jesus. Amen

Jul 07, 2010
Please Help Us Lord
by: Anonymous

Please us Lord with our Financial Problem. You know that we need you, we really need your help oh God. We Trust in you for you are our great provider Lord God, You are our redeemer, our master of Faith and our Savior. Help us Lord. Have mercy on us Lord. Thank you so much for everything.

Jul 09, 2010
Published prayer
by: Vicki

I said this prayer for mercy on my family and me. I am in dire need for help in a situation where my enemy is forcing me to do things against my will at the sake of destroying my reputation and tearing my family apart.

Jul 09, 2010
thank you lord for hearing my request
by: Anonymous

I pray my son gets enough money to pay his bills and has enough to move out and get a good paying job I pray for him give him strenth and courage that he will continue to believe in you thank you dear jesus

Jul 11, 2010
by: Vanisha

I pray that I get thru this job , finally I get a job that's in my field , now it's my boss she is very impolite , has no rspect , she paying me minium wage pays me monthly and I just can't seem to get a desent job I have 3 children I do have. A husband that helps me we just seem to nevEr have enough I need help from you my mighty god

Jul 14, 2010
Thank youso much Lord.
by: Anonymous

Thank you for everything Lord especially for all the things that you have given us. Please help us with our problems. Stay with us always Lord and lead us to the right path. Help us with our works and give us more strength to face every challenges from day to day. You are our everything Lord. Thank you so much and forgive us for our sins....

Jul 18, 2010
Prayer for help.
by: Loni

Lord I pray to you to see my sons father and his nephew through their time of need. Lord please see them safely through this. Please bring them back home to their family for good. And Lord I also pray that you help me through my financial problems and help me find a job to take care of my kids soon. I want to thank you for letting me and my loved ones see another day and make it through safely. I want to thank you for all that you have done for me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Jul 19, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thank you Jesus for listening to my prayer, I do not crave riches just the chance to earn a modest living and to be able to pay my bills, and to help my family out whenever they need it, thank you Jesus I love you.

Jul 19, 2010
Help my son to get a good job
by: Anonymous

God,please help him to find peace, self-esteem and good attitude. Please show him your love and make him a believer. I ask you you to bless him,love him and help him in his time of need.

Jul 20, 2010
Financial Difficulty
by: Anonymous

I pray to the Lord, Our God, that my family and I may get out of the financial rut that we are in. I am desperately praying for a miracle to happen. Lord, God, please, please forgive me for my sins, and help me and my family to get out of the short-term debt that we are in. Amen.

Jul 23, 2010
by: Stacy

I wish to testify that I felt a real power while saying this prayer. A calm assurance that my heartfelt prayers will be answered and granted in my favour. It is also important to believe and have faith in the power of prayer. May your prayers come true

Aug 02, 2010
Job in SG
by: Anonymous

I pray that my 2 friends and I will find the best job for us this week. As we are in another country hoping to have better oppurtunities to help our loved ones.

Aug 04, 2010
Please pray for us!
by: Anonymous

I pray that my financial crisis be lifted and that my relationship with my grilfriend become strong and that we work out any trials and tribulations, also that our families follow the Lords ways and be good throughout their lives. In Jesus name, Amen.

Aug 06, 2010
financial problem
by: Anonymous

pls help me to pray for my financial problem... i need money very badly... thank you and god bless us all...

Aug 06, 2010
Faith Hope and Charity
by: Marcia

Jesus I trust in you, and I thank you in advance for all your help, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy. spirit.

Aug 06, 2010
help me please
by: Anonymous

i prayed that my ex calss me an we work things out and that the bank sells my house

Aug 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

I publish my prayer to help my drug addicted son to continue on the road to recovery and not to fall...

Aug 08, 2010
Urgent Prayer Request
by: Anonymous

I'm thankful for this site. Dear God, please help me get through this difficult time without danger or trouble. Bring peace, love and forgiveness to those involved and heal us emotionally and spiritually. Please soften their hearts that they will do the right thing and let me go. Thanks so much for answering my prayers.

Aug 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thank you.

Aug 09, 2010
Thank you holy cross jesus and our lady of perpetual Scuucour
by: eva

Thank you holy cross Jesus. Thank you loving mother of our lady of pertpetual succour..I leave thee all in the hands of the father, son and holy spirit, amen.

Aug 10, 2010
Health Scare
by: Anonymous

I pray that god will protect me and that my test results come back negative. God Please surround me with the white light of the holy spirit and protect me from evil!

Aug 16, 2010
My marriage
by: Vanilla

I stand on this prayer for my husband's to be soften full of compassion and forgiveness. And the restoration of my marriage.
I'm keeping trying Lord. Blessed my husband with understanding and kindness toward me. Amen

Aug 16, 2010
prayers for my son
by: Anonymous

I ask that my son be healed from drugs and alcohol. I am confident this will happen.

Aug 17, 2010
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ
by: Richard A.H.

That now my home comes out of foreclosure and that I now own this home and property outright.
That this jhappens now,,,,a complete and total break through and miracle of this!!!!!!!!!!!
I am tired of this situation.
I ask and pray that it is MOW resolved in my favor.
And many blessings to all.

Aug 20, 2010
I Believe in God
by: Anonymous

I would like to remain in the National team till we finish the world Cup. This i know and believe in the prayer that it would come to pass. Amen

Aug 21, 2010
Thank You Jesus for answering my prayers
by: Anonymous

I praise and thank you Jesus helping me financially and for helping me through all these difficulties.

Aug 23, 2010
Financial Prayer
by: Anonymous

Dearest God,
We received a foreclosure notice for Sept 8, I don't know where we are going to get the money necessary so that doesn't happen. I am praying for a financial blessing from You to assist us.
I am so very terrified and scared, please help us. Thank You so much for listening to my prayers!!

Aug 27, 2010
Grant me a miracle
by: Anonymous

Lord i urgently request your grace and blessing in becoming financially secure to pursue my goals to help me support my family. Thank You

Aug 30, 2010
financal windfall
by: Lorraine

I am having problems financially and need the blessings of Jesus Christ

Aug 30, 2010
Grant me a miracle Lord
by: Vanilla

Father i stand in this prayer for the restoration of my marriage with love peace understand wisdom and faithfulness. Amen

Sep 05, 2010
A Prayer Request
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus, we are asking for your guidance. Please help us with our decisions. Please help us...Let our Petitions be answered. May we able to work abroad for the future of our son and to be able to help our families with their problems. We believe in You because You are our Redeemer, our great Provider and our Savior. Help us Lord God. Thank you so much for everything...Thank you Lord.

Sep 11, 2010
A prayer For financial blessing
by: Anonymous

I feel that I have a calling on my life to be an intercessory prayer minster on behalf of others and to teach god's word to others. I am in a periord of financial scarcity right now. I created a informational seminar and service on the internet that I can use to raise funds until I get a job. I need a blessing from God that These services will sell and I can get valuable experience that I can use in the future for my ministry goals I am asking for Christians to agree with me in prayer that I will receive favor and grace to get more clients and also for God's annointing to serve in the ministry.

Sep 15, 2010
Employment and somewhere to live
by: Valerie

Please pray that God would provide me with a well-payng job, with caring people and in a peaceful environment. Please also pray that God would provide me with a safe, comfortable and affordable place to live soon. These I ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sep 15, 2010
Financial blessings
by: Anonymous

I pray for the provision of financial blessings!!!

Sep 20, 2010
Sorry Lord
by: Anonymous

Lord, please help me with my problem...Promise Lord after all this things, I will not do it again. Thank you for everything Lord....And I'm so so sorry

Sep 21, 2010
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish this prayer to ask help for financial blessings so that I can pay my financial obligation.

Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord.

Sep 21, 2010
financial and divorce finalization
by: Debbie

I am seeking help in these difficult times. I am also waiting for my divorce decision to be finalized. I pray everything works out for me. Amen.

Sep 25, 2010
my boyfriend
by: Anonymous

i pray for my boyfriend that he will fixed all his problem soon...give him strenght and faith and love....

Sep 25, 2010
for my fiancee and me
by: dana

lord i love u i need you pls answer my prayers... Me and my boyfriend will be live together and happy...help him to solve his problem..

Sep 25, 2010
prayer for my loved one
by: Anonymous

I am going through a very difficult time...i pray that my partner and me are able to stand by each other no matter how difficult it is. I pray that we are able to find happiness, love and commitment in each other.

Sep 28, 2010
Financial blessings
by: Anonymous

I Love you God!!! I pray that today Jesus will provide my urgent finacial need to pay my debts!!! Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon me!!! In Jesus Name!!!Amen!!!

Oct 02, 2010
desperate plea for financial help
by: RST

Please help me & my wife, dear Jesus. Please help us. Our financial difficulties are growing at an alarming rate. Have mercy on our two boys who depend on us.

Oct 02, 2010
request to get housing paper from company
by: Anonymous

we are waiting since 1 year to get housing paper from my husband company..the administration of the comppany refuses to give without any reason.....please pray for this matter...i strongly beleive jesus will answer my prayer....

Oct 03, 2010
i have been a liar and a cheater
by: Anonymous

my prayer is for forgiveness and direction from you my lord and savior, Jesus Christ. I had an unholy affair and even after being caught, lied about the particulars of the affair. I had been exposed for the initial affair and continued to lie about the extent of it. I did not lie however, about the affair being over after it was exposed. I did not lie about wanting to restore my marriage, but when given the opportunity to come clean, lied in fear of losing my wife and kids. please lord, I know that all things are possible through you, so hear my prayer and give me revelation on how I can restore my marriage. Thank you Lord for answered prayer. You know my heart Lord, and what is best for me and my family. In Jesus name, I pray.


Oct 04, 2010


Oct 05, 2010
by: Anonymous

Lord, soften the hearts of a dear friend's 'enemies'. Grant them the miracle that they desperately need.

Oct 05, 2010
by: Anonymous

I publish this prayer for my boyfriend and I. Let him see the good in me. But most important follow you Lord together.

Oct 05, 2010
an efficacious prayer to help make a decision to select the job offer that is right for me
by: Anonymous

Prayer to help make a decision to select the job offer that is right for me

Oct 07, 2010
my prayer requests
by: Anonymous

I have asked Jesus to grant the favors and requests that I have prayed for.Please Lord help me and my family to be able to pay all our debts and have the finances to live a decent life and send our children to school.Plase grant that we can pay all our debts and financial obligations.Amen.

Oct 07, 2010
my prayer requests
by: Anonymous

I have asked Jesus to grant the favors and requests that I have prayed for.Please Lord help me and my family to be able to pay all our debts and have the finances to live a decent life and send our children to school.Plase grant that we can pay all our debts and financial obligations.Amen.

Oct 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

I pray that God will bless me with increased faith, bless me with graces to have hope, love and charity and be generous to others. God grant me the petitions I am requesting for a prosperous and abundant life in glory of God to be able to assist others in their needs and to be able to extend help to the needy, God help me be able to spread your words and help those who are in need specially those victim of oppression and the needy children all over the world. God , thanks and Help me.

Oct 11, 2010
Thank You Jesus for answering me..
by: Joji

Thank you for hearing my prayers. I have alot of faith that my prayer (to receive a good job) has already been answered. God Bless. Amen

Oct 11, 2010
please help me
by: L. Frederick


Please help me to get my house registry done which I am unable to do. I need your urgent help in this matter. Thank you Jesus


Oct 13, 2010
Desperate needs
by: Anonymous

For need of the family that God will merit our request

Oct 18, 2010
Hopeless and desperate
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, please help me... Don't let me lose hope. I pray that my petition papers for immigrant visa be approved. Lord, without you I am nothing. Please hear me Lord and answer my prayers. I put all my confidence in you Lord, help me. St. Jude, please intercede for me.

Oct 18, 2010
Help me so I may help others
by: Anonymous

I ask not for riches nor gold but for your love and guidance. My life has been riddled with so much pain and yet goodness you have brought me has given urge to carry on. With your love and guidance, I ask that you help me rid of my problems so that I may focus more being a good servant to you. Please help me walk again.

Oct 21, 2010
prayer for a job
by: Anonymous

i would like to publish this prayer to get a good job with attractive salary best in industry

Oct 23, 2010
beneath your wings

Lord i ask that you ALWAYS be with me... I DONT deserve you but i NEED you ALWAYS... In my happiness in my grief and sorrows always guide me to do well..i ask you GOD humbly to listen to my prayers in these HARD times of NEED..my family NEEDS you...my HOME needs YOU...we need unity and LOVE and that all envy..animosity..tension..jealously..lack of love and hipocrosy come to an END...that we may develope a loving home and you cover us with your shield AGAINST all evil and negativity..LORD i ask that you liberate us from out economic struggle and that we may have money to put food on the table...i THANK YOU for life.. For these problems.. For my family.. For all the LOVE i have to give... For my motherly instincts although im 22 and yet a mother.. For giving me the LOVE i felt i wasnt getting from anyone... For accepting my mom in heaven... And above all else for YOU..for awaiting paciently for me to run into your arms... I adore you... King of all kings.. <3

Oct 24, 2010
to get a good life partner and a good job
by: deromee

i pray that i need a good life partner who cares me and my family and god should bless my parents and give a good job to me and also god should bless every one with good health aand also bless my niece LYDIA with powerful education and my self

Oct 25, 2010
by: Anonymous

In jesus name i like to request that my son and his wife gets back together and they all come to be here with us

Oct 25, 2010
prayer for employment
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer and ask for help in finding a job.

Oct 27, 2010
by: Anonymous

Lord jesus, Pl help me with a govt job. i will be turning 40yrs next month. you know the situation i have faced all through my life. and you also know that i have been asking you for the past 14 years. if i dont get now, all my life i have to suffer. pl help me father.

Oct 27, 2010
Asking for peace
by: Anonymous

I would ask for your prayers in helping me let go of my husband who left me and who had been abusive to me for so many years. I ask that I may stop caring for him and not hurting over all his bad choices he continues to do against me and my children. May I one day stop crying and find inner peace. May I no longer be affected by his infidelites and lack of feelings for me and my children.

Oct 28, 2010
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer to ask for help to get a job

Oct 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

Lord I pray to u in times like this, that my husband get bail and be free while awaiting verdict. He is innocent, please let justice prevails. We hope that the judge will be understanding and guide him by making right judgement, We also pray that the prosecutor would find my husband innocent and just acquit him of the case. Dear Lord, We fully trust in you and thy will be done. We love you

Oct 30, 2010
I need you lord
by: Anonymous

Lord, I am so thankful for everything you have blessed me with. I am eternally grateful for all you have given me. You are my center, and I know that with you everything will fall into place. I'm praying for my depression and feelings of suicide to go away. I am asking for you to help mr bring my grades up by the end of this term. I am praying for acceptance among my friends, finding my true love and being happy again. I pray to healthily lose weight, rid of my anxiety and for a great day and sleepover with my friends tomorrow and Sunday. I pray for my family and friends to be happy and healthy. Thank you do much lord. I believe and trust in you.

Oct 30, 2010
help in desperate times
by: Anonymous

Thank you Jesus for answering my prayer so that I don't have to worry about finances, finding a husband, and depression. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Nov 01, 2010
To be bless financiall
by: Anonymous

I seeking to be bless, to get out of debt, to be stress free, it's done in the name of Jesus. Amen

Nov 03, 2010
Praying fro finanical Help
by: Anonymous

Please God

Help me to obtain finances today.So that I may be able to repay my study debt to them and come out of their clutches. Please God, I ask Thee to assist me in my studies and upcoming exams, and that I may have the funds to return home to my family for a little while before attempting on the second semester.

Lord in Your Mercy, Hear and Grant my request

Nov 05, 2010
work permit

I would like to get my work permit like yesterday coz it seems some bad poeple are aganits me and keep talking bad thinkg about me.

Nov 06, 2010
by: Anonymous

thank you JESUS for answering my prayers.

Nov 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

Pray the Lord Jesus to give a breakthrough in my situation that iam now. Get work and my papers.

Nov 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thank you God, for I know you have heard my prayer and plea unto you and I'm waiting for you to move on my behalf and with has I say thank you and Amen

Nov 16, 2010
Alone & hurting
by: Anonymous

I hate asking other people to pray for my problems (my wife left me, dosen`t love me ). I fill that God won`t answer my prayers because of my past. I`ve prayed for the last 9 months & nothing good has happened. Why won`t God answer my prayers

Nov 16, 2010
Alone & hurting
by: Anonymous

I hate asking other people to pray for my problems (my wife left me, dosen`t love me ). I fill that God won`t answer my prayers because of my past. I`ve prayed for the last 9 months & nothing good has happened. Why won`t God answer my prayers

Nov 16, 2010
job prayer
by: Anonymous

I would like 2 publish my prayer of seeking a job!!

Nov 17, 2010
desperate needs
by: Anonymous

To publish this due to desperate needs for financial reasons

Nov 18, 2010
approval letter
by: Anonymous

My prayer is for my approval letter to arrive very very soon. So i can go back to my job which i love so much

Nov 18, 2010
hear my prayer
by: Anonymous

hear my prayers, so i may help the foster kiddos in our care.

Nov 19, 2010
keep my job
by: Mike

lord my God, please forgive for my sins and grant my eternal salvetion. Forgive for this great mistake i have made and allow me to keep my job. allow me to continue to serve my community. I beg you lord, soften the hearts of all the concerned officals and grant that i may continue my employeement here. All praises to you heavenly father because I beleave you have already performed a maricle in my name amen.

Nov 20, 2010
Marriage with my Boyfriend
by: SD

O God please bless me with a marriage with my boyfriend whom i love so much. He left me & i don't know how to go on. I don't know how to fix this. I have lost him, but I still love him. I wish he still loved me. I miss him so much. I want him back so bad. I trust in you O lord that all things are possible through you. I ask this prayer O God through your son Jesus Christ. Amen

Nov 21, 2010
Help me and forgive me Lord
by: Anonymous

Lord God, please help me with my problems most especially with our financial needs. We need you Lord God. Help me also with my current job and may my husbands dreams and our dreams do come true. We know Lord that all things are possible with you. I surrender it all to you Lord. And please forgive our trespasses and lead us not into temptation Lord. I offer myself to you Lord God. I know that You are with us always. Thank you for everything Lord.

Nov 22, 2010
by: michael hack with

just am praying for a miraculous blessing of finacial blessing... we need help ,, an for me to git my driver liscence returned ..an fro to be as k an respected a a good spiritual laeder among the people an to help the people please help us

Nov 22, 2010
Thankyou Jesus
by: Anonymous

Thank you Jesus for suffering for us. Please help with my finances and a safe and secure job.

Nov 23, 2010
Thank you Jesus
by: Anonymous

I want to thank you because i know you will grant my request and provide us with the right home to live in, thank you my lord.

Nov 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

Hoping for an approval and a date for settlement on buying my moms house by this weekend..

Nov 26, 2010
the right disision
by: Anonymous

please God help me make the right desison, or give me a sign to make the right desison. thank you God for everything else you dop amen

Nov 27, 2010
desperate need
by: Anonymous

Thank you Jesus for answered prayer said unto thee this morning. thank you, thank you. Amen

Nov 29, 2010
prayer for a husband
by: Anonymous

Dear Abba Father

I know you already know what is on my lips even before I speak it. Just as Hannah prayed until her voice was gone and her lips just kept moving, trusting and believing with everything she had for a child, I am here today, humbling myself before you to pray for a husband. Lord, I know every perfect gift comes from above and that it is written in your word that you would grant us our hearts desires and anything we ask in Your name You will do. I stand upon that promise now and ask for Tabona Gwamba and I to be married Lord. You know that I love this man with all of my being and even when we are going through storms I have never ceased to love him and pray for him and stand no matter what. The tears I have cried are nothing compared to joy I will know when we are married. I declare our marriage and a good life together into existence now in Jesus name. I sing praises unto Lord for I have faith to know that my prayers are answered and we will be married. I surrender my marriage unto Your Hands now and believe You are already starting a new thing in our lives. All we have been through was just to prepare us for greater things to come. I thank You Lord and praise You and lift Your name high for honoring the words I've spoken here in my prayer. I love You Jesus and for this I pray in the Name above names Jesus Christ, My Lord, My Saviour, My Redeemer My King and my Friend AMEN

Nov 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

Please pray for me. I am 61, deeply in debt and need God's help.

Nov 30, 2010
prayer request
by: Anonymous

I pray that my financial needs are met in due time and that my luck in the lottery is answered. I pray that my relationship be restored by the hands of the Lord also, that our children be guided through Jesus ways in Jesus name. Amen

Nov 30, 2010
Please we need all the prayers we can get.
by: Anonymous

To be approved to buy moms house..

Dec 06, 2010
My life
by: TES

I have failed the California Bar twice. I pray that the lord gives me strength to stand up right and go forward. Right now I feel useless, and less of a man because my wife has supported me through law school. Basically she paid for it. now she is patiently waiting for her return. Although she does not ride me, and I am not so much of a praying man. I am desperate, I do not know what to do. I am no spring chicken I am 36, I would like to contribute to my family, instead of depleting it.

Dear god, I'm sorry to be selfish, but please I begging come something, anything help me. T.S.

Dec 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

I pray my son Vince will get a good job ASAP so he won't have to move away from Stephenville,TX

Dec 08, 2010
Family Financial Need
by: Son & Mom

Our family bought a house last year with our other relatives but they backed out after all the papers were signed. We were left to fend for ourselves and decided to get students to help pay for the mortgage. It has been good for a while, but 1 student has left all of a sudden and the other one is leaving in a few days. My family has been struggling to pay the mortgage and is worried tremendously. Our situation has not improved and we really need to get out of it. We have tried to sell the house for the past year but have had offers lower than what we put into it. I was told to be specific with the prayer requests and I ask the Lord that He please give us an offer that is substantially higher or is the asking price so we wouldn't have to be living in financial stress. I only work part time and my mom works full time so its been really hard. It's only been us two and I am extremely desperate to get financial help. I've asked the Lord and my heart feels really heavy right now. PLEASE GOD HELP US. HAVE MERCY ON US.

Dec 08, 2010
by: kate

In Jesus name i pray that the invengilators will forgive me for trying to cheat on an exam and i won't be forwaded to the senate and I PROMISE i won't repeat this offence again.Amen

Dec 09, 2010
new beggings
by: Anonymous

i pray i find a new place to live with a loving homely surrounding

Dec 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

God, please heal my wifes heart, so she will love me again, & come back to me. I pray too my God, please help me.

Dec 10, 2010
Help for job
by: Everett

Have mercy on me Jesus. I am a terrible sinner and please forgive me of my sins. I need a break in getting a job. Give me hope and let me overcome the negative thoughts and demons in my head. Give my family and especially my wife strength in these difficult times. She is the best blessing I have and will ever have. Please help me Jesus.

Dec 10, 2010
urgent prayer
by: Anonymous

I would like to pray to my Lord Jesus that I will be able to go smoothly from this company without any ban. I pray that I can transfer to Dubai as easy as possible. i pray that God will touch the heart of those big bosses to let me go. Pls Lord,You're my only strength and I need your guidance. I know you will provide. Thank you and I love you. Amen.

Dec 13, 2010
work permit
by: Anonymous

Iam in need for funding to do a phd.In addition iam waiting desperately for healing and work permit.Fast and pray for me

Dec 15, 2010
by: broken angel

I am 53 yrs old and have worked hard scince i was 14 unfortunaly i was not born to a family of no great means and was made to quit the one chance i had and was good at school to work in my fathers car shop so he wouldn't have to stay there at 18 i left home got married and had 2 children whom i love dearly my son has grand maul siesures and mild cerable palsy on rt side so as far as work i had too for my family now its different i always was the one who went to a place to eat after not eating all day at 3 oclock and came out and there was a homeless lady on the side of the street of course i gave her my food her feet hurt so i gave her a tube of foot and leg treatment i had in my car gave her what money i had and a number for a place she could get shelter at least for awhile time and time again i have had bennifits for people that i found out were in need from accidents ect.but about 8 yrs ago i started suffering from degenerate disk desease and compounded disk in my back of course dr. wanted me to quit work but i couldnt so i worked 4 more yrs until i could no longer do it the pain was so severe and so frequent that i had to quit so i could help people much anymore after being out of work for 4 yrs and 3 of them with no personal income i finally got my disability i worked all my life for and have ended up almost3 months back on morgage my home needs repairs deseratly i cant afford and some dr. bills and i can't even think about xmas presents for my family but no ones here i don't understand I thought it was suppose to come back to u if u did right I GUESS NOT I FEEL LIKE ALL HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO BE ON THIS SIDE OF THE FENCE WHERE iAM THE ONE ASKING MAY GOD BLESS U IF U CAN HELP ME TYTYTY SO MUCH

Dec 16, 2010
by: Anonymous

I made a mistake at work... Please help me Jesus to get the same resolved.

Dec 17, 2010
by: Christina

I pray for my boyfriend who has run away to come home safely

Dec 17, 2010
Have mercy on me please.
by: Anonymous

Lord u know the problems I have in my marriage It was my fault,please forgive me please.I plead with the blood of jesus,to reunite me and my husband to soften his heart show love,not to fear or be scared of me and to give me 1 last chance.Also to make this marriage work,to stop this separation and put 100 per cent effort into it. Also please pray for my daughter who in very wayward at present,help her to be happy repectful towards me. And have respect for others,in jesus name amen. Thank u in advance, praise god!

Dec 26, 2010
My son to get a job
by: Anonymous

That my son will get off drugs and stop partying and get a job

Dec 29, 2010
Need Help Very Badly
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus, please help us with our problem financially...Touch the hearts of Supervisors and Manager to grant my salary loan...we really need it very badly...I'm begging you Lord please do help us...this is our only chance Lord God...please please please...

Dec 29, 2010
by: Shereen

I seek for GOD's intervension in my finacial life.
I am broke and hanging by a threat,Oh God revive my financial in the most astonishing way.

Dec 29, 2010
help me lord
by: Anonymous

help me in my financial problem i need ur help.please lord i beg u.help me in all my problems.protect me from danger


Dec 31, 2010
Restore my marriage, Love and Sexual lives
by: Anonymous

I trust in the Lord Jesus, and I believe that my marriage will be all He created it to be.. Save My marriage Lord from adultery and infidelity that has taken place and remove evil in all forms from Our marriage.. I ask this in the Saving Name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.. Amen

Jan 03, 2011
I pray to you Lord
by: Anonymous

I pray that you will heal me of my depression and give me the strength to change my ways. thank you Lord.

Jan 03, 2011
desperately seeking
by: Maggie

i am putting a request for a financial blessing and praying that god will open the window of heaven and pour our abundantly his financial blessing upon me so that it will overflow on me, i have been praying this for at least 1 year and nothing has happened, so i am requesting that you ministries will help me because 2 and 3 are better than one i am afraid i am going to jail soon for bad check, my daughter is going to get kicked out of college for no tuition payment and i will be out in the streets with my 3 children for no rent please god please help me father help me!!!! i need you now so desperately please dont leave me please i beg you in jesus" name, name over all name help me financially as of yesterday. in jesus name i pray amen amen & amen.

Jan 05, 2011
employment petition
by: Anonymous

I sincerely ask God to direct my son in law to find suitable work. His life and that of his family is at a standstill..he need to find a job. Please dear Lord hear my prayer.

Jan 06, 2011
prayer for my family
by: Anonymous

please reunite my family tomorrow. Please let my kids come home.

Jan 06, 2011
please help me my lord
by: aiza

please embrace e now my lord. protect me in all the adversities of life. im so troubled and lost. i need to hold on me tight. I begging you for miracles now. I felt so alone and down with all these financial difficulties i am facing right now. Comfort me please..comfort me...i love you lord.

Jan 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

I pray and trust in you for the breakthrough that my famil and I so sincerely wait for.

Bestow you wonderful mercy over this situation since you said, Father: ask and you shall recieve, seek and you shall find and knock and it shall be opened unto you....in this case Father I appeal to your divine mercy Dear God....give us this breakthrough that we have been waiting for.

This I ask in Jesus name.Amen.

Mary, Mother of Perptual Help- Pray for us

Jesus, Son of the Blessed Virgin - Intercede for us.


Jan 07, 2011
Prayer request for Sandile N.
by: Cindy

Please help Sandile to have his Job Back, he will be attanding a final hearing today and he really needs his Job Back.We have plans for the future, he also planned to go back to school and he has 3 children, his family and a Bond to pay.

I beleive and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit and I know and Confess that Jesus is the Son of GOD and he Died in a Cross to save us from our sins and that who ever belives in him and who ever trust in him shall be save and protected.

All Im asking for is for another chance for him to go back to work, so may start with our future plans.Please Please Heavenly Father God of the Universe please I ask that you protect him, lead him and guide him.And for those handling the case, please speak to their hearts, minds and soul that they may be merciful and understanding and forgiving.

In Jesus Precious name, I Glorify your Holy Name and I give you All The Honour, Praise and adoration and I believe that all is Possible with You Jesus Amen.

Jan 07, 2011
In Love
by: Maggie

Heavenly and Almighty Father I ask for prayers on this day so that you can get into my husbands heart and bring back that love that we once shared we are married for 22 years and I feel that the love had faded from his behalf, cause from my behalf I love him more and more each day, put fire into our live again make him feel that love like when we first met, let him love me again like Christ Love his church put that passion, desire, communication into our lives, let harm and destroy what you have built father, the enemy is on the loose, but I believe in you and in your Almighty Powerful Word, "What God has Joined Let No One Break." I love you father and I know that you will restored the love in my husbands live once again cause I believe in you in your Almighty Power. In Jesus' Name AMEN, AMEN, & Amen.

Jan 07, 2011
caring mom seeking speed assistance
by: Anonymous

Almighty God, I pray that my son will do all things necessary and that he pass all courses he is taking this semester and next semester. I pray that he become more studious, raising his gpa and pass all exit exams and courses. In Jesus' name I pray.

Jan 08, 2011
Help Us
by: marg

Heavenly Father of the Universe I am in need of interceding I need you as of Yesterday, I have been married for 22 years my husband all of a sudden is deciding to go to his country we have 3 beautiful children the oldest 19 and she's in college, the 2nd 17 and he's in the 11th grade and the youngest 12 and she is in the 6th grade. I dont want my family to get dislocated, I need for you to intercede in him so that he can forget about the decision that he made and stay with us here until our son graduates from next year 2012 and then we can leave all together, but not him go alone I need him so much and my children also, he provides for the household and he helps me so much with the children, Please Heavenly Father as we all know there is nothing impossible for you, Please put your Almighty hands on his, heart, head, and mind and change his decision, I know that if anyone can do it, your the one to do it! Just one word and it's all done that how good and powerful you are Father Lord, Restore my marriage Let's not let the enemy take us apart We as One are Powerful Together are Powerful. I believe in your Word and in Your Promise ask and ye shall receive. I'm asking Please let me receive your Powerful and Dominant Annointment over our Family, In Jesus' Powerful Name I Pray, and By The Power of the Holy Ghost. AMEN, AMEN, & AMEN

Jan 10, 2011
prayer for my nephew in court
by: Anonymous

Please pray for the judge to announce my nephews innocense in court, set him free right now !!!

Jan 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

finanilaly problem get better

Jan 13, 2011
St. Jude pray to God for my brother health and strenght
by: Anonymous

Just a few words to god to my brother be strong and beat the cancer,,, thanking you Oh almighty God

Jan 14, 2011
Please help me father
by: Anonymous


Jan 15, 2011
Thanks for the help
by: Anonymous

I would like to thanks good for all blessings received

Jan 16, 2011
first time reader on internet thanks
by: devonna clifford tAnonymous

thank you for this beautiful prayer and the special blessing

Jan 16, 2011
first time reader on internet thanks
by: devonna clifford tAnonymous

thank you for this beautiful prayer and the special blessing

Jan 16, 2011
first time reader on internet thanks
by: devonna clifford tAnonymous

thank you for this beautiful prayer and the special blessing

Jan 17, 2011
Prayer for financial help
by: Mary

I'm praying that my cousin can help in lending me money so that I can pay my debts.

I will in turn help a soldier in Afghan to return home to his two motherless daughters and the deadline date for the money transfer so that he has his leave is 18th of Jan.

God we need a miracle right now, we can't do this without your help, we really need you Lord right now.

Jan 17, 2011
Prayer for financial help
by: Mary

I'm praying that my cousin can help in lending me money so that I can pay my debts.

I will in turn help a soldier in Afghan to return home to his two motherless daughters and the deadline date for the money transfer so that he has his leave is 18th of Jan.

God we need a miracle right now, we can't do this without your help, we really need you Lord right now.

Jan 17, 2011
Prayer for financial help
by: Mary

I'm praying that my cousin can help in lending me money so that I can pay my debts.

I will in turn help a soldier in Afghan to return home to his two motherless daughters and the deadline date for the money transfer so that he has his leave is 18th of Jan.

God we need a miracle right now, we can't do this without your help, we really need you Lord right now.

Jan 18, 2011
marriage restored
by: Anonymous

I ask for pray for my marriage to be restored that God heal every wound in our hearts and that the love we had be restored.I pray that there be trust and unity between us that nothing will come and break my marriage again.I pray that my husband be honest and be able to apologize with a sensior heart that he may love the Lord and come to know him so he can not only love me but be in love with me like I am with him.

Jan 19, 2011
Please Help Us
by: Anonymous

Thank you for everything especially for the graces and the problems that we encountered everyday in our life...Please help us with our financial needs...I'm begging you Lord please help us...Give us idea on where to go to cope up our financial obligations...we really need you very badly Lord God...Sorry for all the things we've done to you this past few months...Forgive us Lord...Please Please Lord help us...

Jan 19, 2011
financial help
by: Anonymous

Jesus I come to you helpless in need of usd 30,000 to sort out my terrible situations especially paying the school fees balance for my son so that he can graduate

Jan 19, 2011
God we heed your help right now
by: Mary

I pray for my friend RCK who is in Afghan that he is able to raise the rest of the money for him to go home to his daughters very soon. There is curfew and he is unable to transfer the nanny money and the latter is after him everyday. He is afraid that the nanny leave the kids on their own (12yrs n 6yrs).

Jan 19, 2011
bless the Lord!
by: Anonymous

please Lord set me free from all demonic spirits and demons and let me be filled with your light, love, word, and spirit. amen

Jan 19, 2011
bless the Lord!
by: Anonymous

please Lord set me free from all demonic spirits and demons and let me be filled with your light, love, word, and spirit. amen

Jan 19, 2011
bless the Lord!
by: Anonymous

please Lord set me free from all demonic spirits and demons and let me be filled with your light, love, word, and spirit. amen

Jan 19, 2011
happy again
by: Anonymous

thankyou God , You sent me someone that loves me & i love them

Jan 19, 2011
happy again
by: Anonymous

thankyou God , You sent me someone that loves me & i love them

Jan 19, 2011
happy again
by: Anonymous

thankyou God , You sent me someone that loves me & i love them

Jan 19, 2011
happy again
by: Anonymous

thankyou God , You sent me someone that loves me & i love them

Jan 19, 2011
happy again
by: Anonymous

thankyou God , You sent me someone that loves me & i love them

Jan 19, 2011
happy again
by: Anonymous

thankyou God , You sent me someone that loves me & i love them

Jan 19, 2011
Lord Help us please....
by: Anonymous

Lord, help us with our obligations....please Lord have pity on us...We worship you, we give you thanks Lord God...Please help us...We need you very badly Lord....Please Lord....

Jan 20, 2011
a prayer for my husband
by: Anonymous

I pray that my husband comes home tonight, without incident and without having to falter. He has been dealing with his own addictions and with such great success, please let tonight be another success.Thank you Lord Jesus..

Jan 20, 2011
A prayer for myself
by: Anonymous

I pray to God that very soon I can get a good job with benefits to help support myself and family and to restore dignity and self respect. I pray God to give me the patience and faith I need as I await his answer. Thank You Jesus

Jan 20, 2011
Prayer for my situation
by: Anonymous

Please answer my prayers

Jan 21, 2011
say this prayer and your requests will be granted instantly
by: vf


Jan 21, 2011
Thank you Jesus
by: Anonymous

Please Jesus Help us with all our troubles.

Jan 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

lord, please make my way straight to the home you have prepared for me and my son. It will meet all my needs, which you already know.

Jan 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

lord, please make my way straight to the home you have prepared for me and my son. It will meet all my needs, which you already know.

Jan 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

lord, please make my way straight to the home you have prepared for me and my son. It will meet all my needs, which you already know.

Jan 22, 2011
Thank You Almighty God
by: Anonymous

Almighty God

I pray that you will bless me with knowledge, wisdom and understanding so that I can be successful in my job, I also pray that you will help me be successful in my personal life.


Jan 22, 2011
satan the Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you!
by: Anonymous

I pray that my son will be released from captivity, and return home to his family.

Jan 22, 2011
satan the Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you!
by: Anonymous

I pray that my son will be released from captivity, and return home to his family.

Jan 22, 2011
We don't want to loose our house.
by: Anonymous

Please make the bank accept our application for a loan modification so we won't loose our house.

grant us both good health so we can maintain ourselves and family.

God Bless us All, may there be Peace for the World.

Jan 23, 2011
thank you
by: Anonymous

thank you dear jesus lord hear my prayer i will give back

Jan 24, 2011
Don't let them take our life
by: Anonymous

Oh forgiving Jesus,
I have wandered astray. Please forgive me of my neglect and allow me the miracle of financial prosperity. Don't let the IRS take our livelihood away simply because we cannot afford to pay. Please, Lord, hear my plea for a miracle. I know that I have been at fault in the past, but please, don't let that be the end of me. Don't let me fail my husband and child. Please, Lord, help me.

Jan 25, 2011
Need Prayers for my help
by: a daughter

I once was independent, and could take care of myself. Of late, I have not been able to find a job, or income. In the past I was not able to keep one. Somebody always finds a reason to let me go. My problem has been repeating, every few years. I am praying for a financial blessing, and to know what my passion is. I don't know! I'm so frustrated. I have lost friends, and have been avoided. Even churches have put me out. I am a grown only child, with no family. Both my parents are deceased. Even my son ha put me out. My fiance loves me and tries to take care of me, but he doesn't have much provision either. Friends and others have tried to put me in hell because of our relationship. I'm hungry, confused, and not sure what to do. Someone, please help me pray so that I may find solutions for my distress and hurts. I'm so far behind on bills, and feel that if I don't get an answer, or a job, or some type of income soon, I'm gonna lose my place to live, and my car. I'm in tears as I write this, because of all this. My life is a burden. Help me Lord, and please have mercy upon me. I don't think that the Lord has brought me this far to leave me.

Jan 25, 2011
Need Prayers for my help
by: a daughter

I once was independent, and could take care of myself. Of late, I have not been able to find a job, or income. In the past I was not able to keep one. Somebody always finds a reason to let me go. My problem has been repeating, every few years. I am praying for a financial blessing, and to know what my passion is. I don't know! I'm so frustrated. I have lost friends, and have been avoided. Even churches have put me out. I am a grown only child, with no family. Both my parents are deceased. Even my son ha put me out. My fiance loves me and tries to take care of me, but he doesn't have much provision either. Friends and others have tried to put me in hell because of our relationship. I'm hungry, confused, and not sure what to do. Someone, please help me pray so that I may find solutions for my distress and hurts. I'm so far behind on bills, and feel that if I don't get an answer, or a job, or some type of income soon, I'm gonna lose my place to live, and my car. I'm in tears as I write this, because of all this. My life is a burden. Help me Lord, and please have mercy upon me. I don't think that the Lord has brought me this far to leave me.

Jan 26, 2011
minha esposa
by: adeilson

peço á todos que estiver lendo esse meu clamor essas minhas suplicas que ore pela minha esposa que retorne ao seu lar e pra sua familia,e que nos possamos ser feliz novamente em nome de jesus cristo eu peço á todos que me ajudem em oração.eu creio na minha vitoria,e em deus e voceis que estaram orando muito obrigado á todos . amem.

Jan 28, 2011
Please help dear lord
by: Anonymous

Thank you lord for your blessings and for the job that i will find this week. Amen.

Jan 28, 2011
Please help dear lord
by: Anonymous

Thank you lord for your blessings and for the job that i will find this week. Amen.

Jan 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would like to relocate, and i don't know where to start from i want God to lead me and my children' and also find a real husband.

Jan 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would like to relocate, and i don't know where to start from i want God to lead me and my children' and also find a real husband.

Jan 31, 2011
Restoring back a lost job
by: MK

Heavenly Father, I pray for my future son-in-law who has lost his job suddenly due to some reasons that he is not blamed for, Lord jesus christ pray to They Heavenly Father and Mother to help him get back his job and may his Boss realsie and and call him back to join again.

Jan 31, 2011
Repossess my house from tenant
by: Anonymous

Jesus guide me through the process of repossessing my flat from this tenant who has proved to be a very mean person. I am thousands of miles away but I trust in you lord to word through your channels to deliver me.

Jan 31, 2011
releasing my wife from court tommorrow
by: Anonymous

thank u father for answering my prayers and relieving my burdens.u said prayer and supplication

Feb 01, 2011
Blessed prayer
by: tiger86

i hope i am blessed with my life-partner soon! A dream girl (:

Feb 01, 2011
Blessed prayer
by: tiger86

i hope i am blessed with my life-partner soon! A dream girl (:

Feb 01, 2011
Blessed prayer
by: tiger86

i hope i am blessed with my life-partner soon! A dream girl (:

Feb 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

i pray that we will not have school tomorrow, for i am not prepared.

Feb 05, 2011
Save my marriage
by: Anonymous

Please Lord intervene and stop my wife on her adulterous path. Please help stop the split of my family and my two girls. Let this other man see the wrong of his ways and respect the institution of my marriage. I pray that I may find work closer to home and not have to work a roster so that I can spend my evenings with my family. Give me strength in this separation. I plead this in Your holy name. Amen.

Feb 05, 2011
I would like to publish my prayer
by: Anonymous

To help me find peace from anxiety and troubles which disturb me caused by envy and jealousy. That Christ may give his light to the darkness and open the heart of another so that matters which are hidden may be brought to the light and clear the air with tolerance, forebearance, forgiveness, and fairness.

Feb 05, 2011
Desperate help
by: Anonymous

I am requesting help from God to help this mother that has cancer and she has two children who need money for the ladies medical treatments and for her children. She is a mother in desperate need of financial help. Please Lord if it is Thy will help this poor mother who needs your help

Feb 08, 2011
Jesus bless my life especially my career
by: Nikhil

Jesus bless every aspect of my life

Feb 11, 2011
prayer for financial assistance
by: Anonymous

I pray that me and my husband will have the money to buy house.

Feb 11, 2011
financial assistance
by: Anonymous

pray for us that we may have the money to buy a house.

Feb 13, 2011
I need financial blessings to be able to settle down
by: Anonymous

I am believing God that I'll be financially blessed to be able to settle down and live with my family as one through the merits of the sacred shoulder wounds of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Feb 13, 2011
No more Evil
by: Anonymous

Presently my sister needs to be her normally self now so that she can live a happy life free from evil and to never to repeat itself ever again may god protect the family against evil.

Feb 13, 2011
No more Evil
by: Anonymous

i want my sister to be normal again so she can sleep peacefully at nights and any evil leave her immediately and never return; that the family is protected against any evil in the future.

Feb 14, 2011
by: Joanna

Please pray for me, Victor Konan & Honozon to get usd5,500 for the bank fees, we needed a miracles. Lord, have mercy on us. Thanks.

Feb 15, 2011
by: Anonymous

please dear lord here my prayers touch and soften my husbands heart that he may be able to forgive me...and luv me like before,,,that we can be come a family once again me him and his kid,,,,,ss pls.hear ,e dear lord amen

Feb 16, 2011
Prayer for employment
by: Anonymous

I am in desperate need of prayer regarding a job that i was offered and supposed to start in a week until today i was told due to my background check they can not offer the job to me. I have a class c misdemeanor for issuance of a bad check which was paid and it is over 9 years old I live in texas and I didnt think they could go back past 7 yrs. I went through a rough divorce at that time and truly did not know that check was ou there after closing our account. I today have gone through school with 4 kids and have worked hard only to have my dream job at arms reach then get it taken away. I feel i let my children down they were so excited. Please allow me this special blessing and i promise to use my skills everyday to help others in need. Thank You, Tonia

Feb 18, 2011
prayer for peace at work
by: Anonymous

I pray that the issues my partner has with me will be resolved soon and that we can go back to how we used to work together. I hope i can be stronger because her silent treatment has really been affecting me badly. I don't know what to do anymore. Lord, I don't understand what's the purpose of this, I just hope it'll be over soon and that something good comes out of it. Events have been emotionally draining and im afraid things might get worse. Lord, I need You by my side. Please enlighten me and I offer all the pain and sufferings I am experiencing now to You. I am deeply hurt and is on the verge of giving up. I wish I could turn back things because at my partner's eyes, I am the bad person. It hurts me so bad that i am already affecting the other people around me. Lord, I need you :.(

Feb 18, 2011
Deepest prayer for peace
by: Anonymous

I pray that the issues of my partner with me will be resolbed soon. I hope she sees that ive been giving my best and that i am not a freeloader. I am deeply hurt with the cold treatment she's been giving me especially because she thinks i am being unfair to her. I am lost at what i should do and i hope we could go back to our old relationship. It hurts me so much and ive been emotionally drained about it. Im afraid because the people around me are being affected as well. Lord, i need You beside me. I hope i could feel Your presence and make me understand this. I am deeply troubled and is on the verge of giving up. I wake up with a heavy heart everyday and i don't know how long i can last like this. I wish this will be resolved soon and that i will be assigned in a team where everyone would be treated equally, given fair justice and chance of what one is capable of doing. Lord, please and i sincerely pray that you assign me back in my old area but i hope that things will be in a better order before i leave my current one. Lord, i lift everything to You, in Your Mighty Name. Amen

Feb 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would like to pray that my loan modification goes through with a favorable monthly payment.

Feb 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would like to pray that my loan modification goes through with a favorable monthly payment.

Feb 18, 2011
blessing on my marriage
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord:
Infold us in your infinite mercy, and grant us peace, understanding,and love for one another. in Jesus's name. Amen

Feb 19, 2011
jesus is love
by: Daisy

i pray to get a good job.and i get thru in the deshaw

Feb 19, 2011
jesus is love
by: Daisy

i pray to get a good job.and i get thru in the deshaw

Feb 19, 2011
Most Holy Lord please grant me employment and security
by: Ron

Lately jobs come and go for me Oh Lord.As I repent for my sins, I ask that You grant me a good job that I may finish out my responsibilities as provider and leader of my family which You have so miraculously giving me.I have asked You so many through out my life Oh Lord,please help me in this desperate time of my life. Thank You Jesus.

Feb 19, 2011
Most Holy Lord please grant me employment and security
by: Ron

Lately jobs come and go for me Oh Lord.As I repent for my sins, I ask that You grant me a good job that I may finish out my responsibilities as provider and leader of my family which You have so miraculously giving me.I have asked You so many through out my life Oh Lord,please help me in this desperate time of my life. Thank You Jesus.

Feb 19, 2011
thank you jesus
by: Anonymous

money to pay court case

Feb 19, 2011
thank you jesus
by: Anonymous

money to pay court case

Feb 21, 2011
Take my anxieties
by: John

Thank You God for all you've Blessed me with. Please help me with ongoing anxieties.

Feb 21, 2011
I have come to thee
by: Anonymous

Hear my cry O lord and please grant I and my family our heart desire, deliver us from the hands of our enemies, make a way us and lead me in the road of righteousness.

Feb 21, 2011
I have come to thee
by: Anonymous

Hear my cry O lord and please grant I and my family our heart desire, deliver us from the hands of our enemies, make a way us and lead me in the road of righteousness.

Feb 21, 2011
Prayer for employment
by: Jay

My prayer is that a job may become available for me tomorrow. That I may see God's promises come to fulfillment, and that I may honor and praise Him. Glory be to God.

Feb 22, 2011
Thank You Jesus
by: Anonymous

I seek help for my friend, that he does the right thing by his family and all who truly care for him. I also ask that I find true love and a last request for all my family and friends who are suffering the illness brought on by drugs and mental issues. Thank you Jesus for hearing my pleas. "Jesus I Trust In You" :)

Feb 23, 2011
Archbishop's permission
by: Anonymous

I pray that my Archbishop grants me permission to embrace the opportunity of being a fidei donum priest in Virginia, USA, and that our family income generating project may take off. Thank you Jesus and all you people of good will, pray for me. In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray.

Feb 23, 2011
Archbishop's permission
by: Anonymous

I pray that my Archbishop grants me permission to embrace the prevailing opportunity of serving as a fidei donum priest in Virginia, USA and that our family income generating project may take off. In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray. Thank you Jesus and all you people of good will. Jesus I trust in You.

Feb 23, 2011
Archbishop's permission
by: Anonymous

I pray that my Archbishop grants me permission to embrace the prevailing opportunity of serving as a fidei donum priest in Virginia, USA and that our family income generating project may take off. In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray. Thank you Jesus and all you people of good will. Jesus I trust in You.

Feb 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank's for answering my prayers as always!! St. Jude, and all the saints, i Love ye with all my heart.. Please help me in this new journey, and through the hard times that lay ahead of me now x

Feb 26, 2011
hearing problem in my right ear
by: Anonymous

I want to publish this prayer so that my right ear problem get solved. my hearing capacity is restored
to normal level. I have perfect sense of balance.No giddiness problem, no tinnitus problem

Feb 27, 2011
God's Divinity
by: Paul

Here my prayers and bless me!

Feb 27, 2011
God's Divinity
by: Paul

Here my prayers and bless me!

Feb 27, 2011
Urgent request
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer to ask for help to get a correct decision of job change.

Mar 01, 2011
time of need
by: Anonymous

Oh merciful Lord I pray that you help me in my time of need. Please come into my life and show me your love. Please help me make my dreams come true.

Mar 01, 2011
Restore my health,marriage,finances, career and life seven fold
by: Anonymous

I pray that Jesus Christ will restore my marriage, finances, health, career and life seven fold. I ask it in his precious name. Amen

Mar 01, 2011
Restore my health,marriage,finances, career and life seven fold
by: Anonymous

I pray that Jesus Christ will restore my marriage, finances, health, career and life seven fold. I ask it in his precious name. Amen

Mar 01, 2011
Restore my health,marriage,finances, career and life seven fold
by: Anonymous

I pray that Jesus Christ will restore my marriage, finances, health, career and life seven fold. I ask it in his precious name. Amen

Mar 01, 2011
Restore my health,marriage,finances, career and life seven fold
by: Anonymous

I pray that Jesus Christ will restore my marriage, finances, health, career and life seven fold. I ask it in his precious name. Amen

Mar 01, 2011
Restore my health,marriage,finances, career and life seven fold
by: Anonymous

I pray that Jesus Christ will restore my marriage, finances, health, career and life seven fold. I ask it in his precious name. Amen

Mar 02, 2011
Heal my wifes pain and reunite me with her
by: Anonymous

God I aske that you soften my wife's heart and that she will be able to forgive me for being unfaithful to her. Please heal her heart and guide her back into my life. I have already confessed to you GOD. I ask that you protect her with your armor when she is out clubbing or with her friends. Please GOD answer my prayers. I promise that I will be faithful to her and my kids.

Mar 06, 2011
Merciful God
by: glen

I ask for financial support to erase all our debts in Jesus Name

Mar 06, 2011
by: jim

to help my lady friend get thru the problems at home with her dad whom she takes care of & her family that depends on her to watch over him. Please God help her thru this amen

Mar 06, 2011
by: jim

to help my lady friend get thru the problems at home with her dad whom she takes care of & her family that depends on her to watch over him. Please God help her thru this amen

Mar 06, 2011
by: jim

to help my lady friend get thru the problems at home with her dad whom she takes care of & her family that depends on her to watch over him. Please God help her thru this amen

Mar 06, 2011
by: jim

just need help

Mar 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Mar 06, 2011
Deperately ill and in financial trauma.
by: Anonymous

We need physical healing in our family and money so we can move and be with ailing family members.

Mar 06, 2011
Deperately ill and in financial trauma.
by: Anonymous

We need physical healing in our family and money so we can move and be with ailing family members.

Mar 07, 2011
a cry for help
by: kathryn


Mar 07, 2011
Lost love returned
by: Anonymous

I would love to publish my prayer for my love to return to me that Michael J an I will be blessed in our relationshp an will grow stronger than before an that the old temptations he had will no longer surface I pray this in Jesus name . Thank you Jesus

Mar 08, 2011
Healing a broken heart
by: Anonymous

I pray that my heart will be healed for I loved a man so deeply to only find I was used, abused mentally and physically and to find he never had best interest in me.Lord Jesus I ask you for help.I have lost so much in this relationship, car, furniture, money and was just kicked away with the person having no regret.I need right now in healing. In Jesus name amen.

Mar 08, 2011
I need prayer for my daughter and me
by: Anonymous

Father God thanks for all u have giving me and my daughter! Pls help us Lord u know what problems we are having Lord God pls help us with is I beg u !
In Jesus Name Amen

Mar 09, 2011
urgent request
by: Anonymous

I would like to request a blessing for me as i am struggling to find a new job and also to pass my drivers licence. this has beed done more then 3times and i think that its the jealousy of outher people that is not allowing me the happiness of getting a new job or my drivers licence. I ask that you please send me a blessing regarding te above.i am going to try again for my licence tomorrow.

Mar 09, 2011
urgent blessing
by: Anonymous

I would like to request a blessing for me as i am struggling to find a new job and also to pass my drivers licence. this has been done more then 3times and i think that its the jealousy of outher people that is not allowing me the happiness of getting a new job or my drivers licence. I ask that you please send me a blessing regarding te above.i am going to try again for my licence tomorrow.

Mar 09, 2011
urgent blessing
by: Anonymous

I would like to request a blessing for me as i am struggling to find a new job and also to pass my drivers licence. this has been done more then 3times and i think that its the jealousy of outher people that is not allowing me the happiness of getting a new job or my drivers licence. I ask that you please send me a blessing regarding te above.i am going to try again for my licence tomorrow.

Mar 09, 2011
marriage restoration
by: Kristen

Please pray for the restoration of my marriage.

Mar 11, 2011
Financial Prosperity
by: Christopher

I ask for the blessing of financial prosperity urgently in my life.I have no job now and am getting married in some months time and i need money for the wedding.Also my rent will expire soon.O lord,pls let your angels locate me soon.Amen

Mar 12, 2011
tough times
by: jim

please God help my lady friend thru this rough time with her dad, who just lost his wife of 70 yrs., she is haveing a tough time with taking care of him, & her sisterwho helps very little. May God give her strength & wisdom i pray to you ole Lord amen

Mar 12, 2011
by: jim

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1GOWl1o20

Mar 15, 2011
by: jim

Thank you God for anther day, I won`t ask you for anything even though I`d love tohave things go good in my life. There are alot more people who need things alot more then I do. So thank you God for today & hope tomorrow is better. Amen

Mar 16, 2011
Desperate Need
by: Nisha

I been going through tough times of the last 4 years and I need a good job with benefits, and financial breakthrough.

Mar 17, 2011
Your child
by: Anonymous

I pray that in my time of need that you stand by me. I currently have some medical issuses and you know what they are, and i just need you right now Jesus to save me from this burden that lay heavy on my heart right now.

Mar 17, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, thank you for a beautiful day, i won`t ask for anything, others need more then i do. i hope tomorrow is a better day for me & others who need you. thank you again amen

Mar 18, 2011
plz pray to a job soon.
by: baalaji.sk

i am s.k.baalaji from salem(india)
i have done myMBA..i need a good job from a good company.please pray for me to get the job very soon.
thanks in advance for ur prayers..

Mar 18, 2011
Prayer for prosperity
by: Anonymous

O hevenly father, I pray that I prosper in all areas of my life. Spriitually, soulfully, financially, career wise, emotionally. Please enable me to become a better person so that I can help others.

Mar 18, 2011
by: M.S.

i prayer my husband to open up to my family and for the hatred and selfishness to leave his heart and for hi heart to only be filled with love and that he will love my family as he does his own...and also for his family to accept me and to not interfere in our lives.

Mar 20, 2011
Prayer Request
by: Anonymous

Dear all,
My friend is married and he is separated now.He is a Godly person. His wife lived with him for 2 months and went to her parents place. After 1 year she came back and lived with him for 1 month. Still same problems like , She doesn't like him nor his relatives nor his house. Everywhere she was seeing ghosts, not allowing him to move here or there not even to work and made his life so miserable. She asked for divorce and went back again. Now its already one year over. My friend is longing to have a good family. He keeps going for St.Antony's and Mother Mary's Novena. We friends looked a good proposal for him. Everything went good, now she is refusing to give divorce for him to get married. We all keep praying for him. He is depressed and stressed. Please pray for him to get this problem resolved.
Thank you Jesus Mary Joseph for ansering our prayers.

Mar 20, 2011
Prayer Request
by: Anonymous

Dear all,
My friend is married and he is separated now.He is a Godly person. His wife lived with him for 2 months and went to her parents place. After 1 year she came back and lived with him for 1 month. Still same problems like , She doesn't like him nor his relatives nor his house. Everywhere she was seeing ghosts, not allowing him to move here or there not even to work and made his life so miserable. She asked for divorce and went back again. Now its already one year over. My friend is longing to have a good family. He keeps going for St.Antony's and Mother Mary's Novena. We friends looked a good proposal for him. Everything went good, now she is refusing to give divorce for him to get married. We all keep praying for him. He is depressed and stressed. Please pray for him to get this problem resolved.
Thank you Jesus Mary Joseph for answering our prayers.

Mar 20, 2011
Prayer Request
by: Anonymous

Dear all,
My friend is married and he is separated now.He is a Godly person. His wife lived with him for 2 months and went to her parents place. After 1 year she came back and lived with him for 1 month. Still same problems like , She doesn't like him nor his relatives nor his house. Everywhere she was seeing ghosts, not allowing him to move here or there not even to work and made his life so miserable. She asked for divorce and went back again. Now its already one year over. My friend is longing to have a good family. He keeps going for St.Antony's and Mother Mary's Novena. We friends looked a good proposal for him. Everything went good, now she is refusing to give divorce for him to get married. We all keep praying for him. He is depressed and stressed. Please pray for him to get this problem resolved.
Thank you Jesus Mary Joseph for answering our prayers.

Mar 21, 2011
Prayer for Help
by: Terry

I would like to publish this prayer so that I may be able to get help in getting a job as soon as possible. My finances are in trouble and I have a family to support, bills and rent to pay and I desperately need a job. I have sent out numerous applications but to no avail. I have met with Government Officials who have promised to help. Please put it in their minds to remember their promises and have them fulfilled today.
Thank you Dear Lord.

Mar 21, 2011
Prayer for Help
by: Terry

I would like to publish this prayer so that I may be able to get help in getting a job as soon as possible. My finances are in trouble and I have a family to support, bills and rent to pay and I desperately need a job. I have sent out numerous applications but to no avail. I have met with Government Officials who have promised to help. Please put it in their minds to remember their promises and have them fulfilled today.
Thank you Dear Lord.

Mar 21, 2011
in dire need
by: Anonymous

Lord God..please help me hasten my passport processing so i can start processing my visa..

i am also humbly asking you to please lead me to the right path that would help m prepare for my career in the future especially nowadays that i am unemployed and i am clueless on what to do exactly..

Mar 23, 2011
by: LISA

Please Lord, get me this position at Coventry, I am desperate. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Mar 23, 2011
final exam
by: Anonymous

Pls. help me to pass my final exam for maternal nursing class.

Mar 24, 2011
financial troubles
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus, help my husband and i out of this financial troubles, please let him be called up to start the job we have been expecting in the month of april, with a very good salary structure, and enable us pay off our debts in good time.Amen

Mar 25, 2011
to get new job
by: reema

dear god
my husbamd should get new job. Please help him to to get new job god .
Jesus i also wanted change my job. I am not happy in my present work. jsus help me jesus
thank you jesus.

Mar 27, 2011
Family help
by: Anonymous

I will like to publish my prayer to get help with my son and his addictions and frustrations and my marriage and financial situation. Amen.

Mar 27, 2011
Family help
by: Anonymous

I will like to publish my prayer to get help with my son and his addictions and frustrations and my marriage, our health, and financial situation. Amen.

Mar 27, 2011
thank you for listening to my
by: catherine

im still looking for a job right now and i hope you'll guide me through...god always bless me and grant my wish so im thanking him right now.i feel relieved at this moment...thank you so much GOD n MAMA MARY

Mar 29, 2011
thank you jesus
by: Anonymous

i know that you will provide all my financial needs.. i believe that you are my provider. thank you in advance Jesus my Savior!

Mar 29, 2011
thank you jesus
by: Anonymous

i know that you will provide all my financial needs.. i believe that you are my provider. thank you in advance Jesus my Savior!

Mar 29, 2011
thank you jesus
by: Anonymous

i know that you will provide all my financial needs.. i believe that you are my provider. thank you in advance Jesus my Savior!

Mar 29, 2011
Granddaughter's need
by: Anonymous

My granddaughter is facing serious charges after a motor vehicle accident. I pray that Christ intervenes and helps her through this very difficult situation.

Mar 29, 2011
just help
by: jim

Dear God, please just help me thru the nite & the day tomorrow. So much on my mind. Always depressed Please help OHLORD

Mar 29, 2011
just help
by: jim

Dear God, please just help me thru the nite & the day tomorrow. So much on my mind. Always depressed Please help OHLORD

Apr 02, 2011
Help from God for desperate need
by: Anonymous

Loving Father, I pray to you in desperation for the resources to pay off my debts. I pray that I will be financially able to help myself, my family, those in need and the lost souls. Thank you Holy Father in Heaven. Amen

Apr 02, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Please help me make the right choices, I keep making stupid mistakes. God, just help me thru the nit, an take each day, one at a time. Thank you God for your help.

Apr 03, 2011
Request for a job and true love
by: Edwin

To th Holy Father i sincerely ask 4 yo hand in my quest 4 a job and true love

Apr 03, 2011
by: jim

Lord, I`m back again, I just want you too help me thru this day & nite. had a rough nite last nite, Always seemed depressed & unhappy. So pleasde God help me Amen

Apr 03, 2011
by: jim

Lord, I`m back again, I just want you too help me thru this day & nite. had a rough nite last nite, Always seemed depressed & unhappy. So pleasde God help me Amen

Apr 04, 2011
Thank You Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit
by: Anonymous

Praise be unto God the Father, Jesus our Savior and Messiah, Holy Spirit our Comforter for answered prayer.

Apr 04, 2011
My Wife
by: Anonymous

I pray that my family stays together.

Apr 05, 2011
Thank you in advance Lord
by: Anonymous

I need money so my son can graduate, I owe his school, and also we must move, and I need money for that. Love you Jesus!

Apr 05, 2011
Thank you in advance Lord
by: Anonymous

I need money so my son can graduate, I owe his school, and also we must move, and I need money for that. Love you Jesus!

Apr 05, 2011
Thank you in advance Lord
by: Anonymous

I need money so my son can graduate, I owe his school, and also we must move, and I need money for that. Love you Jesus!

Apr 05, 2011
Thank you in advance Lord
by: Anonymous

I need money so my son can graduate, I owe his school, and also we must move, and I need money for that. Love you Jesus!

Apr 05, 2011
Thank you in advance Lord
by: Anonymous

I need money so my son can graduate, I owe his school, and also we must move, and I need money for that. Love you Jesus!

Apr 05, 2011
Thank you in advance Lord
by: Anonymous

I need money so my son can graduate, I owe his school, and also we must move, and I need money for that. Love you Jesus!

Apr 05, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, just help me thru the day, had a bad nite last nite, you know what Iwant,Lord please help, amen

Apr 05, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, just help me thru the day, had a bad nite last nite, you know what Iwant,Lord please help, amen

Apr 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

your guidance lord god... please...

Apr 06, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day, you know what i want, help me Lord, amen

Apr 06, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day, you know what i want, help me Lord, amen

Apr 07, 2011
legal case
by: Anonymous

i have faith that the court has been illuminated by the presence of the lord and a positive outcome is to take place as we speak that my prayer has been asnwered. GOD BLESS! AMEN...!

Apr 07, 2011
work bullying
by: tom

i prayed for the bullies at work to leave me alone i prayed to be strong and content in my expressions. i prayed to be completely happy at work.

thankyou jesus.

Apr 07, 2011
by: tom

i pray to be freed of all negative and evil parts of me. i pray to be freed of all negative expressions.

Apr 07, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Why do keep punishing me, don`t you know, how sorry i am, will you please forgive me & let me be happy again, please God I beg of you.

Apr 07, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Why do keep punishing me, don`t you know, how sorry i am, will you please forgive me & let me be happy again, please God I beg of you.

Apr 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

i ask that my salary to me is paid without delays.

Apr 08, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please just help thru this day, so depressed all the time, & not happy. You know what I want, please help me oh Lord, please help

Apr 08, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please just help thru this day, so depressed all the time, & not happy. You know what I want, please help me oh Lord, please help

Apr 09, 2011
Thank you Lord..
by: Anonymous

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for being with me tonight Lord!Please do help me with all my debts and financial problems,dear Jesus help me all of this burdens I am having now,I pray that from tomorrow you will show me and give the financial I am asking for all my needs and payments in my debts!..Thank you O Lord! ...

Apr 10, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day, still depressed & sad, need your help & guidense. You know what I want, can you please help me. Thankyou Lord amen

Apr 10, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day, still depressed & sad, need your help & guidense. You know what I want, can you please help me. Thankyou Lord amen

Apr 10, 2011
To heal my daughter, help with finances, and to rid my addiction
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus Christ, I have come to you many times. I know you have heard my prayers and have helped because my daughter had 2 months of improved healing!! Thank you, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus for this favor. Again she is getting sick. Please send her a rose from your holy garden and continue blessing her with good health and to overcome her chronic illnesses. I also ask that you help me in my addiction and to allow me to do your will, like i did this weekend. Thank you Jesus! Please help me to reconstruct my finances and be responsible when I must be, and strong when faced with evil temptation. I ask this in Chrit our Lord. Amen

Apr 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear God, please guide me and my family thru the hard times. Lord, please help me with this court issue thst I am having with my son. Guide me and my family always, and allow them to give me a chance to overturn this court order.

Apr 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear God, please guide me and my family thru the hard times. Lord, please help me with this court issue thst I am having with my son. Guide me and my family always, and allow them to give me a chance to overturn this court order.

Apr 11, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & give me strenght,all`s feel so depressed & sad, please help me God, Amen

Apr 12, 2011
Clear my name
by: Anonymous

God I have been involved in false talk against me. Free me from my enemies, and from any type of penalty they want to give me, for I am innocent. Amen.

Apr 12, 2011
by: jim

Please God, just get me thru this day, pleases help me God, please help me, Amen

Apr 12, 2011
by: jim

Please God, just get me thru this day, pleases help me God, please help me, Amen

Apr 12, 2011
by: ash

i would like that my prayers to help my uncle win his court case, and help my mom and grandmother get financial security be heard. they have always helped me and i just want luck to be with them as well.

Apr 12, 2011
by: ash

i would like that my prayers to help my uncle win his court case, and help my mom and grandmother get financial security be heard. they have always helped me and i just want luck to be with them as well.

Apr 12, 2011
Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need
by: Mary

I would like this prayer published. I believe Jesus is already answering my desperate plea. Thank you Lord Jesus.

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1JK0KrTTk

Apr 13, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank-you Dear Jesus for your help with my husband finding employment.

Apr 13, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, just help me thru this day, sometimes so hard, so many things on my mind, only you can make it better, please help me Lord, amen

Apr 14, 2011
Desperate Needs
by: Nisha

I need a good job with good benefits, and I don't have to commute so far to drive to it, I need a nice almost newer make vehicle that is afforable and it will be paid off quick, and finances is in deep trouble. I need a financial breakthrough now.

Apr 14, 2011
Praying that my husband got the JOB that we wanted, his JOB Interview on 17/04/2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Father Almighty,
I am seeking for a greater help for your Guidance Lord,Because my husband is applying for the Job that we really wanted,He is so nervous and pressure for his coming Job interview Please give Him a courage and Guidance when the interview comes..
Lord Im praying hard to You that my husband Got this job so that my baby and I will be together as soon as possible,cause Im missing him so badly.. I wonder whats hes doing what he needs and as a mother its a failure for me not to take care of him..
Luckily if my husband got the job he can provide us what we need and I will stop working to take care of my only son who's turning 2 y/o this June,.hope that I can cope everything with him for almost 2 yrs that im far away from him..
Thats why im here for YOU Our Father asking help to Get the Job that we wanted,and my husband can Overcome all the circumstances..
thank you My Lord in advance I love You..

Apr 14, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this nite, & this wkend., you know what I want Lord. please help me God, amen

Apr 14, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this nite, & this wkend., you know what I want Lord. please help me God, amen

Apr 15, 2011
For Other's benefit
by: Anonymous

I seek help to our almighty god & thru the intercession of mama Mary that all my applicants to dubai can have a good job waiting to them at dubai by April & my pag-ibig housing loan will be approved soon .

I love u LORD

Apr 15, 2011
by: jim

dear god, please help me thru this day 7 this nite, help me take my mind of the things that are bothering me, Amen

Apr 15, 2011
by: jim

dear god, please help me thru this day 7 this nite, help me take my mind of the things that are bothering me, Amen

Apr 15, 2011
by: jim

dear god, please help me thru this day 7 this nite, help me take my mind of the things that are bothering me, Amen

Apr 16, 2011
Help Them To Stop
by: Anonymous

Dear Jesus,

Please help me in my time of need that these people will find it in their hearts not to come after me and hurt me and those i love in the ways they have intended too.
Lord Jesus, I beg you to help me at this time.

Apr 16, 2011
to find my love
by: avi

i'm praying in request to achieve my love for i can;'t live without her and want to have her as my life partner. oh jesus please help me out. i badly need her

Apr 16, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day, things not going to good rite now, please God just get me thru, Amen

Apr 16, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day, things not going to good rite now, please God just get me thru, Amen

Apr 18, 2011
financially help
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus I ask that you help me out financially.

Apr 18, 2011
prayer for my husband.
by: stephanie silva

I ask prayer for my husband for the lord to give him strength to leave all drug addiction and anger and hurt that he has in his heart. For the lord to give him strength in his time of weakness to just say enough. For the lord to give ME, his wife, strength to be there for him and give him unconditional love and support. To be able to help him and give him encouragement. For our relationship to grow stronger and stronger each day. Thank you.

Apr 18, 2011
by: jim

God I forgot about posting my prayeryesterday,, So Dear God please help me thru this day, & help me make the rite choices. Thankyou for a pretty day yesterday. Please help me me God, Amen

Apr 18, 2011
by: jim

God I forgot about posting my prayeryesterday,, So Dear God please help me thru this day, & help me make the rite choices. Thankyou for a pretty day yesterday. Please help me me God, Amen

Apr 18, 2011
Heart desires..
by: kay

Lord Jesus, I seek you to please help me with my visa, make a way where there seems to be no way, I desperately need a job, a job that'll bring me happinness and that I'll love..Father lord, let my finances take a new direction.Enlarge my coast in Jesus name..Amen

Apr 18, 2011
Praise God
by: Anonymous

I said this prayer for my son who is going through rough time that he may find comfort and peace in God no matter what trials he faces.

Apr 19, 2011
job search
by: Anonymous

I publish my prayer request to find a job... a career. I need this immediately so that my family does not suffer the burden of my unemployment. I don't want to be burden to anyone financially. Amen

Apr 19, 2011
Tough situation
by: Anonymous

I am praying for my spouses employers to reverse there decision so we can have excute our plans well.

Apr 19, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, Another rough day, so many things on mind, always feel depressed & sad. Please help me God Please help, Thank you Lord for whatever You can do, Amen

Apr 19, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, Another rough day, so many things on mind, always feel depressed & sad. Please help me God Please help, Thank you Lord for whatever You can do, Amen

Apr 20, 2011
by: Mr Mark David

welcome to BARCLAY HOUSE OF LOAN PLC we offer loan to people on bad credit,home improvement loan, personal and business loan, student looking for financial help and to companies etc with a very low interest rate and with or without collateral. any interested one should contact us via email barclayhouseofloan@hotmail.com with the following information,please complete and summit the information below;
Borrower's Information
full name:
marital status:
place of work:
mobile Phone number:
monthly Income:
amount needed in EUR or USD:
purpose of Loan:
Loan duration:
how Urgent do you need the loan:
do you understand english?:
which site did you find our ad?:
Mr Mark David
EMAIL barclayhouseofloan@hotmail.com

Apr 20, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, another sleepless nite, another setback, why do you still punish me, why do you still make me unhappy, will you ever forgive me,please help me & restore my faith, please help me Lord, Amen

Apr 20, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, another sleepless nite, another setback, why do you still punish me, why do you still make me unhappy, will you ever forgive me,please help me & restore my faith, please help me Lord, Amen

Apr 21, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Please help mew thru this day, Thankyou for what you did yesterday, my mind is not where it should be, please help me thru today & tonite, Lord you know what I need & want Amen

Apr 21, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Please help mew thru this day, Thankyou for what you did yesterday, my mind is not where it should be, please help me thru today & tonite, Lord you know what I need & want Amen

Apr 22, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, today is good Fri., If you could see it in your heart to help me get thru this day & especially this wkend, so depressed & not happy. Please help me God, amen

Apr 22, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, today is good Fri., If you could see it in your heart to help me get thru this day & especially this wkend, so depressed & not happy. Please help me God, amen

Apr 23, 2011
by: jim

God, its me again,one day before you rise from the grave.Another bad nite, not much sleep. please help me God get thru this day so I can see you tomorrow on your day, Easter Sunday. Thank you Lord for helping me, Amen

Apr 23, 2011
by: jim

God, its me again,one day before you rise from the grave.Another bad nite, not much sleep. please help me God get thru this day so I can see you tomorrow on your day, Easter Sunday. Thank you Lord for helping me, Amen

Apr 23, 2011
Family Help
by: Faith and Hope

I say this prayer from my heart to keep my family safe and at a distance from our enemies and to help us financially.

Apr 23, 2011
Family Help
by: Faith and Hope

I say this prayer from my heart to keep my family safe and at a distance from our enemies and to help us financially.

Apr 24, 2011
Happy Easter
by: jim

Dear God, Happy Easter, Today I won`t ask you for anything, for You have suffered more then I Thank you God for getting me thru these days. Amen

Apr 24, 2011
Happy Easter
by: jim

Dear God, Happy Easter, Today I won`t ask you for anything, for You have suffered more then I Thank you God for getting me thru these days. Amen

Apr 24, 2011
god help me please
by: Anonymous

i just wanna say i am desperately trying to find my way down the right path. Im asking for guidance. Im lost and confused and desperate to make my life right for me and my family. I am putting myself in Gods hands and praying for guidance. I am not very technologically savvy so i cant forward the prayer. But hope that my prayers have been heard and will be answered.

Apr 25, 2011
by: jim

Dear God,Not a good wkend, felt lonely with nobody to celabrate Easter,No body to go to Sunday services on your day. Please help me thru this day & this nite.& maybe you could slow down & move the rain somewhere else. Thank you God for whatever You do, Amen

Apr 25, 2011
by: jim

Dear God,Not a good wkend, felt lonely with nobody to celabrate Easter,No body to go to Sunday services on your day. Please help me thru this day & this nite.& maybe you could slow down & move the rain somewhere else. Thank you God for whatever You do, Amen

Apr 25, 2011
god hears my prayers
by: Anonymous

I know God will answers all my prayers

Apr 25, 2011
Im lost
by: Anonymous

Please dear lord, I am lost in so many ways right now, I need strength to heal my mind of all these horrible thoughts, always thinking I am dying, or anxiety, and to stop smoking. I want to be here to see my daughters grow up, I'm afraid if I die they won't be taken care of! That is my worst fear of all! I need your help to raise them right, a lot of times I don't know what to do.and please give my husband more patiience and more understanding, and let him have the ability to show love towards them! God I need your help with letting go of the past and moving on from it! I love you lord and I thank you for the many blessings you have given me, and all the times you have protected me and my family! Amen

Apr 26, 2011
by: jim

Dear God,Bad day, nothing went rite, Please just help me thru this nite, No more power outagesPlease God help me amen

Apr 26, 2011
by: jim

Dear God,Bad day, nothing went rite, Please just help me thru this nite, No more power outagesPlease God help me amen

Apr 27, 2011
protect the ones I love
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer to ask that my I amend my sinful and deceitful life and that my past and present wrongs do not destroy the strong bond with those I love and respect

Apr 27, 2011
by: jim

Dear God,bad nite Hardly know sleep, depressed, Feel alone. Why don`t you help me, Are my sins too great for you to forgive. All I ask is one simple thing & you can`t give me that. Please forgive Lord, & heal My soul & my heart,please God help me thru this, Amen

Apr 27, 2011
by: jim

Dear God,bad nite Hardly know sleep, depressed, Feel alone. Why don`t you help me, Are my sins too great for you to forgive. All I ask is one simple thing & you can`t give me that. Please forgive Lord, & heal My soul & my heart,please God help me thru this, Amen

Apr 28, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help thru this day, Thank for stoping the rain & makeing my family & friends safe. Please God just help me Amen

Apr 28, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help thru this day, Thank for stoping the rain & makeing my family & friends safe. Please God just help me Amen

Apr 28, 2011
praise the Lord
by: catherine bantoto

I would like to thank God and mama mary for answering my prayers..thank you so much for listening to me..my mom is very happy that i got my working permit here in singapore..Lord please do bless us all.thank you for helping pray...God Bless us all...thank you

Apr 28, 2011
praise the Lord
by: catherine bantoto

I would like to thank God and mama mary for answering my prayers..thank you so much for listening to me..my mom is very happy that i got my working permit here in singapore..Lord please do bless us all.thank you for helping pray...God Bless us all...thank you

Apr 28, 2011
Edge of bankruptcy
by: M.

I pray that Jesus will hear my prayer for financial help. I am almost out of my savings, I have not worked for two and half years, I do not collect welfare, or was I eligble for unemployment, since I voluntarily quit for non-elective surgery. My family has money, but it is slow coming or any help at all when I truly need it. I have thought about selling my body to make some money, I know that it is wrong, but the harder I pray the worse things get for me. I have thought about taking my life alot lately.

Apr 29, 2011
by: jim

Dear God Please help me thru this day & nite, Please God heal my heart, & let Me love again Amen

Apr 29, 2011
by: jim

Dear God Please help me thru this day & nite, Please God heal my heart, & let Me love again Amen

Apr 29, 2011
by: s.georgy

let my dream come true soon,i trust in god and will happen soon to me by god's grace.

May 01, 2011
Financial need
by: Michael

I have prayed this prayer and I hope this is okay in publishing what I prayed for as the prayer says so. I really do not have any friends to forward this prayer on to them.
Dear people, please, if you read this, please pray for me that Jesus will look down on me with compassion and know that I do have a good heart, and I am in desperate need of a financial blessing, thank you all, and may God bless you in the name of Jesus. Amen.

May 01, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, haven`t slept while, at all for 3 nites. Tired of taking sleeping pills. Please God help me get over my depression & sadness, & heal my heart. Please Oh Lord, please help, Amen

May 01, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, haven`t slept while, at all for 3 nites. Tired of taking sleeping pills. Please God help me get over my depression & sadness, & heal my heart. Please Oh Lord, please help, Amen

May 01, 2011
Need help
by: Anonymous

I need to pray for my son, my financial situation and my marriage. I know God is listening to my prayer and I want to thank him for always guiding me to do the right thing.

May 02, 2011
financial needs
by: Anonymous

Dear God, please help me. That my financial difficulties will be over so I can continue helping the less fortunate children that Im supporting now.

May 02, 2011
Please help my mom
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

My mom has a heart of Gold. She helps and loves everyone. She is a sweet, compassionate, loving women. And all she does is serve you. You made a promise to her and you told her you would grant it soon. I'm asking you to keep your promise and deliver just as you said you would.
Please help my mom. Restore faith in her, and give her strength and abundance so she can prosper. Help her find the place of her dreams. Help her have an abundance of wealth. Help her spread her word about you. Give her the strength and will to manifest all that she desires.

May 02, 2011
by: jim

Well God Same thing everyday, Is there a reason why You won`t help me. Why do you keep punishing me.. lease help me God, Please help me thru my depression & sadness & heal my heart, I beg you God please help. Amen

May 02, 2011
by: jim

Well God Same thing everyday, Is there a reason why You won`t help me. Why do you keep punishing me.. lease help me God, Please help me thru my depression & sadness & heal my heart, I beg you God please help. Amen

May 02, 2011
by: jim

Well God Same thing everyday, Is there a reason why You won`t help me. Why do you keep punishing me.. lease help me God, Please help me thru my depression & sadness & heal my heart, I beg you God please help. Amen

May 02, 2011
breakthrough in my businesses and finances
by: Anonymous

Jesus cause all the elements blocking my breakthroughs in my businesses and finances be removed, in your Holy Name.

May 03, 2011
Prayer for help and healing
by: Anonymous

I pray for help to be worthy to receive the sacraments of the church,healing of lower back and seat pains and for my partner to be guided to do the right thing that is pleasing to God.

May 03, 2011
i want my love
by: dorise

dear lord please help me i m in urgent need plz put in my lover mind that he should know that how important i m in his life and i want him 2 love me like crazy more then me n i want he 2 b always faithful 2 me and he 2 tell me that he is ready 2 get married 2 me n he cannot stay without me n i want he 2 come back soon as fast as possible near me god i m begging with u plz help me please put in his mind please jesu

May 03, 2011
i want my love
by: dorise

dear lord please help me i m in urgent need plz put in my lover mind that he should know that how important i m in his life and i want him 2 love me like crazy more then me n i want he 2 b always faithful 2 me and he 2 tell me that he is ready 2 get married 2 me n he cannot stay without me n i want he 2 come back soon as fast as possible near me god i m begging with u plz help me please put in his mind please jesu

May 03, 2011
i want my love
by: dorise

dear lord please help me i m in urgent need plz put in my lover mind that he should know that how important i m in his life and i want him 2 love me like crazy more then me n i want he 2 b always faithful 2 me and he 2 tell me that he is ready 2 get married 2 me n he cannot stay without me n i want he 2 come back soon as fast as possible near me god i m begging with u plz help me please put in his mind please jesu

May 03, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Is there some reason why you won`t help me.Please God help me thru this time in my life, For more then a yr. I`ve been depressed & sad , With a broken heart. Please God Heal my Heart & make me whole Again Amen

May 03, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Is there some reason why you won`t help me.Please God help me thru this time in my life, For more then a yr. I`ve been depressed & sad , With a broken heart. Please God Heal my Heart & make me whole Again Amen

May 04, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord thy God in your son name, Jesus the messiah i come through his blood asking you that i could get my rent by today i am really in need of it, i am your servant o holy one please dont let mine enemies laugh at me in Jesus name amen

May 04, 2011
my finances
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my comments to get help in my finances. Amen

May 04, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Please help me thru this day & nite, So much on my mind all the time. Still so depressed over things, Please God heal my heart & get me thru this, Amen

May 04, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Please help me thru this day & nite, So much on my mind all the time. Still so depressed over things, Please God heal my heart & get me thru this, Amen

May 07, 2011
Pray request
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus I have been hurting a lot these days.
Please make me a strong girl and help me get
my priorities right and also I pray that you
grant me a loving life partner. I love you dear jesus.

May 07, 2011
Pray request
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus I have been hurting a lot these days.
Please make me a strong girl and help me get
my priorities right and also I pray that you
grant me a loving life partner. I love you dear jesus.

May 07, 2011
Pray request
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus I have been hurting a lot these days.
Please make me a strong girl and help me get
my priorities right and also I pray that you
grant me a loving life partner. I love you dear jesus.

May 07, 2011
by: jim

Dear God Please help me thru this nite,End my depression & sadness, & heal my heart So that may love again.Please God , help me believe You Will help me thru this, Amen

May 07, 2011
by: jim

Dear God Please help me thru this nite,End my depression & sadness, & heal my heart So that may love again.Please God , help me believe You Will help me thru this, Amen

May 07, 2011
by: jim

Dear God Please help me thru this nite,End my depression & sadness, & heal my heart So that may love again.Please God , help me believe You Will help me thru this, Amen

May 08, 2011
by: jim

Dear GOd ,please help me thru this day, Help me believe in you, heal my heart & soul. Amen

May 08, 2011
by: jim

Dear GOd ,please help me thru this day, Help me believe in you, heal my heart & soul. Amen

May 08, 2011
we need thee
by: sally

Please send prayers out for my
mother that has been on a venilator for over a week now with no changes.please pray for the strength and comfort of the familY. And also pray that I find another job soon the other one I had to walk away from because of too much drama

May 09, 2011
in dire need of financial help for my family
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

Please hear my prayer asking for financial help to support my family and the education of my kids especially now in these most trying times and financial hardships i and my family are in. Thank you for Thy help, O Lord.

May 09, 2011
by: jim

Dear God please help me thru this day, I pray every day for your help, & you seem not too help me.Why do you keep punishing me, why won`t you forgive me, Please God answer my prayers, please end my depession & sadness & heal my heart & soul. Amen

May 09, 2011
by: jim

Dear God please help me thru this day, I pray every day for your help, & you seem not too help me.Why do you keep punishing me, why won`t you forgive me, Please God answer my prayers, please end my depession & sadness & heal my heart & soul. Amen

May 09, 2011
Desperate need in Texas
by: Anonymous

Dear Brother and Sisters in Christ:

Someone wise told me that once I give my problem to God, I must have faith and know that it will be taken care of. I know that I am a testimonial of his blessings. I have humbly asked again for his blessing for the agency I work for, that he may put his arm on us and protect us during this trying time.

With him,


May 09, 2011
Desperate need in Texas
by: Anonymous

Dear Brother and Sisters in Christ:

Someone wise told me that once I give my problem to God, I must have faith and know that it will be taken care of. I know that I am a testimonial of his blessings. I have humbly asked again for his blessing for the agency I work for, that he may put his arm on us and protect us during this trying time.

With him,


May 10, 2011
Thanking the Lord for the financial help
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

Thank you so much for the financial help i received this afternoon. This will definitely go a long way in helping partially pay up for our financial woes.

May 10, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Help thru this day, Help me believe that you are there for me to heal my heart & soul, help me thru my depression ,sadness, & lonelyness. Please God I beg You ,Amen

May 10, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Help thru this day, Help me believe that you are there for me to heal my heart & soul, help me thru my depression ,sadness, & lonelyness. Please God I beg You ,Amen

May 10, 2011
by: Chrelle

I would like to publish my prayer for help to graduate this year and pass all my courses this semester. For special graces to complete all assignments and excel in Jesus' name. Amen!

May 11, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Please help me thru this day & nite, Heal my heart & soul, heal my depression 7 sadness, make me a better person, please God help me, Amen

May 11, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Please help me thru this day & nite, Heal my heart & soul, heal my depression 7 sadness, make me a better person, please God help me, Amen

May 11, 2011
Job Prayer
by: Terry Grant

Thank you Dear Lord for answering my Prayer in my most desperate time of need. I need a job urgently to support my family. I have been out of work for four months and my finances are almost through and I have a son attending university and I have bills to pay. I need your help most urgently.
Thank you again for hearing my Prayer in this most frustrating time of my life.

May 12, 2011
Help us Lord
by: Anonymous

Lord, I know that you will give me an answer. Please help our family to be together Lord, help us to be w/ our child Lord.

May 12, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, pleasehelp me thru this day & nite, please help me with my depression, sadness, heal my heart & soul, please dear God , help me believe in you, Amen

May 12, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, pleasehelp me thru this day & nite, please help me with my depression, sadness, heal my heart & soul, please dear God , help me believe in you, Amen

May 12, 2011
Help me save my home
by: Anonymous

Please Lord God. Help me to save my home. To be able to take care of my family and not to be such a disappointment for once.

May 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1MA416cNj

May 13, 2011
Thank You
by: Anonymous

Thank you God and Mary for always being there for me in the past. I know that you are here with me now in my great time of need. Amen

May 13, 2011
by: jim

Dear God Please help me thru this day & nite, help me thru this depression, sadness, heal my heart & soul, & make me a better person Amen

May 13, 2011
by: jim

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1ME7fN2RE

May 13, 2011
by: jim

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1ME7fN2RE

May 13, 2011
Beautiful Most Powerful Prayer
by: Martin

Shoulder Wound of Jesus prayer. Beautiful powerful and sincere prayer. Jesus i love you and thank you for all that you have bestowed upon me in my life to date and yet to come. Amen

May 14, 2011
by: jim

Dear God please help me thru my depression, sadness, heal my heart & soul & make me a better person, Please God Help me thru this day & nite Amen

May 14, 2011
by: jim

Dear God please help me thru my depression, sadness, heal my heart & soul & make me a better person, Please God Help me thru this day & nite Amen

May 15, 2011
by: Anonymous

i prayed this prayer that my spouse turn back to god and to our marriage/family.In Jesus name i pray.

May 15, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, help me with my depression, sadness, To heal my heart & soul & help me believe in you, Amen

May 15, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, help me with my depression, sadness, To heal my heart & soul & help me believe in you, Amen

May 15, 2011
by: Anonymous

I am faced with so many challenges right now. I am trying to sell my home. I am a single mom and get no support from the dad. My daughter is starting college in the fall and my son and I are moving closer to my parents. I need to sell my home rather quickly so that my son and I do not get seperated. I also need my knees fixed. I have bone on bone osteoartritis in both knees. I need to be grated disability at least so that I can get my knees fixed without becoming financially paralyzed. The Fibromyalgia I can semi deal with. There are so many things right now that are up in the air about my life; please Lord, grant me stablity soon. In Jesus name. Amen

May 15, 2011
help to pass my exams
by: Anonymous

Lord jesus, you have always been good to me. I request you to help me pass my exam and find a better job. Amen

May 15, 2011
help to pass my exams
by: Anonymous

Lord jesus, you have always been good to me. I request you to help me pass my exam and find a better job. Amen

May 16, 2011
Financial help
by: Anonymous

Thank you sacred name of Jesus, for being with me every step of way, I need you more than ever finncialy my business is melting away, I cannot meet my comments, my children have turned away from me, but your words yesterday, today and forever is the same you have promised to hold me with your right righteous hand, please continue to be with me.
I believe and place al my faith you that you have and is now answering my prayess at this very moment

May 16, 2011
Thank you Dear Jesus
by: Terry

Dear Lord help me to get a job soon so that I may support my family and pay my bills. I have a wife and two kids who depend on me wholly for support. I have been out of work for 5 months now and feel useless to them and myself. I have lost everything I owned previously, my home, car and job. Lord I beg you to come to my most urgent assistance and I will forever be grateful to you for helping me in this critical time of need.
I thank you Dear Lord Jesus for I feel you are already working to help me as I pray to you.
Terry Grant

May 16, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, I know ther is more people out there that need your help besides me, so all I ask is to get me thru this day & nite, & help me believe in you Amen

May 16, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, I know ther is more people out there that need your help besides me, so all I ask is to get me thru this day & nite, & help me believe in you Amen

May 17, 2011
for my fiance
by: Anonymous

I pray that my fiance would be filled with God's love and enlightenment. I pray for him to understand that caring and loving come together. I pray that all traces of anger leave his heart and would stop ignoring me.

May 17, 2011
for my fiance
by: Anonymous

I pray that my fiance would be filled with God's love and enlightenment. I pray for him to understand that caring and loving come together. I pray that all traces of anger leave his heart and would stop ignoring me.

May 17, 2011
for my fiance
by: Anonymous

I pray that my fiance would be filled with God's love and enlightenment. I pray for him to understand that caring and loving come together. I pray that all traces of anger leave his heart and would stop ignoring me.

May 17, 2011
for my fiance
by: Anonymous

I pray that my fiance would be filled with God's love and enlightenment. I pray for him to understand that caring and loving come together. I pray that all traces of anger leave his heart and would stop ignoring me.

May 17, 2011
by: jim

DEar GOd, please help me believe in you, help me thru my depression, sadness, heal my heart & soul, just help me thru this day & nite Amen

May 17, 2011
by: jim

DEar GOd, please help me believe in you, help me thru my depression, sadness, heal my heart & soul, just help me thru this day & nite Amen

May 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

i would like to request that my loan is approved for furnishing my financial crisis and support a 4yr old .

May 18, 2011
by: jim

Dear God I pray everyday to help me believe in you, that you will one day answer my prayer. Just help me thru this day & nite with my depression & sadness. Amen

May 18, 2011
by: jim

Dear God I pray everyday to help me believe in you, that you will one day answer my prayer. Just help me thru this day & nite with my depression & sadness. Amen

May 18, 2011
pls pray for me
by: wili

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

May 18, 2011
Please pray for my son
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my son to find full time employment. Thank you Jesus for everything you have done for me. Praise be God.

May 19, 2011
Desperate for healing of my daughter
by: Anonymous

Please pray for lizzie's healing and deliverance. No child should have to endure this. We are desperate. Please pray for her! I'm begging you.

May 19, 2011
Desperate for healing of my daughter
by: Anonymous

Please pray for lizzie's healing and deliverance. No child should have to endure this. We are desperate. Please pray for her! I'm begging you.

May 19, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, I pray everyday, I have asked You to please help me thru my depression, sadness & to heal my heart & soul. WILL you ever answer my prayer. I ask you again God please help me, Amen

May 19, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, I pray everyday, I have asked You to please help me thru my depression, sadness & to heal my heart & soul. WILL you ever answer my prayer. I ask you again God please help me, Amen

May 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear God , Please Help Me Build My Inner Self To That Strong SoulAnd Pso You Created Me To Be Lord I Know I Cn't Do It On My Own So I'm Seeking The Help Of You Almighty God,In Jesus Name Bless Me Father . Thank You For The Many Blessing You Have Already Bestowed Upon Me. Bless You Father .

May 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear God , Please Help Me Build My Inner Self To That Strong SoulAnd Pso You Created Me To Be Lord I Know I Cn't Do It On My Own So I'm Seeking The Help Of You Almighty God,In Jesus Name Bless Me Father . Thank You For The Many Blessing You Have Already Bestowed Upon Me. Bless You Father .

May 20, 2011
Buy a home
by: Anonymous

I pray to buy a home .

May 20, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, Help me believe in you, That you will heal my heart , soul, sadness, & depression. Please God help me, Amen

May 20, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, Help me believe in you, That you will heal my heart , soul, sadness, & depression. Please God help me, Amen

May 21, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, help me believe in you ,too relieve me of my depression, sadness, to heal my heart & soul. Amen

May 21, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, help me believe in you ,too relieve me of my depression, sadness, to heal my heart & soul. Amen

May 21, 2011
hiv healing
by: Anne

i wish to ask for urgent healing as my new boyfriend needs to know my status -he requested today i take a test which i already know the result. i cant lie about it but i know he will leave me when he knows! mother Mary, there is no situation You cannot change- please change mine- i have all my hope in You.

May 22, 2011
urgent help
by: beng

Dear Father God, my retailing business is doing poorly. I am in need of supernatural help to increase the sale revenue. It's Sunday today but the customers are few, and not spending on big ticket items. Father i entrust you to help me turn around the situation quickly to avoid another bad week, another bad month sales performance. Thank you for hearing this prayer and i wait expexctantly for your favor. I pray in Jesus's name, Amen.

May 22, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day, help me take my mind off my problems. Help me God with my depression, sadness, to heal my heart & soul. Please Dear God I ask for your help, Amen

May 22, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day, help me take my mind off my problems. Help me God with my depression, sadness, to heal my heart & soul. Please Dear God I ask for your help, Amen

May 22, 2011
financial problem
by: Anonymous

lord,please help me and my family for financi problem..please guide me in this situation.thank you..and ilove you lord

May 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

Jesus I have faith that you will help me pay my bill and thrive and prosper

May 22, 2011
pls help me lord
by: willi

Lord Jesus, Pls i beg u to bless me seek a job in NT, its only you who knw why i really want this job. Heavenly Father i ask you in the name of Jesus to make those HR's call me for an interview and Bless me to ans their question and face the interview with confidence. Thankyou Jesus for hearing me..
Hi all PLs do pray for me i am really in need of your prayers who ever reads this pls just spend a min and pray that i get selected in the interview and get a job in that company itself as my future lies in it. I am now living in a broken relation, my husband works there the only way left for me to bring him back in my life is me workin with him and make him understand wat he did wit me is wrong. And want to live my life happily with him.


May 23, 2011
Bless with ajob on ship
by: Batu

Dear Lord

Plz bless me with a good job on Ship. M frustrated. Haer m working but my earnings r not suficent for myself plz pray for me

May 23, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Please help me thru this day & nite, Help me believe in you, help my thru my sadness, depression, to heal my heart & soul, please God help me, Amen

May 23, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Please help me thru this day & nite, Help me believe in you, help my thru my sadness, depression, to heal my heart & soul, please God help me, Amen

May 24, 2011
Prayer for my husband
by: Anonymous

Lord, I adore and worship you. Please help me with my husband. May you enlighten his mind so that he will give us more importance and that he may realize how much he loves and needs us...Please help me Lord God.

May 24, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day, help me thru my depression, sadness, too heal my heart & soul. Please God help me believe in you, Amen

May 24, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day, help me thru my depression, sadness, too heal my heart & soul. Please God help me believe in you, Amen

May 24, 2011
i want my lover 2 b safely back in kuwait on 30th
by: Anonymous

jesus please help me i need u 2 help me in my problems i have lots of problems in my life plz jesus i beg u please help me i want my lover 2 reach safely 2 q8 on 30th n i want my lover 2 b faithful 2 me always ;jesus n i want my father in law 2 get well soon .,n i want d chicken pox 2 go out of my house n all my kids 2 get heal . n my father boss 2 call my dad for work back again ., n i want my dad n mom loan 2 finish fast , n they 2 b freee from the loan jesus i told u all my problems plz i beg u jeus plz help me in all my needs please jesus help me

May 24, 2011
for all my problems 2 get solve
by: wilma

jesus please help me i need u 2 help me in my problems i have lots of problems in my life plz jesus i beg u please help me i want my lover 2 reach safely 2 q8 on 30th n i want my lover 2 b faithful 2 me always ;jesus n i want my father in law 2 get well soon .,n i want d chicken pox 2 go out of my house n all my kids 2 get heal . n my father boss 2 call my dad for work back again ., n i want my dad n mom loan 2 finish fast , n they 2 b freee from the loan jesus i told u all my problems plz i beg u jeus plz help me in all my needs please jesus help me

May 24, 2011
for all my problems 2 get solve
by: wilma

jesus please help me i need u 2 help me in my problems i have lots of problems in my life plz jesus i beg u please help me i want my lover 2 reach safely 2 q8 on 30th n i want my lover 2 b faithful 2 me always ;jesus n i want my father in law 2 get well soon .,n i want d chicken pox 2 go out of my house n all my kids 2 get heal . n my father boss 2 call my dad for work back again ., n i want my dad n mom loan 2 finish fast , n they 2 b freee from the loan jesus i told u all my problems plz i beg u jeus plz help me in all my needs please jesus help me

May 24, 2011
for all my problems 2 get solve
by: wilma

jesus please help me i need u 2 help me in my problems i have lots of problems in my life plz jesus i beg u please help me i want my lover 2 reach safely 2 q8 on 30th n i want my lover 2 b faithful 2 me always ;jesus n i want my father in law 2 get well soon .,n i want d chicken pox 2 go out of my house n all my kids 2 get heal . n my father boss 2 call my dad for work back again ., n i want my dad n mom loan 2 finish fast , n they 2 b freee from the loan jesus i told u all my problems plz i beg u jeus plz help me in all my needs please jesus help me

May 25, 2011
Prayer for my husband
by: Anonymous

Lord, I adore and worship you. Please help me with my husband. May you enlighten his mind so that he will give us more importance and that he may realize how much he loves and needs us...Please help me Lord God.

May 25, 2011
Need prayer
by: Lisa

Oh heavenly father I ask for prayer for our Finances to grow and all debt be forgiven and that my husband would return to you and be the godly husband and father and grandfatherwe need him to be and help him to love me with godly love thank you in Jesus holy name amen

May 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

Lord in times like these please help my husband to do his best that he won't neglect his job and I pray that our country will be safe from heavy storms ...In Jesus Name ..Amen

May 25, 2011
Financial Hardship
by: Anonymous

I know that God is the only one that can help me in my financial troubles. I pray for the right solution to a situation involving my home.

May 25, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Just help me believe in you, Thats all I ask, Amen

May 25, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Just help me believe in you, Thats all I ask, Amen

May 25, 2011
Prayer for my husband
by: Anonymous

Lord, I adore and worship you. Please help me with my husband. May you enlighten his mind so that he will give us more importance and that he may realize how much he loves and needs us...Guide him Lord God in everything he do. May he make me feel that he loves me. May he show me some signs for me to believe him. I love him that much Lord that is why I feel so much pain every time he does something...Please Help me Lord Please Please help me Lord God. I trust you so much Lord that is why I know You will make a way for us... May this relationship last forever. Thank you so much Lord for everything. For our work, for forgiving all our trespasses and for giving me strength to face every challenges in life. Thank you Lord...

May 25, 2011
by: jim

Dear God Just make my sons & me safe & let there be No damage to us & our belongings, Amen

May 25, 2011
by: jim

Dear God Just make my sons & me safe & let there be No damage to us & our belongings, Amen

May 26, 2011
Prayer for my husband
by: Anonymous

Lord, I adore and worship you. Please help me with my husband. May you enlighten his mind so that he will give us more importance and that he may realize how much he loves and needs us...Guide him Lord God in everything he do. May he make me feel that he loves me. May he show me some signs for me to believe him. I love him that much Lord that is why I feel so much pain every time he does something...Please Help me Lord Please Please help me Lord God. I trust you so much Lord that is why I know You will make a way for us... May this relationship last forever. Thank you so much Lord for everything. For our work, for forgiving all our trespasses and for giving me strength to face every challenges in life. Thank you Lord...

May 26, 2011
by: jim

Dear God Thank you, There was no storm damage Amen

May 26, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help believe in you, help me thru this day, help me with my depression, sadness , to heal my heart & soul, Please God help me, & help me believe in you, amen

May 26, 2011
deliverance prayer
by: Anonymous

Briefly speaking I am overloaded with debts amounting 9000 dollars. I tried on several occasions to reduce them but things remain difficult. Being a christian I feel spiritually unsafe that is why I resort to Jesus to pay this debt for me through your powerfull prayer and I believe that there will be a miracle for me . In God I trust.

May 26, 2011
Full time permenent position
by: Anonymous

Please let my son be hired for a full time and permenent position with the state.

May 26, 2011
Full time permenent position
by: Anonymous

Please let my son be hired for a full time and permenent position with the state.

May 26, 2011
Full time permenent position
by: Anonymous

Please let my son be hired for a full time and permenent position with the state.

May 26, 2011
Full time permenent position
by: Anonymous

Please let my son be hired for a full time and permenent position with the state.

May 26, 2011
Full time permenent position
by: Anonymous

Please let my son be hired for a full time and permenent position with the state.

May 26, 2011
Full time permenent position
by: Anonymous

Please let my son be hired for a full time and permenent position with the state.

May 26, 2011
Full time permenent position
by: Anonymous

Please let my son be hired for a full time and permenent position with the state.

May 26, 2011
Thank You
by: Anonymous

Please help my son to gain a full time permenent position with the state.

May 26, 2011
Thank You
by: Anonymous

Please help my son to gain a full time permenent position with the state.

May 26, 2011
Thank You
by: Anonymous

Please help my son to gain a full time permenent position with the state.

May 27, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, help me believe, & help me get thru this day & nite, thankyou, Amen

May 27, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, help me believe, & help me get thru this day & nite, thankyou, Amen

May 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer asking for urgent help to get a job

May 28, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, help me believe in you, help me with my depression, sadness, to heal my heart & soul, please God help me, Amen

May 28, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me thru this day & nite, help me believe in you, help me with my depression, sadness, to heal my heart & soul, please God help me, Amen

May 28, 2011
Immediate Need
by: Anonymous

I pray for immediate financial relief and assistance for my family and to lift the burdens even though we are not worthy. Thank you Jesus for loving us and suffering for us. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

May 28, 2011
Please :(
by: Ms. Anonymous

Lord, Please don't let anyone buy or rent our house I still don't want to leave the place where I grew.I don't want my mom to suffer to because of the payments. Just let me graduate College or even half. I'm begging you lord. Please. :( Thanks for all the answered prayers. I love you. :)

May 29, 2011
by: jim

DEar God, how long do I go on being punished,, Am I that bad, that you keep punishing me. Please forgive me God, because I`m so stupid, please forgive me will you, please help me thru this p[ain & suffering, Please God help me thru this Amen

May 29, 2011
by: jim

DEar God, how long do I go on being punished,, Am I that bad, that you keep punishing me. Please forgive me God, because I`m so stupid, please forgive me will you, please help me thru this p[ain & suffering, Please God help me thru this Amen

May 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

I ask all in heaven to use there powers for.. get tracey to go to the shop and buy me speedos.
gusy use your powers to get tracey to go to the shop and buy me speedos. lord use your powers to get tracey to go to the shop and buy me speedos. everyone in heaven use your powers to get tracey to go to the shop an dbuy me speedos. AMEN

May 30, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, just help me believe & help me thru today, Amen

May 30, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, just help me believe & help me thru today, Amen

May 30, 2011
With faith to a friend that never fails.........
by: Roger Morello

Father, you know how I feel, wretched stomach churning and taking my sleep away. Yet another moment in life when the cross gets heavier and wounds more painful, allbeit much through my own fault. Please make others see me more through my acheivements than failures and let them not be too quick and harsh to judge, for the cross gets heavy for all and we all wish for reprieve at some time or other. Make me better through this and please carry me on your arms when my legs get too weak. Yours father....Roger.

May 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Almighty Father in the Kingdom of Heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ & Mother Mary please hear my prayer & grant my petition to save us at this moment we are the victim into the ecomic crisis. My husband work so hard to keep the business for so many years. In 2009 I lost my job right, now this is the only source of income we are depending on in order to survive. We are presently in financial difficulty business is very slow we don't make enough to cover all the expenses. Please help us to find a way or help us find a buyer. I Thank you for any help you will provide us.Amen!

May 31, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, just help me believe & help me thru this day, Amen

May 31, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, just help me believe & help me thru this day, Amen

Jun 01, 2011
by: jim

Dear God , please help me believe & help me thru this day Amen

Jun 01, 2011
by: jim

Dear God , please help me believe & help me thru this day Amen

Jun 01, 2011
send immediate help
by: V.A.P

Sacred heart of jesus thanx for favours recieved,pl send immediate help..please please please...thanx lord

Jun 01, 2011
Financial Blessing
by: Carlos

I seek a financial blessing from the Lord to get back on my feet.

Jun 01, 2011
Praying for my job
by: Anonymous

I pray for my job, for those people that are trying to cause harm, please touch their hearts. Please God you know how much we all need our jobs. Please keep away the enemy. Bring peace and love in to my job and the people I work with. We all need our jobs, please help us keep it God.

Thanks God I love you more than anything in this world and I know you are always there with me.


Jun 02, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, just help me believe & help me thru this day & nite,Amen

Jun 02, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, just help me believe & help me thru this day & nite,Amen

Jun 02, 2011
Thank you Lord...
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much Lord for hearing & answering my prayers...Please guide us to our way to true happiness...We believe in You Lord God...We trust You. I know there is always a reason for everything...Thank you Lord and I love you...

Jun 03, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me believe, help me thru this day & nite, please God help me, Amen

Jun 03, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, please help me believe, help me thru this day & nite, please God help me, Amen

Jun 03, 2011
Desperate for employment
by: Lulu

I publish this prayer...........In Jesus's name I've been praying, I'm a single unemployed parent of two daughter's and a 14 month old grandson. I haven't found a job. I couldn't make all my rent last month. They're taking me to court. I don't know how I'm going to make this month's rent. But I have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I will keep praying to god that he help me, but also I will pray for all you wonderful people that you might find peace and strength, so that all of us can get through these tough times. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

Jun 03, 2011
Desperate for employment
by: Lulu

I publish this prayer...........In Jesus's name I've been praying, I'm a single unemployed parent of two daughter's and a 14 month old grandson. I haven't found a job. I couldn't make all my rent last month. They're taking me to court. I don't know how I'm going to make this month's rent. But I have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I will keep praying to god that he help me, but also I will pray for all you wonderful people that you might find peace and strength, so that all of us can get through these tough times. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

Jun 04, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, there are so many other people out there that need your help, that are more important than mine, All I ask is to help me believe in You, Amen

Jun 04, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, there are so many other people out there that need your help, that are more important than mine, All I ask is to help me believe in You, Amen

Jun 05, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Help me believe, help me thru this day, Amen

Jun 05, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, Help me believe, help me thru this day, Amen

Jun 06, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, All I ask is too help me believe in You,Amen

Jun 06, 2011
by: jim

Dear God, All I ask is too help me believe in You,Amen

Jun 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

Asking the Lord thy GOD to relieve me of the heavy burden of debt I have incurred through my sinful ways.... so I may do works in HIS name, free of the sins and trouble that weigh on my conscience. I asked this through the Christ our LORD. Amen

Jun 06, 2011
by: Lulu

In jesus name I pray that I soon find employment, PLEASE GOD HEAR MY PRAYERS!!!! AMEN, MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL

Jun 07, 2011
For a friend
by: Anonymous

I pray that my ex-girlfriend is happy with her new husband and new child - and that I may have the courage to let her memory not fade but also not hold power over me. Thank you sweet Jesus.

Jun 07, 2011
For a friend
by: Anonymous

I pray that my ex-girlfriend is happy with her new husband and new child - and that I may have the courage to let her memory not fade but also not hold power over me. Thank you sweet Jesus.

Jun 07, 2011
Lord I am not worthy but only say the word nd I shall be healed
by: Anonymous

Dearest Lord I humbly beseech you to help me find a job and bring myself back to you. I am sorry for the ay in which I have been acting lately. Itrust in Jesus to help me. Amen

Jun 07, 2011
I`m thru
by: jim

Dear God I`ve asked you & begged you too help me with my problems. I guess I`m not that important to you, so I will no longer ask you for help, I guess it dosen`t matter to you about me, so I`m thru. I will continue to go to church on Sun., I don`t know why, but I will.

Jun 07, 2011
I`m thru
by: jim

Dear God I`ve asked you & begged you too help me with my problems. I guess I`m not that important to you, so I will no longer ask you for help, I guess it dosen`t matter to you about me, so I`m thru. I will continue to go to church on Sun., I don`t know why, but I will.

Jun 07, 2011
Deliverance from Godless community!
by: Shon

Oh that The Lord would deal with these people with these very loud car stereo's & this lawless motorcycle gang in this neighborhood! Bless U~

Jun 08, 2011
Need $180K - $280K immediately!
by: Donna

I've made a lot of bad decisions in my younger days.
Now that I have aged/mellowed a lot, these bad decisions are haunting me.
I have prayed over this amount of money for a long, long time and it would help me to get out of the hole that I'm in and it will enable me to also pull somebody else up who is likewise struggling..

Jun 08, 2011
Protection and a Home
by: Anonymous

For a home that my family and I can move into.We are about to lose ours any day.In Jesus' name I pray for this.

Jun 08, 2011
Protection and a Home
by: Anonymous

For a home that my family and I can move into.We are about to lose ours any day.In Jesus' name I pray for this.

Jun 08, 2011
prayer for Jeffrey and I
by: Heather Elizabeth

JEeffrey passed away late Monday night early Tuesday morning, it was sudden. He was the love of my life...we wantes to get married and send forever together. I need God and lots of prayers to get through the pain of this, Jeffrey's soul needs prayers and his daughter Shylah,4 and son Jeffrey,3 will also need your prayers as well. This is an extremely difficult time for us all, your prayers are very much needed and appriciated. God bless and rest Jeffrey's beautiful soul.
Heather/ Jeffrey's forever girl.

Jun 09, 2011
Urgent request for financial help to pay up for the tuition of my kids, bills, piled up cash loans and daily sustenance of my family
by: Ben

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

Lord, I am in terrible financial distress that I feel I am almost physically and mentally breaking down under the pressure of my present financial situation. Please help me Lord with the financial aid that i most need at the moment. Thank you Lord.

Jun 09, 2011
Make my boyfriend believe in God
by: debora

God please make my boyfriend karl believe Jesus Christ is Lord and make him be a good man..if he belong to me open the way if not close the way, so all my way is your way God..Amen

Jun 09, 2011
Make my boyfriend believe in God
by: debora

God please make my boyfriend karl believe Jesus Christ is Lord and make him be a good man..if he belong to me open the way if not close the way, so all my way is your way God..Amen

Jun 09, 2011
my son
by: Anonymous

I pray that the judge is mercyful with my son today and realeas him from jail. he is a good boy with a family. I ask God to help him make wise decisions and better choice of friends

Jun 09, 2011
my son
by: Anonymous

I pray that the judge is mercyful with my son today and realeas him from jail. he is a good boy with a family. I ask God to help him make wise decisions and better choice of friends

Jun 09, 2011
i pray to find love and get married and live happy and i pray i find a good job soon
by: Anonymous

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Jun 09, 2011
Urgent request for financial help to pay up for the tuition of my kids, bills, piled-up cash loans and daily sustenance of my family
by: Ben

Dearest Lord,

I still beseech Your understanding of my dire financial situation and that You may have mercy on me and my family by granting the financial help that we need most urgently in these times of our financial distress. Have mercy on us and grant us financial help please, Lord.

Thank you Lord.

Jun 09, 2011
Urgent request for financial help to pay up for the tuition of my kids, bills, piled up cash loans and daily sustenance of my family
by: Ben


I cause to publish this prayer immediately as i seek Your most kind help in my present financial situation. Thank you Lord.

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1Oq8EfXtb

Jun 10, 2011
Financial blessing
by: Anonymous

I pray to our Lord that after so many years of waiting that my debts can be cleared n ask for financial freedom so that we can provide for the whole family, children & old folks.

Jun 10, 2011
Financial blessing
by: Anonymous

I pray to our Lord that after so many years of waiting that my debts can be cleared n ask for financial freedom so that we can provide for the whole family, children & old folks.

Jun 10, 2011
Lost love one
by: Anonymous

Please help bring my lost love back to me. I really miss him and need him back in my life.

Jun 11, 2011
Urgent request for financial help to pay up for the tuition of my kids, bills, piled up cash loans and daily sustenance of my family
by: ben


I reiterate my most humble entreaty for an urgent financial aid to help me and my family get through these seemingly desperate financial distress. Please will that financial help come to us soonest. Thank you all for your helping prayer. Thank you Lord.

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

Jun 11, 2011
Urgent request for financial help to pay up for the tuition of my kids, bills, piled up cash loans and daily sustenance of my family
by: Ben

Lord Almighty,

I profoundly thank thee for the financial breather that You granted me yesterday. Grant me the wisdom to prioritize expenditures and payments with the little amount given to me as I still ask of Thee for the most urgent financial aid to help and tide me and my family up in these financially-burdened times of our lives. And I ask of Thee to grant us the favors and petitions, keep us safe from any illness, untoward incidents, dangers and troubles, as we trod daily life's activities in thy service and honor, and for our salvation, Amen.

Again, I am here publishing your most powerful prayer in our desperate times of financial need.

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

Thank you Lord and help us still, please. . .

Jun 12, 2011
for my son's financial assistance
by: Anonymous

Lord, you are my all. Please show compassion and mercy toward my son's financial needs for grad school. Grant him the funds to get through his second year of grad school...this I ask in Jesus name.

Jun 12, 2011
Spiritual blessings and financial help, please . . .
by: Ben


Please shower me and my family with spiritual blessings and the monetary help that we so badly need. Show us the way to acquiring just enough money to pay our outstanding cash loans, bills, school needs of my kids and for our day-to-day subsistence.

Help us still, o Lord, please. . .

Jun 14, 2011
Urgent help
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord Jesus,

We need help very urgently,we badly need you.Please help us.

Jun 14, 2011
I am publishing this prayer for a job.
by: LLN

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Jun 14, 2011
To find a job
by: nyabe

please God help me to find a good job

Jun 15, 2011
by: Paula

My husband is in need of a complete healing from post-op cancer surgery. He has pneumonia and is on a ventilator/treach tube. My daughter is inconsolable as am I. We miss him and want him home.

Jun 15, 2011
For revealation for financial break through
by: Anonymous

I'm currently in a serious financial problem. And I'm pleading to Jesus Christ for immediate financial break through.

Jun 16, 2011
i want to publish this prayer to get a job
by: lln

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Jun 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

I pray for my mother Annastasia's healing, than you Lord for my faith tells me that have recieved answer to my prayer altready

Jun 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would love to publish my prayer to not lose my job

Jun 17, 2011
Husband & Finances
by: Anonymous

Please pray for complete healing for my husband who is still in the hospital following post-op complications and for financial help and direction until I can go back to work again. Also for peace for my daughter and I going through this. God Bless.

Jun 17, 2011
Husband & Finances
by: Anonymous

Please pray for complete healing for my husband who is still in the hospital following post-op complications and for financial help and direction until I can go back to work again. Also for peace for my daughter and I going through this. God Bless.

Jun 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer in hopes of getting out of a very horrible hurtful relationship, & to retain money & my car tht was taken

Jun 19, 2011
Please help my family or we will die
by: Anonymous

We have been used in the most horrible ways. We have been discriminated against, misunderstood, suffering from chronic pain, threatened, stalked, used as medical lab rats. We are great need of a new home, medical care, trusting friends. We need a miracle gift of money (sounds greedy but it really isn't)to relocate us to a place where these things will not happen anymore. We are crime victims. Pray for us have the earthly people of compassion save us one way or another. PLEASE SAVE US SOON. THANKS FOR READING THIS CRAZY PRAYER BUT IT IS ALL VERY TRUE. May God bless you all. AMEN

Jun 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

All you.. Never give up.. Never surrender.. Have faith.. Stay strong.. to the death..

Jun 20, 2011
Prayer for my Troubled Daughter
by: Anonymous

My prayer is for my daughter Claudia who is ran away from home, addicted to drugs, and stripping for a living. No one but God knows the depth of my grief. I ask that Claudia turn away from her depraved lifestyle, realize the error of her ways and come back to me whole and healthy. Amen

Jun 20, 2011
The blessing i am waiting
by: hope

lord you know my situation and my need of my trasportation to work to support my family please dont hold my blessing i prayed for please lord dont let the court suspend my license

Jun 20, 2011
in need of a huge Finincial Blessing also for great health and healing. For no more Finincial struggling...
by: Anonymous

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Jun 20, 2011
in need of a huge Finincial Blessing also for great health and healing. For no more Finincial struggling...
by: Anonymous

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Jun 21, 2011
thank you lord for answering my prayer amen
by: Agness

praise the lord
pray without ceasin in everything give thanks

Jun 21, 2011
by: Anonymous

That everything is straighten out and there be peace.

Jun 23, 2011
Most Desparate Need of Permanant -Steady Job
by: Anonymous

Thanks for yet answered prayers, in Jesus' name.


Jun 23, 2011
Most Desparate Need of Permanant -Steady Job
by: Anonymous

Thanks for yet answered prayers, in Jesus' name.


Jun 23, 2011
Speed up process of selling house
by: Anonymous

Please Lord, today I should receive the cheque for my sold house & also to receive letter of appointment for my son to start work. Thank your very much.

Jun 25, 2011
A Broken and Contrite Heart O God, you will not Despise
by: Anonymous

In one brief moment of decision without the guidance, grace and blessing of God...ones destiny in life can change...in darkness and hopelessness we ponder out fate. In a moment of time we can either destroy a life of purpose OR create a new beginning in life...of hope, with a destiny of spiritual purpose and prosperity. We all fight the invisable battle of spirtual warefare, not realizing or understanding the event that unfold to our dismay...why?...is it God's wrath for what what is perceived as injustice for all your good intention or deeds?...is it our will, without the blessing of God's OR is it our unwillingness to use our faith to " Be sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see?" Hear me, spiritual warefare is amongs us...the battle for our souls is the ultimate prize for the side of angles and demons! Live for the perfect moment in time...with full attention to the only power and will that exists...that of our Gloious God the Father...and his precious Son...our Lord and Savior...Christ Jesus!!! My Prayer has been lifted to the Heavens with urgent requestfor a plea of forgiveness of all my sins and tragretions and with antisipation of a miraculous blessing or miricle. I pray for all who are in desperation and need of mercy for the undeserved grace of God, through which the intercesion of Christ our Lord delivers on our behalf. In this I ask all to unit in prayer for all deserving of compassion and resolve...for the one changing moment that will lift us to the height of reconciliation and redemption to never again experience moments of unbareable pain, suffering, anxiety, hopelessness, sadness and tears! May the Grace of God be with us in every perfect moment in time...which is every moment of existance!! Glory, Praise and Honour to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit....Amen

Jun 25, 2011
A Broken and Contrite Heart O God, you will not Despise
by: Anonymous

In one brief moment of decision without the guidance, grace and blessing of God...ones destiny in life can change...in darkness and hopelessness we ponder out fate. In a moment of time we can either destroy a life of purpose OR create a new beginning in life...of hope, with a destiny of spiritual purpose and prosperity. We all fight the invisable battle of spirtual warefare, not realizing or understanding the event that unfold to our dismay...why?...is it God's wrath for what what is perceived as injustice for all your good intention or deeds?...is it our will, without the blessing of God's OR is it our unwillingness to use our faith to " Be sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see?" Hear me, spiritual warefare is amongs us...the battle for our souls is the ultimate prize for the side of angles and demons! Live for the perfect moment in time...with full attention to the only power and will that exists...that of our Gloious God the Father...and his precious Son...our Lord and Savior...Christ Jesus!!! My Prayer has been lifted to the Heavens with urgent requestfor a plea of forgiveness of all my sins and tragretions and with antisipation of a miraculous blessing or miricle. I pray for all who are in desperation and need of mercy for the undeserved grace of God, through which the intercesion of Christ our Lord delivers on our behalf. In this I ask all to unit in prayer for all deserving of compassion and resolve...for the one changing moment that will lift us to the height of reconciliation and redemption to never again experience moments of unbareable pain, suffering, anxiety, hopelessness, sadness and tears! May the Grace of God be with us in every perfect moment in time...which is every moment of existance!! Glory, Praise and Honour to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit....Amen

Jun 25, 2011
A Broken and Contrite Heart O God, you will not Despise
by: Anonymous

In one brief moment of decision without the guidance, grace and blessing of God...ones destiny in life can change...in darkness and hopelessness we ponder out fate. In a moment of time we can either destroy a life of purpose OR create a new beginning in life...of hope, with a destiny of spiritual purpose and prosperity. We all fight the invisable battle of spirtual warefare, not realizing or understanding the event that unfold to our dismay...why?...is it God's wrath for what what is perceived as injustice for all your good intention or deeds?...is it our will, without the blessing of God's OR is it our unwillingness to use our faith to " Be sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see?" Hear me, spiritual warefare is amongs us...the battle for our souls is the ultimate prize for the side of angles and demons! Live for the perfect moment in time...with full attention to the only power and will that exists...that of our Gloious God the Father...and his precious Son...our Lord and Savior...Christ Jesus!!! My Prayer has been lifted to the Heavens with urgent requestfor a plea of forgiveness of all my sins and tragretions and with antisipation of a miraculous blessing or miricle. I pray for all who are in desperation and need of mercy for the undeserved grace of God, through which the intercesion of Christ our Lord delivers on our behalf. In this I ask all to unit in prayer for all deserving of compassion and resolve...for the one changing moment that will lift us to the height of reconciliation and redemption to never again experience moments of unbareable pain, suffering, anxiety, hopelessness, sadness and tears! May the Grace of God be with us in every perfect moment in time...which is every moment of existance!! Glory, Praise and Honour to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit....Amen

Jun 25, 2011
A Broken and Contrite Heart O God, you will not Despise
by: Anonymous

In one brief moment of decision without the guidance, grace and blessing of God...ones destiny in life can change...in darkness and hopelessness we ponder out fate. In a moment of time we can either destroy a life of purpose OR create a new beginning in life...of hope, with a destiny of spiritual purpose and prosperity. We all fight the invisable battle of spirtual warefare, not realizing or understanding the event that unfold to our dismay...why?...is it God's wrath for what what is perceived as injustice for all your good intention or deeds?...is it our will, without the blessing of God's OR is it our unwillingness to use our faith to " Be sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see?" Hear me, spiritual warefare is amongs us...the battle for our souls is the ultimate prize for the side of angles and demons! Live for the perfect moment in time...with full attention to the only power and will that exists...that of our Gloious God the Father...and his precious Son...our Lord and Savior...Christ Jesus!!! My Prayer has been lifted to the Heavens with urgent requestfor a plea of forgiveness of all my sins and tragretions and with antisipation of a miraculous blessing or miricle. I pray for all who are in desperation and need of mercy for the undeserved grace of God, through which the intercesion of Christ our Lord delivers on our behalf. In this I ask all to unit in prayer for all deserving of compassion and resolve...for the one changing moment that will lift us to the height of reconciliation and redemption to never again experience moments of unbareable pain, suffering, anxiety, hopelessness, sadness and tears! May the Grace of God be with us in every perfect moment in time...which is every moment of existance!! Glory, Praise and Honour to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit....Amen

Jun 25, 2011
Urgent Financial Assistance/Blesssing
by: Martin

Urgent Financial Blessing in my life.I pray for all on this site. God Bless

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen

Jun 25, 2011
Prayer for Self-esteem
by: Anonymous

I pray for trust and confidence that I will be able to good in my job...especially now that they gave me a very critical assignment

I also pray for my youngest brother. May God enlighten him and show him the right path.

Jun 25, 2011
Prayer for employment, health and the man of my dreams
by: Anonymous

The difficulties I'm going through made me decide to accept Jesus as my savior. I have a baby boy and I used to stay with my boyfriend, was working till things got extremely hectic. I lost my job and my relationship with my boyfriend got sour due to infidelity. He became so physically and emotionally abusive and cheated on me. I was forced to move out, that was the most difficult thing to do but I had to do it. I prayed so hard that God forgives me because moving in with him in the first place was the biggest sin in the eyes of the Lord. Life hasn't been very easy, it's still is not because I'm still unemployed and it's so hard to get a job now due to bad credit record. My bills got higher after loosing my job and now some of my accounts have been handed over to the attorneys because I can't pay... Life is really not so easy for me and my baby.. Please pray for me that I get a job.

Jun 25, 2011

I thank you Lord already for the new jobs for my husband who need it now. Also, thank you for opening a door for my daughters, Markesha and Markelle who are applying for jobs.

Jun 25, 2011

I thank you Lord already for the new jobs for my husband who need it now. Also, thank you for opening a door for my daughters, Markesha and Markelle who are applying for jobs.

Jun 25, 2011

I thank you Lord already for the new jobs for my husband who need it now. Also, thank you for opening a door for my daughters, Markesha and Markelle who are applying for jobs.

Jun 26, 2011
Desperate prayer
by: Anonymous

Dear Jesus,I am desperate,a sinner whom you know.I need yr urgent help,to solve my present dire circumstances of my family,pl help me.
Thank you Lord Jesus AMEN

Jun 26, 2011
Prayer for a good job
by: Anonymous

Dear Heavenly Father, even as I ask for a job in prayer, I know that You have answered me and with this faith I claim my gift of a job.Thank you Jesus for hearing and granting my prayer.

Jun 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank you Lord for answering my prayer.

Jun 27, 2011
made a way out of no way!!
by: a.slade.sr

i needed a job and a financial blessing! and the lord to move doubt & unbelief out of my mind and life!!so that i would forever keep my eyes on jesus

Jun 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please God Jesus help my husband to come out safely of the enquiry where he is at present. Please God let us hear a pleasant news.

Thankyou God Jesus

Jun 28, 2011
thank you
by: Anonymous

My dear God, I thank you for everything in my life. Never did you forget to hear my prayers. And I know you will never give me anything that I cannot handle. Thank you for your guidance and help. And please, I also pray for A that he will have a clear and open mind. And in the end I hope that love prevails.

Jun 28, 2011
thank you
by: Anonymous

My dear God, I thank you for everything in my life. Never did you forget to hear my prayers. And I know you will never give me anything that I cannot handle. Thank you for your guidance and help. And please, I also pray for A that he will have a clear and open mind. And in the end I hope that love prevails.

Jun 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer. I pray that I will get a job as a Secretary urgently. Thank you

Jun 30, 2011
desperate need
by: Anonymous

Lord i come to you and ask you for your help as i am in great financial difficulties, i am burden with many depts, and i have had my car taken away from me to-day, and i am devastated, you are the only one that i can turn to, and ask you help me keep my faith, thank you Lord

Jul 01, 2011
Financial reliefI
by: Anonymous

I ask tthat this prayer be published and I receive a financial windfall.

Jul 01, 2011
Financial reliefI
by: Anonymous

I ask tthat this prayer be published and I receive a financial windfall.

Jul 01, 2011
Financial reliefI
by: Anonymous

I ask tthat this prayer be published and I receive a financial windfall.

Jul 01, 2011
Financial reliefI
by: Anonymous

I ask tthat this prayer be published and I receive a financial windfall.

Jul 03, 2011
Peace in my heart and to be loved
by: Anonymous

I am so alone with few friends and no job. I have been out of work for years. My heart aches for love and friendship. I pray that I will be helped. I don't know where to turn

Jul 03, 2011
prayer for help for a house we really need
by: Mario Muro

I need prayer to help my family and I get into this house, we need to stay in the same school district for our children. And we need the room as well. Please dear lord help me in this desperate time of need.

Jul 03, 2011
Thank you Jesus and Praise You
by: Anonymous

Thank you Jesus for answering my earnest plea for a job.
Praise the Lord Alleluia

Jul 03, 2011



Jul 03, 2011
Forgive me
by: Anonymous

I had an affair which is before the Lords eye. I had many affairs thinking grace was sufficient to forgive me. I have been exposed and brought shame to mywife and children. I am responsible. Gods prescense has left my business and my marriage. I am in debts over $900 000. My busines is bankcrupt and today was my last $30 in my account. No more. I am at the end. Please help me Lord.

Jul 04, 2011
Prayer for Help
by: Anonymous

We pray for understanding in the workplace, for tolerance and peace; we are all being retrenched but some people treat others with disdain. Let not their hatred destroy me or make me ill even more,I cannot afford to get sick. I need to work until the end so that I can help those in need. Bless too my sister-in-law who has cancer. Thank You Jesus, AMEN & AMEN.

Jul 04, 2011
Prayer Request
by: Anonymous

Please help me and my husband to get a job soon and that we will always be protected from evildoers and that we will always be healthy and strong to do the will of GOD as well as a blessing to others.

Jul 05, 2011
Thank You
by: Anonymous

Lord help me to become financially able to leave my abusive husband right away and to be able to take care of both my kids without any struggle.

Jul 06, 2011
God please
by: Anonymous

oh god please help me financially..

Jul 07, 2011
Prayer for my son
by: Anonymous

I pray for my son for the tough time he is going thru. Lord I pray that you can heal his heart, take away all the hurt and pain away.

Jul 07, 2011
Prayer for my son
by: Anonymous

I pray for my son for the tough time he is going thru. Lord I pray that you can heal his heart, take away all the hurt and pain away.

Jul 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

I just pray for peace in my household.

Jul 08, 2011
in financial crisis
by: Let

dear Lord, i am in deep financial trouble. i cannot pay for my bills anymore, i have a store but i cannot buy stocks for it not like before, please help me, dear Lord please hear me..

Jul 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

I pray god that my husband should get back his job which he had lost.

Jul 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord our family is suffering a lot.Please help my hubby to get back his job.Give him a very favourable court order

Jul 10, 2011
Prayer Needed
by: Anonymous

Im need GOD to move in all area of my life.....

Jul 10, 2011
Prayer Needed
by: Anonymous

Im need GOD to move in all area of my life.....

Jul 10, 2011
Prayer Needed
by: Anonymous

Im need GOD to move in all area of my life.....

Jul 10, 2011
A blessing for my business
by: Anonymous

Please pray that qualified buyers, sellers and renters come into my path. Please pray that my listings deposit by the end of July. I am desperately in need of prayers.

Jul 11, 2011
Thank you My Lord
by: Thank you My Lord

Jesus you know after my dad passed away we are staying in our grandpa's house, now others are asking us to let out the house, and filed a case, and we are attending the case, as the property papers are on their names, we are unable to prove ourselves, but they have taken all other property which belonged to my dad, now where shall we go, we are staying from past 40years in that house, i pray that we shall stay there only, till the end, because my uncle, aunty they have taken that property by fraud, my grandpa wanted that house be on my sister, i know jesus you have some good plan and save that house for us.

Thank you jesus

Jul 12, 2011
Request to get a good job
by: sharmila

I am praying for a job that I have applied for and believe I would receive it in Jesus Name.

praise the lord please jesus help this poor to get good job very soon within a week time please please

Jul 12, 2011
Request to get a good job
by: sharmila

I am praying for a job that I have applied for and believe I would receive it in Jesus Name.

praise the lord please jesus help this poor to get good job very soon within a week time please please

Jul 13, 2011
in depesperate need of finances
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish this prayer to get help for my financial troubles .

Jul 13, 2011
For Love and Money!!!
by: Anonymous

I need a good job!!! Also Love to fill a huge void!!!

Jul 13, 2011
For Love and Money!!!
by: Anonymous

I need a good job!!! Also Love to fill a huge void!!!

Jul 13, 2011
For Love and Money!!!
by: Anonymous

I need a good job!!! Also Love to fill a huge void!!!

Jul 15, 2011
prayer for employment
by: Anonymous

I pray that you give me gainful employment that I may serve you all the days of my life Amen.

Jul 15, 2011
My son
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer and beg god to help my son heal at this time. Lord please give my son your grace and mercy at this time. I love you lord.

Jul 15, 2011
Financial troubles
by: Anonymous

I ask God to help us get out of these difficult financial times my husband and I are facing and that my husband and I can get back on our feet again. amen thank you jesus

Jul 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

When I got my job I worked their for 3 years and some how got a fear that what ever it is if I leave this job I will never get another one it is so true that I could not get one after that pray that all my fears and mental stay may be delivered and I may be able to work and get a new job and be successful in it.

Jul 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

please lord, help me to find a suitable job. I put it in your hands as i am finding it very difficult in the current times me live in. Thank you.

Jul 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my family that we heal and love one another always!

Jul 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my family that we heal and love one another always!

Jul 20, 2011
thank you God
by: Anonymous

I would like to post my request, that my prayer be granted. I urgently and humbly with all my heart ask that You, Lord please here my prayer that I ask with all my heart that you please help me with love. You are the witness of how happy I was with him. Please hear my prayer.

Jul 21, 2011
Broken relationship
by: Anonymous

I know that God let my boy and I to be broken for us to be restored better than ever. I pray that in Jesus' name, our relationship will be mended.

Jul 22, 2011
God help and intervention on my daughter marriage .Please our lord JESUS change the heard of son inlaw to come back home to my daugher and his children.
by: Anonymous

Please,JESUS change the mind of my son inlaw to come back to my daugher and his children I know you are kind and merciful nothing is impossible for you to do. I asked this in JESUS NAME AMEN.HELIUM

Jul 22, 2011
God help and intervention on my daughter marriage .Please our lord JESUS change the heard of son inlaw to come back home to my daugher and his children.
by: Anonymous

Please,JESUS change the mind of my son inlaw to come back to my daugher and his children I know you are kind and merciful nothing is impossible for you to do. I asked this in JESUS NAME AMEN.HELIUM

Jul 22, 2011
God help and intervention on my daughter marriage .Please our lord JESUS change the heard of son inlaw to come back home to my daugher and his children.
by: Anonymous

Please,JESUS change the mind of my son inlaw to come back to my daugher and his children I know you are kind and merciful nothing is impossible for you to do. I asked this in JESUS NAME AMEN.HELIUM

Jul 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

I pray that the person I love may see the love that I've got for him. Let him love me back

Jul 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

I pray that the person I love may see the love that I've got for him. Let him love me back

Jul 23, 2011
Urgent financial rescue
by: Anonymous

Please pray that my current financial situation be reversed. Amen

Jul 24, 2011
Prayers for distress
by: Anonymous

I pray that I will be delivered from the heartaches and disappointments that I have been plagued with. My family suffers because of my loss and I pray that their burdens will be lifted too.

In the name of Jesus Christ.

Jul 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

i wish to publish my thanks for all

Jul 26, 2011
Prayer for Engagement Restoration
by: Daniel

Please! Pray for me and my bride Talita Oliveira de Souza. Our engagement is over. I know she still loves me, but something is taking her apart. I'm desperate. Please, help-me!
God bless you!!!

Jul 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank You Jesus !

Jul 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank You Jesus !

Jul 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank You Jesus !

Jul 27, 2011
healing ,job,husbands
by: Anonymous

daughter to be healed from very bad painful menstruation with vomiting.jobs and green cards for daughters.God fearing husbands for daughters.

Jul 27, 2011
healing ,job,husbands
by: Anonymous

daughter to be healed from very bad painful menstruation with vomiting.jobs and green cards for daughters.God fearing husbands for daughters.

Jul 27, 2011
healing,employment,greencard,marriage,joy of The Lord
by: Anonymous

healing of menstrual pain with vomiting for my daughter.healing of asthmatic attacks for all my children.very good jobs and green cards for my daughters.Godfearing husbands for my daughters.resident papers for my son.good health and long life for my family.my family must love and fear God.

Jul 27, 2011
healing,employment,greencard,marriage,joy of The Lord
by: Anonymous

healing of menstrual pain with vomiting for my daughter.healing of asthmatic attacks for all my children.very good jobs and green cards for my daughters.Godfearing husbands for my daughters.resident papers for my son.good health and long life for my family.my family must love and fear God.

Jul 27, 2011
alleluia in Jesus' name
by: Anonymous

Please Lord hear my prayer for my husband to get the job he thought may be offered to him. He needs this second chance. He wants to prove he will take care of his family and not divert from the teachings of God no more. Our family needs this also for strength happiness and most importantly peace for us. Our children deserve peace and security again and with this opportunity for employment they can have that. I promise to carry on your works and praise your name always and forever. Amen.

Jul 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

I want to thank you for ur help in my most deepest days of dispair x

Jul 27, 2011
please grant my prayer
by: catherine

Lord, please grant my prayer that i would get the job tomorrow.i need it so badly.please be my mouth in my interview.tomorrow is my mom's bday.it would be my gift to her if i tell her the good news. please im begging you Lord..please.thank you

Jul 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

Pray for me to stay a way from the casino and all my bill get paid and everything I took from my family be return to them.

Jul 27, 2011
please help me pray
by: catherine

Lord,today is my mom's birthday and my job interview.please guide me.i need a job so much to support my family and i hope today would be my day so the good news would be my gift to my mom's bday.she worked so hard to raise 4 kids on her own.she is the father and mother since my father passed away when i was nine.please help be this day a very happy bday to my mom.thank you for all your love and care Lord jesus

Jul 27, 2011
Difficulties & Trials in my Life
by: Antoinette

Lord I thank you for your everyday Blessings in me and my families life.. I humbly ask you from the bottom of my heart to overcome any and all difficulties through my financial burdens and seeking for a success in a new job most especially in the field I most desire in the Medical field. Please guide and assist my family and I to overcome this in STRENGTH & LOVE. In Jesus we ask this.. AMEN

Jul 28, 2011
please help....
by: dana

We are in need of getting a job. We need insurance for the kids. All I ask is for the job and the rest will be up to my husband and I . I promise to keep doing God work. And spreading his name.please grant this request. Amen.

Jul 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

i would like to ask for finicial help for my family Amen

Jul 29, 2011
Em busca do amor
by: Francisco

Quero que meu amor volte como minha companheira e dona do meu coração e não apenas como mãe dos meus filhos, te suplico meu Deus.

Jul 31, 2011
Praise the Lord.
by: Anonymous

I humbly pray and seek God's face and ask holy Father to lift me up and rescue from this pain and worries. If he is the man whom Holy Father has created him for me, then show me your answer today right away, that he is the one You want me to be with. If he is the man for me, speak into his heart and mind that I am created by you, my gracious Father, and have him move forward towards me now and accept me now. Holy father, I glorify and praise and I trust and have in you, I am leaving my problem and let you handle for me. I believed you will make me happy and I will be faithful as you been faithful and rigtheous. I also seek your help to handle my financial issue, lighten and you will made me no longer have any problem in my life. I believed in you Gracious Father and will only habe you as my ONLY GOD. I pray in the name of Jesus, AMEN!
~~ I believed. I received. Thank you my holy Fathe, Thank you Jesus for your precious blood, I been saved, I received your blessing and God answered to my prayer.. Thank you Heavenly Father.

Jul 31, 2011
Praise the Lord.
by: Anonymous

I humbly pray and seek God's face and ask holy Father to lift me up and rescue from this pain and worries. If he is the man whom Holy Father has created him for me, then show me your answer today right away, that he is the one You want me to be with. If he is the man for me, speak into his heart and mind that I am created by you, my gracious Father, and have him move forward towards me now and accept me now. Holy father, I glorify and praise and I trust and have in you, I am leaving my problem and let you handle for me. I believed you will make me happy and I will be faithful as you been faithful and rigtheous. I also seek your help to handle my financial issue, lighten and you will made me no longer have any problem in my life. I believed in you Gracious Father and will only habe you as my ONLY GOD. I pray in the name of Jesus, AMEN!
~~ I believed. I received. Thank you my holy Fathe, Thank you Jesus for your precious blood, I been saved, I received your blessing and God answered to my prayer.. Thank you Heavenly Father.

Jul 31, 2011
Pray requests and most urgent help for relationship and financial burden.
by: Anonymous

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name , I ask Holy Father, Hear to my pray, I seek your face, answer me now, do not forsake me, as you are faithful and righteous. If he D is the man you created for me and me for him, then please give us your blessing, wake him up and open his eyes and heart to be brave and accept me. Let him see that I am for him. Let him see he loves me. Let me enjoy the true love and love like God the way you love your children. Father, I ask you to also solve and handle my financial burden. I trust and have faith in you, Gracious Father, my only God, Lord Jesus Christ my saviour. I am leaving my relationship and financial issues in your hand, let you handle for me. I pray faithfully and humbly in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Amen .

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered.( I received your blessing and your gift..Thank you God, Thank you Jesus, >>. Amen.

Aug 01, 2011
I wish for help to keep my job
by: Anonymous

I ask in thy humble name to pray to help me keep my job at the Bank and to become a successful Teller and serve my clients to the best of my ability. Thank you Jesus.

Aug 01, 2011
I wish for help to keep my job
by: Anonymous

I ask in thy humble name to pray to help me keep my job at the Bank and to become a successful Teller and serve my clients to the best of my ability. Thank you Jesus.

Aug 01, 2011
I wish for help to keep my job
by: Anonymous

I ask in thy humble name to pray to help me keep my job at the Bank and to become a successful Teller and serve my clients to the best of my ability. Thank you Jesus.

Aug 02, 2011
Employment and true love.
by: Anonymous

I pray for employment and true love. I am 54, alone, desperate, helpless, idle. I find fault in everyone. I need to keep busy and someone I to love and be loved. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Aug 02, 2011
Employment and true love.
by: Anonymous

I pray for employment and true love. I am 54, alone, desperate, helpless, idle. I find fault in everyone. I need to keep busy and someone I to love and be loved. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Aug 02, 2011
Employment and true love.
by: Anonymous

I pray for employment and true love. I am 54, alone, desperate, helpless, idle. I find fault in everyone. I need to keep busy and someone I to love and be loved. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Aug 02, 2011
job interview
by: Anonymous

pray for my son to get the job he had the interview for

Aug 02, 2011
Troubled time
by: Anonymous

i seek help in this worrying troubled time Amen

Aug 02, 2011
Prayer Request
by: Anonymous

I would like to ask everyone on this site to please pray for my dad who was diagnosed with prostate cancer as I don't want him to just died as yet as he still in his fighting spirit to survives longer as his sisters needs him and so as his children and g'children. Please please pray for my loving dad. a few more years would put a meaning to our darkness world.

Only God can heal him, therefore, please Jesus have mercy on us as I ask for your supernatural power to heal him and to renew his blood. Please give him strength to overcome his illness and to live longer. I pray in your name. Amen

Aug 02, 2011
For my husband to get his job back by the end of this week.
by: Anonymous

Please pray with my husband and I that he gets his job back by the end of this week.

Aug 02, 2011
Release fro jail
by: Anonymous

My cousins get are released from jail this week. Kelvin and Carlos

Aug 03, 2011
by: Dana

Please let my husband get a job. We are getting desperate for peace inside and in our family. Please hear this petition. Amen.

Aug 03, 2011
by: Dana

Please let my husband get a job. We are getting desperate for peace inside and in our family. Please hear this petition. Amen.

Aug 03, 2011
Employment and husbands business to pull through
by: Anonymous

I want to publish my prayer because I love my Lord.

Aug 03, 2011
Employment and husbands business to pull through
by: Anonymous

I want to publish my prayer because I love my Lord.

Aug 03, 2011
Please Hear My Prayer
by: Valerie

Please Dear Lord, hear my prayer. I feel like we're in such a slump, and we desperately need to get out of it. Please sweet Lord, answer my prayer. Help my husband and I get out of this financial hole we're in, and lift us up. All we need is a boost in the right direction, and we'll work really hard to continue to go upward. I have great faith in you. So does my husband. But he is feeling defeated lately, and I feel like that negativity is effecting us. Plese show him that we WILL get out of this. Please Lord. I ask this with great faith in you and greater love.

Aug 03, 2011
i pray for happiness
by: Anonymous

dear lord i pray with all my might for my family to be happy i hope you guide me through life with pleasurei try my hardest for everyone to be happy near me
my financial worries to be xtinct dear lord thank you for kindness.

Aug 03, 2011
I am confident that my prayer will be heard and granted!
by: Anonymous

Im seeking help for economic relieve and a job as well as keep my family safe and healthy. As i am confident that my prayer will be heard ...GOD BLESS!

Aug 03, 2011
Financial rescue
by: Anonymous

Oh Lord i praying in the name of JESUS to help me get over with this financial problem. Help me get money to settle my debt by today. I believe the miracle is going to happen to break through this

Aug 04, 2011
give me strength
by: Dana

Oh Lord please hear my prayers. I promise to live faithfully to you. Please give me a sign that things are going to be alright. I need my faith to be strengthened. Please Lord. Amen.

Aug 05, 2011
by: Tracey

I would would like to publish my prayer to ask for help to find a safe home and to raise the money for deposits to move from where I am immediately.

Aug 05, 2011
Begging for Financial Help
by: Anonymous

I am desperate to pay off debts due on time and to find the financial assistance for them. I beg for your help. I am so desperate please help.

Aug 05, 2011
by: Joel

I pray that am given atleast 15 marks in my contract course work which will enable me sit and get back my results in contract law. I also pray that i improve in my acedemic performance this semester. TO GOD BE THE GLORY. AMEN

Aug 05, 2011
praying for the best
by: Anonymous

I pray God reunites me and my daughters father again so we can go back to being a happy family. I also pray I pass my certification exam so that I am able to attain a job in my field.
In Jesus name I pray,

Aug 05, 2011
please answer
by: Anonymous

I beg that my prayers may be answered and that I may find the solution that I seek.

Aug 07, 2011
a meaningful job that i can take care of my self and my daughter and a life that will please GOd
by: stephen

i would like you to pray for me to get a job,i have a 2yrs daughter a single father,i needs GOd favour,and luck and his protection.

Aug 07, 2011
a meaningful job that i can take care of my self and my daughter and a life that will please GOd
by: stephen

i would like you to pray for me to get a job,i have a 2yrs daughter a single father,i needs GOd favour,and luck and his protection.

Aug 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Father,
Please forgive me for All of my sins. Please let those that search me find forgiveness for me. Dear Father, please let the ordeal I am within pass and not harm me. Please Father, in your name I pray.

Aug 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Father,
Please forgive me for All of my sins. Please let those that search me find forgiveness for me. Dear Father, please let the ordeal I am within pass and not harm me. Please Father, in your name I pray.

Aug 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please Dear Jesus, My daughter is in desperate need of You now. Please be with her and help her through this very hard time. She is so lost. Help her find peace. Amen

Aug 08, 2011
by: Rodrigo

Jesus I humbly seek forgiveness for my sins ,
let not my sins and transgressions affect to the people I love and dependent on my support . help me to overcome my never ending debts ,bestow on me and my family your blessings for prosperity ,family unity ,love , compassion for one another ,cooperation , understanding and break the bond of the unseen that are stopping us from all the problems that we are encountering .Help us recover from our feet, and let me stay with my family to follow their daily lives to live according to your teachings and ,Glory to God in the Highest. all this I ask in Jesus name Amen .

Aug 08, 2011
son needs prayer
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my son to stop drinking...and that there may be peace with him and his family. That he realizes that alcohol with destroy his family..Please Jesus hear my prayer. Thank you

Aug 08, 2011
Prayer to keep my home
by: M.L.Hudson

Dear Lord I humbly pray that the appeals Judges overlook my lack of judicial training, and instead carefully read the content of our appeal to find the fraud created within the Bank and Finance company. Lord please let the appeals Judges rule in our family's favor, find the Bank's, Mortgage company's, and the attorney for the bank 'unclean hands' and allow us to keep our home, free and clear.Lord, please allow this to proceed in bankruptcy court, with an appeal win, so that our lein is upheld, and the Bank has no further remedy.I believe in your miracles Lord, let my faith be enough, free me from the fear of losing my home to fraud.I have recieved the benefit of your miracles, Lord. I thank you for remission from leukemia, for my Husband's remission from leukemia. Yet, here I am Lord, again beseeching you for a miracle, I have faith. All Glory is YOURS forever and ever.

Aug 09, 2011
restore his loving,caring heart
by: Anonymous

Jesus pliz help my man's complicated life,help him to be a caring loving man.....help us God...

Aug 09, 2011
restore his loving,caring heart
by: Anonymous

Jesus pliz help my man's complicated life,help him to be a caring loving man.....help us God...

Aug 09, 2011
by: Bennii

I pray for a car in execellent condition to get to school and to a descent paying job that I also pray for and money to get all our bills paid so we do not have to hide and and can live freely. I pray for our children to stay safe and away from dangerous people. I pray for people who want to see us do bad to be stopped in their tracks and can not progress with any negative barriers against us.

Aug 09, 2011
by: Bennii

I pray for a car in execellent condition to get to school and to a descent paying job that I also pray for and money to get all our bills paid so we do not have to hide and and can live freely. I pray for our children to stay safe and away from dangerous people. I pray for people who want to see us do bad to be stopped in their tracks and can not progress with any negative barriers against us.

Aug 09, 2011
by: Bennii

I pray for a car in execellent condition to get to school and to a descent paying job that I also pray for and money to get all our bills paid so we do not have to hide and and can live freely. I pray for our children to stay safe and away from dangerous people. I pray for people who want to see us do bad to be stopped in their tracks and can not progress with any negative barriers against us.

Aug 09, 2011


Aug 09, 2011
by: Anonymous

I wish to thank Jesus for finical help for my family

Aug 09, 2011
by: Anonymous

God please restore my marriage and release Satan's grip on my husband as he his blinded by anger,frustration, pain, sorrow. He is feeling unworthy and unappreciated. Open his heart so that he may see that he is loved and worthy of a great marriage. Lord I ask you to open my eyes and heart to hear my husband's cry, that I may be more in tuned with the harmonious (agope) love that YOU so desire for us. Heal me where I fall short and help me keep my footing for I have slipped into a deep dark hole and cannot see the light towards the exist without you help. I am calling on you with an open, honest, heart. I cry out to you Lord, I surrender all and trust and have faith that YOU will work YOUR wonders for I am nothing, just a mere nothing without YOU!! I praise and worship YOU in Jesus name I pray..Amen!

Aug 10, 2011
Financial crisis
by: J&J

Dear God

Pls forgive us for messing up our life. I sincerely n humbly ask in the name of Jesus to take away all our debts n to provide a big sum of money so that we can pay off the debts, outstanding bills as soon as possible. We pray in most mighty name Amen!!!

Aug 10, 2011
Prayer for happy married life
by: Anonymous

Oh Merciful Lord God please have mercy on me. Gift me happy married life may peace be upon us. Oh Lord please have mercy upon me.

Aug 11, 2011
God of host please come to my aid
by: Anonymous

I pray I may pass my DFQ test and get accepted in to the CHemE program

Aug 11, 2011
God of host please come to my aid
by: Anonymous

I pray I may pass my DFQ test and get accepted in to the CHemE program

Aug 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

publishing as I am in dire financial need. I have not paid my rent and owe money left right and center I am praying for a financial breakthrough.

Aug 11, 2011
Thank and Request
by: Tonny Kirangwa

I thank the Lord Jesus, I said this prayer and before a day passed i had got a house for rent and even the money to pay for rent.

I request my loving Jesus this time to get me tuition and examination fees for my ACCA exams I am to sit this December, 2011.

Thank you Jesus, no love is like you, you exactly know what is good for me.

Your name will praised over and over and again in Heaven and on earth

Aug 13, 2011
by: Anonymous

dear lord... i ask that you reveal the enemy to me and i ask that you give me the strength to steadfast through my trials and storms.. lord i know that you are watching over me and i know that you will not give me more than i can bear... i ask that you forgive me for all the unjust things that i said and think about anybody that has done me wrong but give me the strength to pray for them ... amen

Aug 14, 2011
My request in time of need
by: Anonymous

lord, open the the to a better future than the life i have now, bring peace to my family and i help me, help me in every way, lord i really need a job,a job where i can feel like i rise up back to my feet thank you lord in your name i pray amen.

Aug 14, 2011
My request in time of need
by: Anonymous

lord, open the the to a better future than the life i have now, bring peace to my family and i help me, help me in every way, lord i really need a job,a job where i can feel like i rise up back to my feet thank you lord in your name i pray amen.

Aug 14, 2011
Dear God help my family
by: Lisa Payne

Dear Lord,
Please help my daughter see her decision to move away from her family is so very wrong and dangerous. Please God help her see that she is in a very abusive and dangerous relationship. please help her open her eyes to see the evil that he is. Please help her see this light before it is too late. Please I beg of you dear God, my savorior please God I beg of you, help this family!

Aug 16, 2011
work abroad
by: marzlee

i prayed to you Jesus and to all saints in heaven to please help me get the job im waiting for, to work abroad in the fine and luxurious hotel i had applied on. have mercy on me. Amen.

Aug 17, 2011
Hard times
by: desperate

Having hard times with my teenage son, hes totally out of control i fear for his life...due to bad decisions... Plz pray for us... I have faith that god will turn this into a positive eventho right now iam in darkness and despair....in jesus name amen!

Aug 18, 2011
help for children
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, I pray that my children will be healed of their physical and emotional pain. Please find my son a job worthy of his intellect and my daughter a job with good people who will respect her for her abilities. Dear Lord, also please bless my dear friends Gerri and Pam. They have many physical and emptional issues, too. And, for me I will be out of pain when my children can support themselves and are out of emotional pain. In Your name I pray. ~B

Aug 18, 2011
by: Anonymous


Aug 18, 2011
by: Daric

I prayed for a miricale to bless my health help me with a home and job give me more confidence and outgoing

Aug 19, 2011
All things are possible for God
by: Anonymous

Holy father I pray that you touch my husband Michaels heart, so that he may ask for deliverance. May his heart be touched and filled with your holy spirit,and guide him in the right path. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN, AMEN

Aug 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

i need my daughter sharisse find a new job...and we need mor blessing for my family....AND my loan will be aproved

Aug 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

i need my daughter sharisse find a new job...and we need mor blessing for my family....AND my loan will be aproved

Aug 22, 2011

I publish this request that my husband gets his job back soon.

Aug 22, 2011

I publish this request that my husband gets his job back soon.

Aug 22, 2011
Merciful Saviour
by: Anonymous

i would like to ask help from merciful saviour Jesus Crist to help me to give me another chance to have a suitable job

Aug 22, 2011
Prayer for a job
by: Anonymous

I pray thatbmy husband cam get a job ASAP for his own sake and sanity! Oh Lord, please help us.

Aug 22, 2011
prayer for relationship
by: Anonymous

Please pray for N & S relationship. Please do not lead to them to separation. Please pray that their hearts will always be filled with the love for each other. They had been through tough times already. Bless them with courage and determination to hold on to each other.

Aug 23, 2011
God is Good!
by: Anonymous

Thank you God for everything you have given me!

Aug 23, 2011
God is Good!
by: Anonymous

Thank you God for everything you have given me!

Aug 23, 2011
Broken Relationship
by: Anonymous

Please pray for N & S relationship. Please do not lead to them to separation. Please pray that their hearts will always be filled with the love for each other. They had been through tough times already. Bless them with courage and determination to hold on to each other.

Please help me pray that their hearts will be filled with mutual love for each other. That their strong love for each other would bring them back together. That they would find their paths back to each other. Please help me I need your prayers.

Thank you so much

Aug 24, 2011
Help for my children and family
by: Anonymous

Please pray that sophia's father stays in maryland or an intervention with her visitation. Please pray for court issues in maryland be resolved peacefully. Please pray for employment for me to support my children. Pray for the health of my parents who are my only support. And Please pray for peace in our lives. Thank you so much for your prayers and I will be praying for your needs as well. God Bless.

Aug 24, 2011
My Children
by: Your Child

Lord,please hear my prayer.Please let this investigation be closed by the agency.And return my children to today safe and permanently. In JESUS name I pray.Amen

Aug 24, 2011
Prayer for help during transition
by: Mother of 11

I pray to Our Most Holy Father and Blessed Jesus to be with us during a time of transition. My husband is displaced and working a job that is a fraction of his previous salary and cannot possibly sustain us. I left my job because my children are too young to be home alone and the cost of care would take all my paycheck. I am registered to go back to college this fall and will anticipate financial relief from aid at that time, but until then there is barely enough to pay basic bills, but not take care of the kids' school needs and any other emergency costs. I know You have not abandoned us, but we are praying for your presence to be strong in our home and hearts during this time. We pray for the kids' needs to be taken care of, specifically clothes, shoes, and bikes. Thank you and praise you for your providence!

Aug 25, 2011
prayer for financial recovery
by: Anonymous

I am praying for financial recovery and to be able to pay all my debts as well as to pay the tuition fee of my daughter who will be taking her examinations next week....

Aug 26, 2011
My request
by: Anonymous

I pray to be successful in a job interview that I had yesterday. I am in desperate need for a permanent job to make my life better.

Aug 26, 2011
Thank you jesus
by: Anonymous

Thank you Jesus for granting my petitions and covering me with your blood...

Aug 26, 2011
Thank you jesus
by: Anonymous

Thank you Jesus for granting my petitions and covering me with your blood...

Aug 26, 2011
Thank you jesus
by: Anonymous

Thank you for answering my petitions and covering me with your blood

Aug 26, 2011
Thank you jesus
by: Anonymous

Thank you for answering my petitions and covering me with your blood

Aug 27, 2011
prayer in this finacial trouble
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus i believe you already answered my prayer, help me in my trouble financial situation right now, send somebody to help me with all of this mistakes in my life, and give me peace of mind heart and body thank you my Lord

Aug 28, 2011
help for getting a job
by: Anonymous

I would like to ask help to get this job tomorrow.

Aug 28, 2011
Niece in Custody Battle with Abusive Spouse
by: Anonymous

For close to a year my niece has been engaged in the fight of her life. Her husband sexually abused her daughter and she fears for the safety of her younger daughter that her spouse is fighting her for custody over. He has influence in our small town and she is up against insurmountable odds. Her parents are backing her but he is purposefully depleting their resources with excessive motions and abusive/false accusations about her. May God bring this madness to a quick end, grant her custody and he is disarmed and leaves them alone. Also that her daughter and others harmed by him can heal and move on.

Aug 28, 2011
Need Financial help..
by: HSO

Dear Lord Jesus...I pray to you to help us solve our financial problems...and also to please help me get MB back here with me...you know that we are all working so hard and never give up because of You!

Aug 29, 2011
Last chance of my life...
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord Jesus my Saviour and Redeemer, please give me a last chance so I will be able to help my family and relatives.

Aug 29, 2011
Prayer for my son who has court today
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my son M. Who has court today, give him a chance to make a life with his new family . Please pray,

Aug 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

I need financial help. I am married with three small children, one of which is a special needs child. I became catholic in 2010 and left a very high paying job because it was inconducive to my new found faith. Now I am desperate and waiting for God to provide a way. I'm losing hope that He is in control at all.I'm wondering if I even did the right thing. I feel I've let my wife and children down. I see the needs here, and perhaps mine are small in comparison. I feel selfish asking and expecting for a breakthrough, but I ask nonetheless.

Aug 31, 2011
Son in ICU
by: Anonymous

Please pull my son from his critical & life-threatening state and on the road to recovery..amen.

Aug 31, 2011
Son in ICU
by: Anonymous

Please pull my son from his critical & life-threatening state and on the road to recovery..amen.

Aug 31, 2011
Son in ICU
by: Anonymous

Please pull my son from his critical & life-threatening state and on the road to recovery..amen.

Aug 31, 2011
Son in ICU
by: Anonymous

Please pull my son from his critical & life-threatening state and on the road to recovery..amen.

Aug 31, 2011
Son in ICU
by: Anonymous

Please pull my son from his critical & life-threatening state and on the road to recovery..amen.

Aug 31, 2011
Son in ICU
by: Anonymous

Please pull my son from his critical & life-threatening state and on the road to recovery..amen.

Aug 31, 2011
Financial Help
by: Anonymous

Please help me resolve my financial troubles, I just need that final push so that peace can come back to my heart and soul.

Sep 01, 2011
by: Rose

I need a financial break through,favour in God for all that am going through,success in my endevours.

Sep 01, 2011
My prayer
by: Anonymous

I'd like to pray for the guy i have been dating on and off for five years to finally be my boyfriend

Sep 01, 2011
My prayer
by: Anonymous

I'd like to pray for the guy i have been dating on and off for five years to finally be my boyfriend

Sep 03, 2011
Healing of my son
by: Beryl

I pray that y son be healed from his chronic constipation, please dear Jesus.

Sep 03, 2011
Healing of my son
by: Beryl

I pray that y son be healed from his chronic constipation, please dear Jesus.

Sep 03, 2011
Healing of my son
by: Beryl

I pray that y son be healed from his chronic constipation, please dear Jesus.

Sep 03, 2011
Almighty Lord Pls Come & Save Me
by: Joan

Dear Almighty Lord, I Strongly Believe that U can feel the pain I'm going Through... My Husband is having a affair & even have a kid... I know its stupid of me to hold on to this marriage. I did try to let go but I really can't. Pls Jesus I really wish U could cover me with ur most precious blood & help me save my marriage. Heal my Broken heart... Pls let me feel love, Joy, Happiness & Peace.
In Jesus Name Amen

Sep 03, 2011
Almighty Lord Pls Come & Save Me
by: Joan

Dear Almighty Lord, I Strongly Believe that U can feel the pain I'm going Through... My Husband is having a affair & even have a kid... I know its stupid of me to hold on to this marriage. I did try to let go but I really can't. Pls Jesus I really wish U could cover me with ur most precious blood & help me save my marriage. Heal my Broken heart... Pls let me feel love, Joy, Happiness & Peace.
In Jesus Name Amen

Sep 05, 2011
lord jesus
by: Anonymous

u tell us to ask and it shall be done, seek and we shall find..lord now i ask please answer my prayer.thank you.

Sep 05, 2011
Prayer to fix Visa
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish and ask a help to please help me to pray that my request re my visa will be fixed. In jesus name, amen.

Sep 06, 2011
Home Is Where I Belong
by: Anonymous

I ask for you to help my dad find a way to get me back home to him, and to my family.

Sep 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank God for all the help he has given me in my most desprate times


Sep 06, 2011
i believe
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish this prayer to stop foreclosure on my home.

Sep 07, 2011
divine intervention
by: Sylvia

Thank you Lord in advance for answering my prayer. My husband and i are having financial difficulties and we are having trouble keeping up and our landlords want to evict us even though we are really trying to pay. Help us Lord.

Sep 07, 2011
Pray for me and my family
by: need_help

I am desperate for help. I do not know where else to look for help. GOD please help me out of this situation. I have been a helping human being all my life never hurt anyone knowingly. Please pray for me and my family get out of very hard financial situation.

Sep 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Pray for my tough situation and for my current relationship

Sep 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

i am praying that i get a home for me and my children

Sep 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

I pray that my father in law would stop bugging my husband. He is such a very selfish man.

Sep 08, 2011
Forgiveness and another chance
by: Anonymous

I would like to see my friend joe be able to keep his job. He has made mistakes in the past and he is trying very hard to change. Please make it so that he is able to keep his job.

Sep 08, 2011
out of work and need money
by: ruffo family

Please God help me and my family to find work and money for medical, housing,food,ect. bills are building up and know help in site.

Sep 08, 2011
Reuest for employment for my husband
by: Anonymous

Lord, please help my husband find a job.

Sep 08, 2011
Reuest for employment for my husband
by: Anonymous

Lord, please help my husband find a job.

Sep 10, 2011
Success and good health
by: Mary

I pray that all my dreams and wishes are fulfilled in the name of jesus.

Sep 10, 2011
Success and good health
by: Mary

I pray that all my dreams and wishes are fulfilled in the name of jesus.

Sep 10, 2011
Success and good health
by: Mary

I pray that all my dreams and wishes are fulfilled in the name of jesus.

Sep 10, 2011
thank you and i love you Jesus
by: Anonymous

i seek help for our class problems at school. i hope god will answer and guide us.

Sep 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

I pray to God to help us in this time of trials..

Sep 12, 2011
Financial Crisis
by: Anonymous

Lord, pls. help me so that i would be able pay all my financial obligations. In Jesus name, Amen.

Sep 12, 2011
Jesus Help Us!
by: cedric

O Jesus,you have said "All you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant you" please help us with our financial problems. Free us from financial debt,as a parent it pains me so much not to be able to financially support my family, I am desperate and feel useless...Help us O Father in Heaven, in Jesus Name and through the Intercession of the your Most Holy Mother Mary.. Help us please!

Sep 12, 2011
Prayer to Obtain my Visa and NOC
by: Worried Mommy

Loving Jesus, with all my heart and soul, here I come again asking your help to please answer my prayer that I can obtain my Family visit visa at my NOC from my sponsor. Please Lord help me in my needs, Bless me and my family and asking your mercy to please give me hope that everything will become okay. thank you Dear Lord. Amen.

Sep 13, 2011
by: Anonymous

Praying for strength and solution.

Sep 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

I've published this prayer to ask for employment on behalf of my wife and myself

Sep 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

I've published this prayer to ask for employment on behalf of my wife and myself

Sep 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

I've published this prayer to ask for employment on behalf of my wife and myself

Sep 14, 2011

by: Anonymous

my dear eternal father you have been doing miracles throughout my life.but help me right now.I know you are hearing me.I know that you have heard the every cry of my family member.please jesus don't do anything wrong with my family.It is a huge test of our belief in you .If you are really listening to us,if our love towards you is really true,if our cries really reach you,if you are really our eternal father show us this miracle.My every tear is for you jesus.....................please help me

Sep 15, 2011
For employment in my home town
by: Anonymous

I asked for employment to come my way in the very near future. I have applied at a job and went to the job interview and now I pray they will offer me the job as a pharmacy technician by the end of Sept/11 Thank you Bev.S

Sep 15, 2011
Financial Burden
by: Anonymous

I pray that the God Lord deliver my business in this time of debt. I pray that he gives me a clear mind to be able to focus on how to clear off my debt.blowup

Sep 15, 2011
Financial Burden
by: Anonymous

I pray that the God Lord deliver my business in this time of debt. I pray that he gives me a clear mind to be able to focus on how to clear off my debt.blowup

Sep 16, 2011
let my lost love come back to me
by: Anonymous

o lord god jesus help me in this hour of crisis. give my boyfriend strength that he calls me and speaks to me nicely and amends the broken relationship. let his ego be diminished . let him call me on phone or send me a sms that how ru. IF MY FAVOUR IS GRANTED I WILL PUT THE THANKS GIVING ON WALL AND LET PEOPLE KNW OF THE MIRACLE

Sep 16, 2011
let my lost love come back to me
by: Anonymous

o lord god jesus help me in this hour of crisis. give my boyfriend strength that he calls me and speaks to me nicely and amends the broken relationship. let his ego be diminished . let him call me on phone or send me a sms that how ru. IF MY FAVOUR IS GRANTED I WILL PUT THE THANKS GIVING ON WALL AND LET PEOPLE KNW OF THE MIRACLE

Sep 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please Lord, help me to get the money to pay my electric vbill.

Sep 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please Lord, help me to get the money to pay my electric vbill.

Sep 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please Lord, help me to get the money to pay my electric vbill.

Sep 18, 2011
Please help me Lord Jesus Christ
by: Chris

Lord Jesus I thank you for all the blessings you've given me... You're always there whenever I need you. Though most of the time I forget to hear a mass and say a little prayer of thanks giving. I admit that I committed sins and i'm very sorry for that please forgive me. I already learned my lessons. I'm asking for help from you, please help me to overcome my financial problems that i've been dealing for the past 3 months. I know that you will help me and please help also those people with the same problem as me. Thank you very much...

Sep 18, 2011
we wish to go home ASAP
by: Anonymous

God,please help me and my friend Pauline.we wish to go back in the Philippines as soon as posible.I know you have your ways.Give us more strength and patience.I know that everything happens for a reason.Amen

Sep 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

lord jesus, I'm in dire need of money to pay my bills and debt. please help me lord god.

Sep 20, 2011
in need of miracle...
by: Em

to pass my recent exam. my career is dependent on it. only a miracle can help me. Please bless me Oh Lord.

Sep 21, 2011
approval of my ssi claim
by: Anonymous

please for me in my approval for my ssi. i'm having a hard time trying to get it, but i almost gave up on my faith in god to handle my burdens. but something happen to me to bring me back. now i want give up again in my god. also pray for my sister in her surger for her hip and she will be able to go and be with her daughter and g-daughter for the birth of her g-grandson. my sister is my heart and i pray that she get better for her trip for the blesses birth. my prays goes out to all who is having a hard time in life , don't give up on praying please, god is there and he will answer your prays, amen.

Sep 21, 2011
approval of my ssi claim
by: kay

please for me in my approval for my ssi. i'm having a hard time trying to get it, but i almost gave up on my faith in god to handle my burdens. but something happen to me to bring me back. now i want give up again in my god. also pray for my sister in her surger for her hip and she will be able to go and be with her daughter and g-daughter for the birth of her g-grandson. my sister is my heart and i pray that she get better for her trip for the blesses birth. my prays goes out to all who is having a hard time in life , don't give up on praying please, god is there and he will answer your prays, amen.

Sep 23, 2011
Thank for answering my prayer
by: Anonymous

i pray lord that u open up the doors for a good reliable job and keep me close to my girls. i only want one near by home job not two or three. I love you Lord and ask that you answer not only my prayer but all of us who are putting down our comment by Faith..Amen

Sep 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please protect and help my relationship.

Sep 27, 2011
help in desperate times
by: Anonymous

Please help me keep my job and prosper so that I may do good for mankind

Sep 28, 2011
Relief for our family
by: Anonymous

Please pray that I may find financial relief to be able to raise my son. I also pray that my husband will decide to work on our 20 year marriage and not walk away from his family.

Sep 29, 2011
job promotion
by: Anonymous

i pray almighty lord jesus that i be elevated as judge of high court today and my file be signed by prime minister and all associates today and also by president of india. i have firm belief that you will help me and give me my right.

Sep 29, 2011
job promotion
by: Anonymous

i pray almighty lord jesus that i be elevated as judge of high court today and my file be signed by prime minister and all associates today and also by president of india. i have firm belief that you will help me and give me my right.

Sep 30, 2011
Help my family members healings and employments
by: Gerry

Thank You Lord for healing my families in the hospital. Thank You Lord for the good paying jobs for me and my cousin.

Sep 30, 2011
i pray for relief
by: Anonymous

Please help me take care of my son. I am out of work and don't have a home of our own. Please help us. Amen.

Oct 01, 2011
tengo fe en que me saldra bien mi peticion
by: soledad santander

espero que la oracionhaga efecto en mi hijo pedi por el lo hice con mucha fe amen

Oct 02, 2011
Thank u
by: Anonymous

Thank u lord for being with me always,though iam a sinner

Please bless our life and the favors requested.be with me alys and aceept me as ur kid

Oct 02, 2011
Thank u
by: Anonymous

Thank u lord for being with me always,though iam a sinner

Please bless our life and the favors requested.be with me alys and aceept me as ur kid

Oct 02, 2011
Thank u
by: Anonymous

Thank u lord for being with me always,though iam a sinner

Please bless our life and the favors requested.be with me alys and aceept me as ur kid

Oct 02, 2011
Thank u
by: Anonymous

Thank u lord for being with me always,though iam a sinner

Please bless our life and the favors requested.be with me alys and aceept me as ur kid

Oct 04, 2011
For my bf to be faithful
by: Anonymous

God.please help with my current situation.I want my bf to be loyal, faithful and truthful to me and stop seeing other girls, and having bad sexual activities with them. And i also pray that he would love and respect me the way he used to be.. be thoughtful. loving and generous again. I know my prayers will be granted. Thank you very much!

Oct 04, 2011
For my bf to be faithful
by: Anonymous

God.please help with my current situation.I want my bf to be loyal, faithful and truthful to me and stop seeing other girls, and having bad sexual activities with them. And i also pray that he would love and respect me the way he used to be.. be thoughtful. loving and generous again. I know my prayers will be granted. Thank you very much!

Oct 04, 2011
For my bf to be faithful
by: Anonymous

God.please help with my current situation.I want my bf to be loyal, faithful and truthful to me and stop seeing other girls, and having bad sexual activities with them. And i also pray that he would love and respect me the way he used to be.. be thoughtful. loving and generous again. I know my prayers will be granted. Thank you very much!

Oct 05, 2011
help my ligaments toheal
by: maria

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**
Lord Jesus I praise and thank thee.Amen

Oct 05, 2011
help my ligaments toheal
by: maria

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**
Lord Jesus I praise and thank thee.Amen

Oct 05, 2011
Heal my ligaments Lord Jesus
by: maria

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**
Lord Jesus I praise and thank thee.Amen

Oct 05, 2011
Heal my ligaments Lord Jesus
by: maria

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**
Lord Jesus I praise and thank thee.Amen

Oct 05, 2011
Heal my ligaments Lord Jesus
by: maria

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**
Lord Jesus I praise and thank thee.Amen

Oct 06, 2011
by: Anonymous


Oct 06, 2011
Earl's Return
by: Melanie

My prayer is constant and my request unchanging. I pray with sincere faith and hope for Earl's return to me.

Oct 07, 2011
Help out of this rut!
by: Anonymous

I would like to ask for a door to open to help me please. thank you

Oct 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank you Jesus, for granting my urgent request for my husband to find employment .

Oct 10, 2011
prayer in need
by: Anonymous

Please help me save my family, my marriage and my work.

Oct 10, 2011
Publishing my prayer and request
by: Mike Liesen

I have asked Almighty God to relieve of Overwhelming financil crisis and I ask God to please forgive me of my sins committed that hurt my my departed wife

Oct 10, 2011
Publishing my prayer and request
by: Mike Liesen

I have asked Almighty God to relieve of Overwhelming financil crisis and I ask God to please forgive me of my sins committed that hurt my my departed wife

Oct 11, 2011
Prayer to get Love from Someone Special
by: Madhusudan

O'Lord Heavenly Father,please forgive me for i have Sinned through my Words and Actions,have mercy on me a Sinner.I thank you for everything you did for me till now in my life.Please give me one last oppurtunity, bring ACHALA back into my life.Please Bless ACHALA to forgive me and remove all Negativity from her Heart about me. Please Soften her Heart,Bless her to realise that i am her on True Love and that she deserves me and i deserve her.I am a Loving man and i want to give my Love to ACHALA.Please make us a Couple for Eternity,Bind us together in Jesus' name,for the sake of the Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ,AMEN !

Oct 11, 2011
Prayer to get Love from Someone Special
by: Madhusudan

O'Lord Heavenly Father,please forgive me for i have Sinned through my Words and Actions,have mercy on me a Sinner.I thank you for everything you did for me till now in my life.Please give me one last oppurtunity, bring ACHALA back into my life.Please Bless ACHALA to forgive me and remove all Negativity from her Heart about me. Please Soften her Heart,Bless her to realise that i am her on True Love and that she deserves me and i deserve her.I am a Loving man and i want to give my Love to ACHALA.Please make us a Couple for Eternity,Bind us together in Jesus' name,for the sake of the Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ,AMEN !

Oct 11, 2011
Prayer to get Love from Someone Special
by: Madhusudan

O'Lord Heavenly Father,please forgive me for i have Sinned through my Words and Actions,have mercy on me a Sinner.I thank you for everything you did for me till now in my life.Please give me one last oppurtunity, bring ACHALA back into my life.Please Bless ACHALA to forgive me and remove all Negativity from her Heart about me. Please Soften her Heart,Bless her to realise that i am her on True Love and that she deserves me and i deserve her.I am a Loving man and i want to give my Love to ACHALA.Please make us a Couple for Eternity,Bind us together in Jesus' name,for the sake of the Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ,AMEN !

Oct 11, 2011
Lord we need you
by: Ida

I pray for my friend who through having to defend himself from being attacked, shot and killed his 22 year old son and is now in jail.
I pray that God uses this test as a testimony for my friend to deliver him out of jail and into the world of spreading the good news.

Oct 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

to save my family,my home my life my job and to help me to live in God light.

Oct 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

to save my family,my home my life my job and to help me to live in God light.

Oct 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

to save my family,my home my life my job and to help me to live in God light.

Oct 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
Lord, PLS help my husband na sana makabalik na siya sa work niya sa ship para makatulong po akong muli financially sa mga kapatid ko, relatives and inlaws. Sana po ay makapasa rin sa nursing exam ang pinsan ko this Dec. Sana rin po ay pagalingin niyo ang sakit na cancer ng aking hipag. make me always strong Lord so i can overcome all the trials that will come along my way. THANKS a LOT LORD because YOU'RE always there for me and my family.LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Oct 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
Lord, PLS help my husband na sana makabalik na siya sa work niya sa ship para makatulong po akong muli financially sa mga kapatid ko, relatives and inlaws. Sana po ay makapasa rin sa nursing exam ang pinsan ko this Dec. Sana rin po ay pagalingin niyo ang sakit na cancer ng aking hipag. make me always strong Lord so i can overcome all the trials that will come along my way. THANKS a LOT LORD because YOU'RE always there for me and my family.LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Oct 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
Lord, PLS help my husband na sana makabalik na siya sa work niya sa ship para makatulong po akong muli financially sa mga kapatid ko, relatives and inlaws. Sana po ay makapasa rin sa nursing exam ang pinsan ko this Dec. Sana rin po ay pagalingin niyo ang sakit na cancer ng aking hipag. make me always strong Lord so i can overcome all the trials that will come along my way. THANKS a LOT LORD because YOU'RE always there for me and my family.LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Oct 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
Lord, PLS help my husband na sana makabalik na siya sa work niya sa ship para makatulong po akong muli financially sa mga kapatid ko, relatives and inlaws. Sana po ay makapasa rin sa nursing exam ang pinsan ko this Dec. Sana rin po ay pagalingin niyo ang sakit na cancer ng aking hipag. make me always strong Lord so i can overcome all the trials that will come along my way. THANKS a LOT LORD because YOU'RE always there for me and my family.LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Oct 12, 2011
prayer for job
by: Anonymous

Please Jesus help me get a job as soon as possible. I am so worried and stressed out. Please help me. Don't let it be too late.

Oct 12, 2011
Desperate and Lonely
by: Sergio

Dear Heavenly Father, please grant my mother her health. For me, I pray for financial help in this very distressing and desperate time. To he heavens I implore for help.

Oct 12, 2011
Thank U Lord for your answers
by: Anonymous

Thanks Lord for hearing and answering my prayers. Thank U for my new job as an AIS officer and thank u for my partner that came back. Thank u also for recieving a good price when I sold my car.
Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart, thank u Jesus

Oct 13, 2011
prayer for protection and help
by: Anonymous

heavenly father i pray that you protect me from my enemies. take control of my situation, help my family and the financial problem i am having. oh heavenly father i thank you because i know you have listened and you are already answering. thank you father

Oct 13, 2011
Desperately in need of help
by: Anonymous

I pray that almighty god allow us to finish our project in Greenwoods in the soonest possible time not for our own material needs but for the sake of all special children who will benefit from this blessings just like my youngest son who's been diagnosed with autism. I also pray for our house to be save from foreclosure and deliver us from our creditors. Amen.

Oct 13, 2011
Urgent Prayer Request
by: Anonymous

My Lord, I am in desperate need of your help. I ask that you help me in getting financial assistance with my house and property. I am in my last option of trying to get help. Thank you

Oct 14, 2011
financial needs
by: Anonymous

Thank you lord for the continuous blessings. Please continue to guide our family and provide for our needs. In these times of financial problems, please, Lord, give us strength and the faith that You have your own purpose why we have these trials. Everything we lift up to you. Amen.

Oct 17, 2011
job as a cost accountant
by: Anonymous

dear lord, please show me your mercy and recommend me for this job. i will forever be grateful and have no other god for power and might belongs to our god.

Oct 17, 2011
job as a cost accountant
by: Anonymous

dear lord, please show me your mercy and recommend me for this job. i will forever be grateful and have no other god for power and might belongs to our god.

Oct 17, 2011
Prayer for a job
by: Sophia

I'm requesting for a good networking job that will help me take good care of my family, provide them with all they need in life and be happy.I belive my prayer will be granted soon.Amen

Oct 17, 2011
Give me strength
by: sandra

I pray everyday for my children, my family, and our country-but today I am asking for strength and courage to go on everyday praying for the Lord to give my husband the confidence and courage to keep on supporting his family. Please dear Lord, I thank you for my blessings but today I need help.

Oct 17, 2011
help my son
by: Anonymous

I would like help for my son who is on drugs and hanging with the wrong people.

Oct 18, 2011
Financial Assistance Requests
by: Anonymous

I would like to ask for assistance on our family financial needs...in the name of Jesus AMEN

Oct 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear lord God please open up doors for me to get a peaceful and peace giving job.One that is stress free.Lord you said ask and you shall receive.Here i am lord.Seeking your intervention.Thank you god.

Oct 18, 2011
Lord my provider
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord please provide my family with proper shelter and car. please provide my son with a good health and help him grow well, maintain the peace that my family is currently having. i pray in the mighty name of Jesus Amen. thank you Lord in davance

Oct 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

I pray for a supernatual blessing in my finances that I am debt free, that I can purchase a home, n that this supernatural blessing would take my family from the generational curse of poverty. Also that I would find a great career. I also pray for health n a joyful long life ... Amen

Oct 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

I pray for a supernatual blessing in my finances that I am debt free, that I can purchase a home, n that this supernatural blessing would take my family from the generational curse of poverty. Also that I would find a great career. I also pray for health n a joyful long life ... Amen

Oct 19, 2011
Prayer to solve my son's school problems
by: Anonymous

I pray to Jesus and Mary, to help me today at a time when my son's school authorities should take a decision on whether to keep him in the school or not. I pray that he stays in the school and promotes to a higher class. I pray that he takes his studies more seriously. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

Oct 20, 2011
Please help me
by: Anonymous

I need to clear my finance paper. This is the 4th time I am attempting it and every time I fail for difference in nothing more than 5 marks. Please help me here.

Oct 21, 2011
Prayer for Urgent Financial Help
by: Anonymous

I publish this message to ask for financial help me in this great financial trouble that I'm facing right now. May God's mercy be upon me today. Amen.

Oct 21, 2011
Divine intervention needed
by: Anonymous

I pray for my sister and her family during this time of urgent need. I pray that our heavenly father will grant them the help that they desperately need and deserve to over come their current situation. Amen.

Oct 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

Say the aforesaid prayer for 33 consecutive days 33 times in front of a lighted candle. And promise to publish it when your request is granted.

Oct 23, 2011
thankyou god
by: Anonymous

dear lord i have asked for help with my crippling financial problem and please god you will help me i beg you xx thankyou most holy jesus

Oct 25, 2011
by: di

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Oct 25, 2011
Prayer for my health and health of my Mom
by: Anonymous

I am praying and believing God with my whole heart that by his stripes my Mom is okay. I also pray that by his stripes I am totally healed physically and then financially. Bless us both, I thank in you in advance for I know your hear my prayers and will answer. I bless your name!!!! Amen

Oct 26, 2011
by: laura


Oct 27, 2011
Please Bless Me
by: Anonymous

Jesus I just want to ask for your help im goin through a struggle finacially and I need ur help to find a job, so that I can finally be able to take care of things around the house again for me and my girlfriend. Lord I beg you for your help im putting all my strength heart and soul into this prayer to ask for your help. I also want to ask you to watch over my sister and give her the strength she need to beat her cancer in jesus name I pray amen.

Oct 29, 2011
I am hurt and in need of help. My loving father.
by: Anonymous

My dear Lord, my Father I give you thanks for everything you help me with and have done and will continue doing, and I appreciate ever tiny thing. But I feel I am at the loneliest point of my life I feel very sad, insecure, and hopeless to the current situation I am facing, I give to you myself in soul and in body and am in desperate need of help my God and Jesus Christ. My mother has completely lost it, she is irrational, refuses change, and does not acknowledge her mistake I beg you to help place her through the path of good to enlighten and touch her heart and forever change her for the best. I also beg you tremendously to help my father who has been dealing with financial issues for quite some time, it kills and breaks my heart to see how sad and hopeless he feels to not have money at times, to live day by day with not alot, to be completely in debt, and to not be able to buy my mother, brother, and I what we want. I have told him many times to appreciate that we have a roof to live under, some food, and that we have each other, and I don't need any other things or materials to be happy, because I really don't. I tell him to leave everything to u my God, but he worries to much, has migrane headaches all the time, and has insomnia. God please help my father in the name of Christ and the Holy Spirit help him financially help him realize that you don't need alot to be happy. Also dearly help my mother she is full of anger, resentment, and insecurities she is hurt and takes it out on my father, brother, and I, but now she has started to get physical, and hurts me so much when she tells me, says, or does hurtful things to those I love or me. My lord with all my heart and love I ask to forgive all my sins like you forgive the sinners and acknowledge all the wrong I have done, please help me my lord, Amen.

Oct 29, 2011
I am hurt and in need of help. My loving father.
by: Anonymous

My dear Lord, my Father I give you thanks for everything you help me with and have done and will continue doing, and I appreciate ever tiny thing. But I feel I am at the loneliest point of my life I feel very sad, insecure, and hopeless to the current situation I am facing, I give to you myself in soul and in body and am in desperate need of help my God and Jesus Christ. My mother has completely lost it, she is irrational, refuses change, and does not acknowledge her mistake I beg you to help place her through the path of good to enlighten and touch her heart and forever change her for the best. I also beg you tremendously to help my father who has been dealing with financial issues for quite some time, it kills and breaks my heart to see how sad and hopeless he feels to not have money at times, to live day by day with not alot, to be completely in debt, and to not be able to buy my mother, brother, and I what we want. I have told him many times to appreciate that we have a roof to live under, some food, and that we have each other, and I don't need any other things or materials to be happy, because I really don't. I tell him to leave everything to u my God, but he worries to much, has migrane headaches all the time, and has insomnia. God please help my father in the name of Christ and the Holy Spirit help him financially help him realize that you don't need alot to be happy. Also dearly help my mother she is full of anger, resentment, and insecurities she is hurt and takes it out on my father, brother, and I, but now she has started to get physical, and hurts me so much when she tells me, says, or does hurtful things to those I love or me. My lord with all my heart and love I ask to forgive all my sins like you forgive the sinners and acknowledge all the wrong I have done, please help me my lord, Amen.

Oct 29, 2011
I am hurt and in need of help. My loving father.
by: Anonymous

My dear Lord, my Father I give you thanks for everything you help me with and have done and will continue doing, and I appreciate ever tiny thing. But I feel I am at the loneliest point of my life I feel very sad, insecure, and hopeless to the current situation I am facing, I give to you myself in soul and in body and am in desperate need of help my God and Jesus Christ. My mother has completely lost it, she is irrational, refuses change, and does not acknowledge her mistake I beg you to help place her through the path of good to enlighten and touch her heart and forever change her for the best. I also beg you tremendously to help my father who has been dealing with financial issues for quite some time, it kills and breaks my heart to see how sad and hopeless he feels to not have money at times, to live day by day with not alot, to be completely in debt, and to not be able to buy my mother, brother, and I what we want. I have told him many times to appreciate that we have a roof to live under, some food, and that we have each other, and I don't need any other things or materials to be happy, because I really don't. I tell him to leave everything to u my God, but he worries to much, has migrane headaches all the time, and has insomnia. God please help my father in the name of Christ and the Holy Spirit help him financially help him realize that you don't need alot to be happy. Also dearly help my mother she is full of anger, resentment, and insecurities she is hurt and takes it out on my father, brother, and I, but now she has started to get physical, and hurts me so much when she tells me, says, or does hurtful things to those I love or me. My lord with all my heart and love I ask to forgive all my sins like you forgive the sinners and acknowledge all the wrong I have done, please help me my lord, Amen.

Oct 29, 2011
I am hurt and in need of help. My loving father.
by: Anonymous

My dear Lord, my Father I give you thanks for everything you help me with and have done and will continue doing, and I appreciate ever tiny thing. But I feel I am at the loneliest point of my life I feel very sad, insecure, and hopeless to the current situation I am facing, I give to you myself in soul and in body and am in desperate need of help my God and Jesus Christ. My mother has completely lost it, she is irrational, refuses change, and does not acknowledge her mistake I beg you to help place her through the path of good to enlighten and touch her heart and forever change her for the best. I also beg you tremendously to help my father who has been dealing with financial issues for quite some time, it kills and breaks my heart to see how sad and hopeless he feels to not have money at times, to live day by day with not alot, to be completely in debt, and to not be able to buy my mother, brother, and I what we want. I have told him many times to appreciate that we have a roof to live under, some food, and that we have each other, and I don't need any other things or materials to be happy, because I really don't. I tell him to leave everything to u my God, but he worries to much, has migrane headaches all the time, and has insomnia. God please help my father in the name of Christ and the Holy Spirit help him financially help him realize that you don't need alot to be happy. Also dearly help my mother she is full of anger, resentment, and insecurities she is hurt and takes it out on my father, brother, and I, but now she has started to get physical, and hurts me so much when she tells me, says, or does hurtful things to those I love or me. My lord with all my heart and love I ask to forgive all my sins like you forgive the sinners and acknowledge all the wrong I have done, please help me my lord, Amen.

Oct 29, 2011
I am hurt and in need of help. My loving father.
by: Maria

My dear Lord, my Father I give you thanks for everything you help me with and have done and will continue doing, and I appreciate ever tiny thing. But I feel I am at the loneliest point of my life I feel very sad, insecure, and hopeless to the current situation I am facing, I give to you myself in soul and in body and am in desperate need of help my God and Jesus Christ. My mother has completely lost it, she is irrational, refuses change, and does not acknowledge her mistake I beg you to help place her through the path of good to enlighten and touch her heart and forever change her for the best. I also beg you tremendously to help my father who has been dealing with financial issues for quite some time, it kills and breaks my heart to see how sad and hopeless he feels to not have money at times, to live day by day with not alot, to be completely in debt, and to not be able to buy my mother, brother, and I what we want. I have told him many times to appreciate that we have a roof to live under, some food, and that we have each other, and I don't need any other things or materials to be happy, because I really don't. I tell him to leave everything to u my God, but he worries to much, has migrane headaches all the time, and has insomnia. God please help my father in the name of Christ and the Holy Spirit help him financially help him realize that you don't need alot to be happy. Also dearly help my mother she is full of anger, resentment, and insecurities she is hurt and takes it out on my father, brother, and I, but now she has started to get physical, and hurts me so much when she tells me, says, or does hurtful things to those I love or me. My lord with all my heart and love I ask to forgive all my sins like you forgive the sinners and acknowledge all the wrong I have done, please help me my lord, Amen.

Oct 29, 2011
I am hurt and in need of help. My loving father.
by: Maria

My dear Lord, my Father I give you thanks for everything you help me with and have done and will continue doing, and I appreciate ever tiny thing. But I feel I am at the loneliest point of my life I feel very sad, insecure, and hopeless to the current situation I am facing, I give to you myself in soul and in body and am in desperate need of help my God and Jesus Christ. My mother has completely lost it, she is irrational, refuses change, and does not acknowledge her mistake I beg you to help place her through the path of good to enlighten and touch her heart and forever change her for the best. I also beg you tremendously to help my father who has been dealing with financial issues for quite some time, it kills and breaks my heart to see how sad and hopeless he feels to not have money at times, to live day by day with not alot, to be completely in debt, and to not be able to buy my mother, brother, and I what we want. I have told him many times to appreciate that we have a roof to live under, some food, and that we have each other, and I don't need any other things or materials to be happy, because I really don't. I tell him to leave everything to u my God, but he worries to much, has migrane headaches all the time, and has insomnia. God please help my father in the name of Christ and the Holy Spirit help him financially help him realize that you don't need alot to be happy. Also dearly help my mother she is full of anger, resentment, and insecurities she is hurt and takes it out on my father, brother, and I, but now she has started to get physical, and hurts me so much when she tells me, says, or does hurtful things to those I love or me. My lord with all my heart and love I ask to forgive all my sins like you forgive the sinners and acknowledge all the wrong I have done, please help me my lord, Amen.

Oct 31, 2011
Give me a good job
by: Anonymous

O Lord Jesus please help me. I need your help urgently to get a good job. I am struggle for a good job many many years. Please help me.

Oct 31, 2011
Give me a good job
by: Anonymous

O Lord Jesus please help me. I need your help urgently to get a good job. I am struggle for a good job many many years. Please help me.

Oct 31, 2011
prayer for financial assistance
by: Anonymous

I pray to you Lord for financial freedom.
I am in alot of debt with big student loans. I hope and wish to find money to pay off these loans. In your name I pray. Amen.

Nov 01, 2011
Thank You
by: Michelle

Thank you God for hearing my powerful prayer concerning my divorce. I love you .

Nov 01, 2011
The Lord Is My Salvation
by: Anonymous

I love you Lord Jesus and i am grateful for your mercies you have shown me all these years.I need your help and blessing in my finances.Please God turn anything i touch into blessing and make me a successful person.Amen

Nov 02, 2011
need work
by: Jon

Please help me find work so I my bring my family back under one roof. Amen

Nov 03, 2011
prayer for forgiveness
by: Anonymous

dear Lord i pray that my friend Ben may forgive me and start talking to me again, that we may find love in each other. Dear Lord , i hurt and am desparate for this miracle.

Nov 04, 2011
my home
by: blanche medina

father God please help save my home. touch the heart of the mortage co. that they lower the payments to a payment i can aford. and stop the forclose on the house. in jesus name i pray

Nov 04, 2011
Please help me jesus
by: Anonymous

I want to marry the person whom i love deeply.
Jesus Christ.. please help me i am your child

Nov 04, 2011
urgent help
by: nikki

Lord help me with my finance they are getting out of control.i need urgent financial help

Nov 04, 2011
urgent help
by: nikki

Lord help me with my finance they are getting out of control.i need urgent financial help

Nov 04, 2011
urgent help
by: nikki

Lord help me with my finance they are getting out of control.i need urgent financial help

Nov 04, 2011
i ned to have a good christian partner
by: Anonymous

ooh GOD help me find a good and better person

Nov 05, 2011
I am going for an interview on Monday hope i get this one after several interviews, also there is some monies that i am waiting for hope this comes thru so i can sort my rent out.
by: Anonymous

I am going for an interview on monday hoope i get this one plse join in me in prayer also there are some monied that i am waiting for so i can sort my rent out

Nov 05, 2011
I am going for an interview on Monday hope i get this one after several interviews, also there is some monies that i am waiting for hope this comes thru so i can sort my rent out.
by: Anonymous

I am going for an interview on monday hoope i get this one plse join in me in prayer also there are some monied that i am waiting for so i can sort my rent out

Nov 05, 2011
I am going for an interview on Monday hope i get this one after several interviews, also there is some monies that i am waiting for hope this comes thru so i can sort my rent out.
by: Anonymous

I am going for an interview on monday hoope i get this one plse join in me in prayer also there are some monied that i am waiting for so i can sort my rent out

Nov 05, 2011
I am going for an interview on Monday hope i get this one after several interviews, also there is some monies that i am waiting for hope this comes thru so i can sort my rent out.
by: Anonymous

I am going for an interview on monday hoope i get this one plse join in me in prayer also there are some monied that i am waiting for so i can sort my rent out

Nov 05, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer request, for god to restore the love my husband once had for me. I pray that the kids and I will be on his mind daily, and that the holy spirit convicts him of his wrong doing, I pray against his decision to get a divorce. If its in line with your will oh Lord.
It shall be done, in faith
Thank you Jesus

Nov 05, 2011
Answer to my financial request
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

Please help me find the answer to my financial request. I want peace of mind my Lord.

Thank you in advance for hearing my request

Nov 06, 2011
Sale of Home
by: Anonymous

I pray that Jesus may let the offer be accepted today, for we cannot afford to live in the house we are in. It is causing us many problems, I pray by the grace of God, Jesus may help us today.

Nov 06, 2011
Sale of Home
by: Anonymous

I pray that Jesus may let the offer be accepted today, for we cannot afford to live in the house we are in. It is causing us many problems, I pray by the grace of God, Jesus may help us today.

Nov 06, 2011
Thank You
by: Anonymous

Thank You Shoulder wound of Jesus for answering my prayer.

Nov 06, 2011
I desperately need a job
by: Alisha

I would very much like to get the job as a pharmacy technician in San Fernando General Hospital with a 6000.00 + salary where it would be a permanant government job and also I would be very happy and have very friendly co-workers and treated highly with respect and not bossed around by anyone in the name of jesus christ my lord.

Nov 07, 2011
by: ana

My request is that the Lord Almighty will lead my family and I away from our financial difficulties so that we can remain living in our house as a family. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Nov 07, 2011
by: ana

My request is that the Lord Almighty will lead my family and I away from our financial difficulties so that we can remain living in our house as a family. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Nov 07, 2011
by: ana

My request is that the Lord Almighty will lead my family and I away from our financial difficulties so that we can remain living in our house as a family. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Nov 07, 2011
by: ana

My request is that the Lord Almighty will lead my family and I away from our financial difficulties so that we can remain living in our house as a family. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Nov 07, 2011
by: ana

My request is that the Lord Almighty will lead my family and I away from our financial difficulties so that we can remain living in our house as a family. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Nov 07, 2011
I will not be alone in my time of need
by: Anonymous

I pray that the lord will send a companion to be with me in my time of need.

Nov 07, 2011
I will not be alone in my time of need
by: Anonymous

I pray that the lord will send a companion to be with me in my time of need.

Nov 07, 2011
I will not be alone in my time of need
by: Anonymous

I pray that the lord will send a companion to be with me in my time of need.

Nov 08, 2011
Hard Times
by: Anonymous

I am praying that God will give me his graces. Me and my daughter is going through tough times right now and I'm praying for this to be over. Thank you Jesus in advance. we love you

Nov 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please help my husband to quickly find a new job and help our family to find a home. Grant us peaceful spirits and justice

Nov 09, 2011
by: Anonymous

i simply and humbly ask for strength for my husband that the devil stays out of his ear and he can get through this process of recovery

Nov 09, 2011
Looking for Grace
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord in Heaven, Please help me with my almost insurmountable financial burden. I am desparate and need Your Grace. I am a lowly sinner asking for your forgiveness. With unending Love.

Nov 10, 2011
Save my marriage
by: Anonymous

Dear jesus, I pray to you that I hear from my husband and he tells me he is still in loves me and he wants us to stay married, and we can put all our troubles behind us and move forward towards a long loving life together withour three beautifuls girls. Please answer my prayer.

Nov 10, 2011
My new Job
by: Anonymous

Thank you my most beloved JESUS for giving me this Job that I want so badly. I leave it in your hands. Thank you my Heavenly Father

Nov 10, 2011
Job at SAA
by: Anonymous

Thank you JESUS for my Job at SAA as a Cabin Crew. Thank you for hearing my cries. Thank you my Lord Almighty

Nov 10, 2011
saving my marriage
by: sammy

i prayed that my marriage will be renew and be better ever with love, respect, honesty, understanding, trust and togetherness. thank u lord for bless my home. thank u.

Nov 12, 2011
Employment NEW
by: Anonymous

prayer for my husband and i to find jobs we enjoy and are appreciated. our situation is mind consuming.

Nov 12, 2011
Employment NEW
by: Anonymous

prayer for my husband and i to find jobs we enjoy and are appreciated. our situation is mind consuming.

Nov 12, 2011
Employment NEW
by: Anonymous

prayer for my husband and i to find jobs we enjoy and are appreciated. our situation is mind consuming.

Nov 13, 2011
Be merciful dear Father NEW
by: Janette / Manila

Dear Lord,

Im going through some difficult times with my work. I pray that my boss will give me another chance and not fire me at this difficult times specially that Christmas is fast approaching. Please be merciful to me Heavenly Father. Also, i pray for good health for me and my family. Thank you Father. I love you.

Nov 13, 2011
Employment NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you Lord, you said ask, and it shall be given. You are God who cannot lie;I'm trusting in Your word that it is already in the works.

Nov 13, 2011
Employment NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you Lord, you said ask, and it shall be given. You are God who cannot lie;I'm trusting in Your word that it is already in the works.

Nov 13, 2011
by: Anonymous


Nov 14, 2011
prayer for finance NEW
by: mike

Lord please bless my family's finances and bless our health in the mighty name of Jesus

Nov 14, 2011
Prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that the current situation i am going thru in my relation ,vanishes off fast and things are back to normal in our life. And we do not face any challenges but be strong in a relation for one another.

Nov 14, 2011
I thank you jesus that you have already heard my prayer NEW
by: bernadette

I thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer, I will publish this prayer as soon as I receive my request.

Nov 14, 2011
I thank you jesus that you have already heard my prayer NEW
by: bernadette

I thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer, I will publish this prayer as soon as I receive my request.

Nov 14, 2011
help NEW
by: Anonymous

please help us to get out of this horrible situation and provide a new job for us soon and a place to settle for our family

Nov 15, 2011
by: Anonymous


Nov 15, 2011
by: Gerrie

I request financial favor from God. That this favor will glorify him and his Kingdom. I am in desperate need of a financial blessing. I know not only that but to teach me how to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. I need God to be real to me in all areas of my life not just for the finances but for my health my mind and spiritual walk with him. I pray that God will answer this prayer.

Nov 15, 2011
by: Gerrie

I request financial favor from God. That this favor will glorify him and his Kingdom. I am in desperate need of a financial blessing. I know not only that but to teach me how to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. I need God to be real to me in all areas of my life not just for the finances but for my health my mind and spiritual walk with him. I pray that God will answer this prayer.

Nov 15, 2011
by: Gerrie

I request financial favor from God. That this favor will glorify him and his Kingdom. I am in desperate need of a financial blessing. I know not only that but to teach me how to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. I need God to be real to me in all areas of my life not just for the finances but for my health my mind and spiritual walk with him. I pray that God will answer this prayer.

Nov 15, 2011
by: Gerrie

I request financial favor from God. That this favor will glorify him and his Kingdom. I am in desperate need of a financial blessing. I know not only that but to teach me how to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. I need God to be real to me in all areas of my life not just for the finances but for my health my mind and spiritual walk with him. I pray that God will answer this prayer.

Nov 15, 2011
by: Gerrie

I request financial favor from God. That this favor will glorify him and his Kingdom. I am in desperate need of a financial blessing. I know not only that but to teach me how to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. I need God to be real to me in all areas of my life not just for the finances but for my health my mind and spiritual walk with him. I pray that God will answer this prayer.

Nov 15, 2011
by: Gerrie

I request financial favor from God. That this favor will glorify him and his Kingdom. I am in desperate need of a financial blessing. I know not only that but to teach me how to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. I need God to be real to me in all areas of my life not just for the finances but for my health my mind and spiritual walk with him. I pray that God will answer this prayer.

Nov 15, 2011
by: Gerrie

I request financial favor from God. That this favor will glorify him and his Kingdom. I am in desperate need of a financial blessing. I know not only that but to teach me how to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. I need God to be real to me in all areas of my life not just for the finances but for my health my mind and spiritual walk with him. I pray that God will answer this prayer.

Nov 16, 2011
Request for financial breakthrough in Jesus name NEW
by: Robert S

O Lord Jesus I pray and ask to give me financial $ 220,000 that I can pay off my debts of about $80,000 and $12,000 offering to build your house, $22,000 pay tithe and $ 30,000 to start my soap factory, $76,000 to build my a home. Amen to all. Thank you for answering my prayer I have a lot of faith that my prayer has been answered. God bless. Amen

Nov 16, 2011
Bless me with employment NEW
by: Anonymous

LORD give me strenght and courage through this tough period as I try to find employement in the field I love most, Lord bless me with my hearts desires as to fulfill my dreams to be the person you want me to be in Jesus name I pray.

Nov 17, 2011
Financial help NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord God, Please help me with my financial request. Thank you in advance Lord for grating my financial request. Amen.

Nov 17, 2011
Help find peace & family NEW
by: Kavin

Please Jesus help me find peace of mind & be settled together with my family soon.

Nov 17, 2011
Bless me with peace of mind NEW
by: Kavin

LORD give me strength and courage through this tough period I am suffering with my employer. Lord bless me with my hearts desires as to fulfill my dreams to be the person you want me to be, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Nov 17, 2011
Desperate situation NEW
by: Anonymous

I trust that the Lord will answer my prayer that we do not have to go to court on this lawsuit, that the motion will be dismissed and then we can make payment arrangements on our debt. Thank you Lord for all you do for us, your children

Nov 19, 2011
Help me Lord NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus help my family in this devastating time, my husband has lost his job and our daughter has been kicked out of school due to non payment. My rent is nineteen days past due and we don’t have a red cent to our name. The holidays are coming and I can’t imagine not giving my children gifts. Lord provide a buyer for our home in the Keys and guide us to the light … I need you to place us high upon that rock, I have faith in you and I know you will never forsake me. In your name I pray lord Jesus. Amen

Nov 19, 2011
Help me Lord NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus help my family in this devastating time, my husband has lost his job and our daughter has been kicked out of school due to non payment. My rent is nineteen days past due and we don’t have a red cent to our name. The holidays are coming and I can’t imagine not giving my children gifts. Lord provide a buyer for our home in the Keys and guide us to the light … I need you to place us high upon that rock, I have faith in you and I know you will never forsake me. In your name I pray lord Jesus. Amen

Nov 19, 2011
Help me Lord NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus help my family in this devastating time, my husband has lost his job and our daughter has been kicked out of school due to non payment. My rent is nineteen days past due and we don’t have a red cent to our name. The holidays are coming and I can’t imagine not giving my children gifts. Lord provide a buyer for our home in the Keys and guide us to the light … I need you to place us high upon that rock, I have faith in you and I know you will never forsake me. In your name I pray lord Jesus. Amen

Nov 19, 2011
Help me Lord NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus help my family in this devastating time, my husband has lost his job and our daughter has been kicked out of school due to non payment. My rent is nineteen days past due and we don’t have a red cent to our name. The holidays are coming and I can’t imagine not giving my children gifts. Lord provide a buyer for our home in the Keys and guide us to the light … I need you to place us high upon that rock, I have faith in you and I know you will never forsake me. In your name I pray lord Jesus. Amen

Nov 19, 2011
Help us NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus help my family in this devastating time, my husband has lost his job and our daughter has been kicked out of school due to non payment. My rent is nineteen days past due and we don’t have a red cent to our name. The holidays are coming and I can’t imagine not giving my children gifts. Lord provide a buyer for our home in the Keys and guide us to the light … I need you to place us high upon that rock, I have faith in you and I know you will never forsake me. In your name I pray lord Jesus. Amen
Thank you for all that you do Lord..

Nov 20, 2011
financial problem sovle NEW
by: benedicto

I need God to be real to me in all areas of my life not just for the finances but for my health my mind and spiritual walk with him. I pray that God will answer this prayer.

Nov 21, 2011
my prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that my boss may revers her decision to terminate my employment and if that is the will of God, then I get another job urgently. Amen

Nov 21, 2011
bond back my family NEW
by: Sandy

Dear Lord Jesus.

i beg you for myself and family member.s to join back as one and get out of this finanical mess that we are in with all the stress we have been through lately that has cause us to be separated please bring us closer for us to forgive each other and always be there and love each other and be a family again i love my husband very much the kids and i miss him very very much i brg you for your help lord.

Nov 21, 2011
bond back my family NEW
by: Sandy

Dear Lord Jesus.

i beg you for myself and family member.s to join back as one and get out of this finanical mess that we are in with all the stress we have been through lately that has cause us to be separated please bring us closer for us to forgive each other and always be there and love each other and be a family again i love my husband very much the kids and i miss him very very much i brg you for your help lord.

Nov 21, 2011
bond back my family NEW
by: Sandy

Dear Lord Jesus.

i beg you for myself and family member.s to join back as one and get out of this finanical mess that we are in with all the stress we have been through lately that has cause us to be separated please bring us closer for us to forgive each other and always be there and love each other and be a family again i love my husband very much the kids and i miss him very very much i beg you for your help lord.

Nov 21, 2011
bond back my family NEW
by: Sandy

Dear Lord Jesus.

i beg you for myself and family member.s to join back as one and get out of this finanical mess that we are in with all the stress we have been through lately that has cause us to be separated please bring us closer for us to forgive each other and always be there and love each other and be a family again i love my husband very much the kids and i miss him very very much i beg you for your help lord.

Nov 21, 2011
bond back my family NEW
by: Sandy

Dear Lord Jesus.

i beg you for myself and family member.s to join back as one and get out of this finanical mess that we are in with all the stress we have been through lately that has cause us to be separated please bring us closer for us to forgive each other and always be there and love each other and be a family again i love my husband very much the kids and i miss him very very much i beg you for your help lord.

Nov 22, 2011
Help NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray for financial help to meet all my debts.

Nov 22, 2011
Financial Help for My Family NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Heavenly Father,

I humbly ask for your blessings in my search for a new career which will enable me to take care of my debts and obligations and to take care of my family. I have faith that the meetings you presented me yesterday will bear fruit, and bring me the opportunity mentioned above. Whatever your will, I fully accept your plan for me, and will follow you and your plan to be the Shepard you intend me to be. If it is your will for me to stay on my current path, please bless me with significant search projects that will help me meet my debts and obligations and enable me to take care of my family. I give these up completely to you, and pray for your blessings. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Nov 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

i pray for my son to find Jesus and through him peace in his heart, i pray for him to keep focused on regaining custody of his son and to find healing and guidance to be a better man and father..

Nov 23, 2011
a home for my family NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that I will be guided to find the money for my downpayment on my home so that my family and I can finally move in and have a home.

Nov 24, 2011
Financial Aid Needed NEW
by: Anonymous

Dearest Lord, I have written to your Mother, as you will listen intently to her, for her to intercede on my behalf, me a lowly servant and sinner, to grant me a financial blessing this evening to settle my credit card debt and related money matters. I'm badly crippled in my mental sufferings for the past few months especially as I didnt know banks are such loan sharks, keep on chalking up interest over the years until a carefree person become so bogged down daily with fears of embarrassments etc. I have faith my prayers are answered now that I've publicly publishing this and I'm not alone on this. I desperately needed this prayer to be answered and I know you my sweet Jesus, my friend, will take the distasteful cup from me tonight and increase my faith in Him,Our Father and Holy Spirit and in His his Mother, Mary.

Nov 24, 2011
Financial Aid Needed NEW
by: Anonymous

Dearest Lord, I have written to your Mother, as you will listen intently to her, for her to intercede on my behalf, me a lowly servant and sinner, to grant me a financial blessing this evening to settle my credit card debt and related money matters. I'm badly crippled in my mental sufferings for the past few months especially as I didnt know banks are such loan sharks, keep on chalking up interest over the years until a carefree person become so bogged down daily with fears of embarrassments etc. I have faith my prayers are answered now that I've publicly publishing this and I'm not alone on this. I desperately needed this prayer to be answered and I know you my sweet Jesus, my friend, will take the distasteful cup from me tonight and increase my faith in Him,Our Father and Holy Spirit and in His his Mother, Mary.

Nov 24, 2011
Financial Aid Needed NEW
by: Anonymous

Dearest Lord, I have written to your Mother, as you will listen intently to her, for her to intercede on my behalf, me a lowly servant and sinner, to grant me a financial blessing this evening to settle my credit card debt and related money matters. I'm badly crippled in my mental sufferings for the past few months especially as I didnt know banks are such loan sharks, keep on chalking up interest over the years until a carefree person become so bogged down daily with fears of embarrassments etc. I have faith my prayers are answered now that I've publicly publishing this and I'm not alone on this. I desperately needed this prayer to be answered and I know you my sweet Jesus, my friend, will take the distasteful cup from me tonight and increase my faith in Him,Our Father and Holy Spirit and in His his Mother, Mary.

Nov 24, 2011

Lord not your will but mine - Father in heaven I ask that you can change our negative situation right now to positive and get the mine to pay us what is due. Lord convict them for their nit-picking and Lord open their hearts. Father you know our needs and you know the urgency of it all. We receive it all in your might name. Lord you own it all and you wont let us down. Thank you father!

Nov 24, 2011

Lord not your will but mine - Father in heaven I ask that you can change our negative situation right now to positive and get the mine to pay us what is due. Lord convict them for their nit-picking and Lord open their hearts. Father you know our needs and you know the urgency of it all. We receive it all in your might name. Lord you own it all and you wont let us down. Thank you father!

Nov 24, 2011
fulltime job prayer request NEW
by: Arlene

Please help me pray that I can be considered hired for this fulltime job. Thank you and God Bless to all!

Nov 24, 2011
fulltime job prayer request NEW
by: Arlene

Please help me pray that I can be considered hired for this fulltime job. Thank you and God Bless to all!

Nov 24, 2011
by: Anonymous

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1emR6dVZy

Nov 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

Lord we adore you, we worship you and we give you thanks...Please hear our prayers Lord God. We do hope that my husband will be hired and have a chance to work abroad please Lord...Hear our prayers...Please touch the hearts of the people whom we have obligations...May they understand what we are going through...Please help us Lord...Guide us and be with us especially in this time...We really need you Lord...We love you Lord God....

Nov 25, 2011
Please Free me from the chains of depression NEW
by: Jason

My Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to be released from the melancholy that has gripped me for the last few months, to be rid of my depression and to become an effective member of my workplace once again. Dear Lord, please help the happiness that was once so abundant in my life swiftly return to us, as I no longer wish to feel so sad all the time.

Please help. I love you, and I shall never turn my back on you

Nov 25, 2011
Please Free me from the chains of depression NEW
by: Jason

My Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to be released from the melancholy that has gripped me for the last few months, to be rid of my depression and to become an effective member of my workplace once again. Dear Lord, please help the happiness that was once so abundant in my life swiftly return to us, as I no longer wish to feel so sad all the time.

Please help. I love you, and I shall never turn my back on you

Nov 25, 2011
Please Free me from the chains of depression NEW
by: Jason

My Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to be released from the melancholy that has gripped me for the last few months, to be rid of my depression and to become an effective member of my workplace once again. Dear Lord, please help the happiness that was once so abundant in my life swiftly return to us, as I no longer wish to feel so sad all the time.

Please help. I love you, and I shall never turn my back on you

Nov 25, 2011
Please Free me from the chains of depression NEW
by: Jason

My Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to be released from the melancholy that has gripped me for the last few months, to be rid of my depression and to become an effective member of my workplace once again. Dear Lord, please help the happiness that was once so abundant in my life swiftly return to us, as I no longer wish to feel so sad all the time.

Please help. I love you, and I shall never turn my back on you

Nov 25, 2011
Please Free me from the chains of depression NEW
by: Jason

My Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to be released from the melancholy that has gripped me for the last few months, to be rid of my depression and to become an effective member of my workplace once again. Dear Lord, please help the happiness that was once so abundant in my life swiftly return to us, as I no longer wish to feel so sad all the time.

Please help. I love you, and I shall never turn my back on you

Nov 25, 2011
please help me be free from fear NEW
by: Anonymous

My Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to be released from the melancholy that has gripped me for the last few months, to be rid of my depression and to become an effective member of my workplace once again. Dear Lord, please help the happiness that was once so abundant in my life swiftly return to us, as I no longer wish to feel so sad all the time.

Please help. I love you, and I shall never turn my back on you

Nov 25, 2011
help NEW
by: Anonymous

My Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to be released from the melancholy that has gripped me for the last few months, to be rid of my depression and to become an effective member of my workplace once again. Dear Lord, please help the happiness that was once so abundant in my life swiftly return to us, as I no longer wish to feel so sad all the time.

Please help. I love you, and I shall never turn my back on you

Nov 26, 2011
request NEW
by: Anonymous

I request to preserve my jobs and for God to protect them so I don't get fired or let go or laid off, Oh God all mighty protect my jobs and my family, give us long life on this earth and protect us from all evil people and our enemies, forever amen.

Nov 27, 2011
by: Gideon K G

FATHER, I come to you in the mighty name of JESUS and I submit this preayer request for deliverance from my long soght battle with debt and financial burden. I need YOU to step into my situation and deliver me. Deliver me FATHER I pray thee!!!
I know that my help comes from the hills! From you alone LORD that is why I seek thee. I alos know that it is not by ones power or by ones might, but by YOUR Spirit that my answers will come. Save me LORD from this place of hopelessness. I know I most likely have ended here out of my own bad, even foolish, decision, but I know in my heart that you can make ALL things turn around for my good. Help me LORD. Search the depths of my heart and give my a contrite and right spirit towards you.
Help me even be the encouragement to those around who I can uplift and are in despair, that YOUR name, and YOUR name alone may be glorified. Help me FATHER.
You have started soo many good things in my life. Please bring them to a favourable end - soon! Do not let me bring shame to YOUR statutes in my life. Help me to bring glory and honour to YOUR name.
My heart cries out to you because I depend on no other than you. Deliver me from my debt and set me on a new and permanent financial course in you through CHRIST my LORD and SAVIOUR. Help me FATHER or I perish, and transform me into that perfect vessel for YOUR glory and honour.
This I pray thee with penitance and faith in JESUS Mighty name.

Nov 27, 2011
Help Me, Lord NEW
by: Anonymous

I really really need God right now, so i'm praying this prayer

Nov 27, 2011
financial wind fall urgently NEW
by: Anonymous

I thank the Lord for his goodness and mercy,my life is a big struggle with my kids i ask for financial blessing so we could give up the struggling and live in peace.

Nov 27, 2011
return her save her from hell NEW
by: Anonymous

bring susan back to me and get her out of sin and adultry with bob

Nov 27, 2011
return her save her from hell NEW
by: Anonymous

bring susan back to me and get her out of sin and adultry with bob

Nov 27, 2011
return her save her from hell NEW
by: Anonymous

bring susan back to me and get her out of sin and adultry with bob

Nov 27, 2011
return her save her from hell NEW
by: Anonymous

bring susan back to me and get her out of sin and adultry with bob

Nov 28, 2011
I need direction and clarity NEW
by: Anonymous

I seek help to either make my relationship work or to let it go. I dont know what the right thing to do is now. Do I walk away or do I forgive and have faith that God will change him for the better.

Nov 28, 2011
prayer for my husband NEW
by: Anonymous

please pray for my husband to have his passport and workpermit taken by somebody whoworks at homeaffairs in south africa.please pray for him we are on adesperate situation.

Nov 28, 2011
prayer for my husband NEW
by: Anonymous

please pray for my husband to have his passport and workpermit taken by somebody whoworks at homeaffairs in south africa.please pray for him we are on adesperate situation.

Nov 29, 2011
Help us NEW
by: Anonymous

Almighty God, gracious and loving heavenly Father, Our saviour Jesus, Holy Mother Mary, please help us, our family is in dire straits, heavily in debt, please help us to recover our losses and clear our debts, help us, the current situation is not to our favour, please help us to turn the situation around, help us to cross this difficult hurdle, help us to reduce our debts to zero, please ....

Nov 29, 2011
make me new NEW
by: Anonymous

O Lord, jesus, i always thank u for all the blessing and guidance everyday of my life, i want to have a better job to help my family to their financial problem..please o Lord..thank you with all my heart.

Nov 29, 2011
Need financial help NEW
by: Christopher

I will like to public my prayer for and orgent financial need to settle my school fee. And i believe that God will open way where there is not in Jesus name Amen

Nov 30, 2011
Dear Heart of Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Heart of Jesus in the past i have asked for many favors, this time I ask you for this very special one (mention favor) take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your father sees it, then in his merciful eyes it will become your favor and not mine. amen say for 3 days promise publication and the prayer will be granted no matter how impossible.

thank you Dear Heart of Jesus


Nov 30, 2011
Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of need NEW
by: Anonymous

Shoulder wound of Jesus
Oh loving jesus, meek lamb of God, i a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of thy shoulder, on which thou did bear they heavy cross, which tore thy flesh and lay thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of thy most blessed body. i adore thee oh Jesus most sorrowful i praise and glorify thee and give thanks fully to thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. beseeching thee by that exceeding pain and by the crushing burden of they heavy cross to be merciful to me on towards heaven alon the way of thy cross in jesus' name (make request) amen to all

thank you for answering my prayers

Nov 30, 2011
desperate prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1fFW3THZh

please help in this time of need.Please let my forst love come back into my life. There is so much unfinished business.

Nov 30, 2011
dear lord NEW
by: Anonymous

Please lord help me provide for my two babies. I need your guidance right now. Please help me get out of this predicament that my little family is in. Thank you lord for being the wonderful, loving, forgiving lord that you are.

Dec 01, 2011
I am asking.. NEW
by: Anonymous

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1fHTptApB
Please get him back into my life. The pain is unbearable.

Dec 01, 2011
Shoulder wound of Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

I want to pray that my prayers will be answered. I love you and believe in you...

Thank You,


Dec 01, 2011
Shoulder wound of Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer and pray that my prayers will be answered. I love you my sweet Jesus.. please hear me

Thank you


Dec 02, 2011
Prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that the man I love will be no longer burdened by hardships within his life and that he will find the strenght and courage he needs to move on and let go of an untenable situation.

Dec 02, 2011
Tough times for my Son NEW
by: stacy

I prayed for my son to get through a tough time with the joint custody. I believe in the power of prayer and that Jesus helps us through tough times.

Dec 02, 2011
believer NEW
by: jose

I prayed for my legal problems to be resolved so that I may be able to continue with my life and give my stepdaughter and girlfriend the life they deserve. I ask this in Jesus Christ, Amen

Dec 02, 2011
believer NEW
by: jose

I prayed for my legal problems to be resolved so that I may be able to continue with my life and give my stepdaughter and girlfriend the life they deserve. I ask this in Jesus Christ, Amen

Dec 02, 2011
believer NEW
by: jose

I prayed for my legal problems to be resolved so that I may be able to continue with my life and give my stepdaughter and girlfriend the life they deserve. I ask this in Jesus Christ, Amen

Dec 02, 2011
Thank you GOD NEW
by: Stacy

thank you God for hearing my prays today ... finally for a bit my heart can rest in peace ... knowning that my son will be safe with the joint custody .... and his father has agreed not to take him away from me for one week each month since it will mess my school going child >>>
God you have always been there for me and please continue to do so since i am lost without u in my heart n soul - Amen

Dec 03, 2011
by: Anonymous







Dec 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Dec 05, 2011
She needs it NEW
by: Anonymous

My girlfriend has family troubles. She deserves better and shouldn't endure this much pain. I love her so much. It's funny since i've started dating her i've started to pray. I love you Madison :))

Dec 05, 2011
She needs it NEW
by: Anonymous

My girlfriend has family troubles. She deserves better and shouldn't endure this much pain. I love her so much. It's funny since i've started dating her i've started to pray. I love you Madison :))

Dec 05, 2011
Powerful Sacred Prayer in time of Need NEW
by: Anonymous

by: Anonymous

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1fevKty1G

Dec 05, 2011
publlshing this prayer NEW
by: Amanda

I believe that Jesus died for my unrighteousness and that He rose again. He lives and his mercy is everlasting. Although He has already done exceedingly abundant things in my life, I am at an important crossroad. I pray for the successful conclusion of a project in which I've been involved in for almost a year. I pray for your words and your truth to be spoken, Lord. Help me to be a vessel of your love. Amen.

Dec 05, 2011
Prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray for a job and that i can keep my apartment and finish school.

Dec 05, 2011
Prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray for a job and that i can keep my apartment and finish school.

Dec 05, 2011
Exams NEW
by: Rion

Please pray for me that I may somehow know what to write for my exam today and that I may pass. I am so lost and depressed right now. Thank you for your prayers. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Dec 06, 2011
mrs NEW
by: Anonymous

Jesus iam praying for my son. His exam results come tommorow. please help him to pass and take away all the complaints against him. i will definetely publish this to others.

Dec 06, 2011
Thank you NEW
by: Jeanne

Thank you Lord Jesus for all that you do for me. I am confident you will hear my call fro immediate help and be every mericful and help me. I will urge all to turn to you when in need. Thank you , Lord Jesus

Dec 06, 2011
Thank you NEW
by: Jeanne

Thank you Lord Jesus for all that you do for me. I am confident you will hear my call fro immediate help and be every mericful and help me. I will urge all to turn to you when in need. Thank you , Lord Jesus

Dec 06, 2011
Thank you NEW
by: Jeanne

Thank you Lord Jesus for all that you do for me. I am confident you will hear my call fro immediate help and be every mericful and help me. I will urge all to turn to you when in need. Thank you , Lord Jesus

Dec 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my Brother who is despairing of life, hope, and is so brokenhearted. I ask for healing of his broken heart, and that God infuses him with renewed strength and hope, and purpose.
i ask this is Jesus name. Amen.

Dec 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my Brother who is despairing of life, hope, and is so brokenhearted. I ask for healing of his broken heart, and that God infuses him with renewed strength and hope, and purpose.
i ask this is Jesus name. Amen.

Dec 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my Brother who is despairing of life, hope, and is so brokenhearted. I ask for healing of his broken heart, and that God infuses him with renewed strength and hope, and purpose.
i ask this is Jesus name. Amen.

Dec 07, 2011
Financial Assistance NEW
by: Anonymous

God you knows what i need.You only my saviour ,i believe in you .Show me the right path and give me strength and courage to do right thing .I know i am sinner,forgive my sin.

Dec 07, 2011
For my children NEW
by: Stacy

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Dec 07, 2011
Help from the Lord NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray and I ask the Good Lord help for all my financial debts to be cleared. Please pray for me. Amen

Dec 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

I will like to publish my prayer and ask that others who say this prayer get the help they need so that they to can publish their prayer and have it answered

Dec 08, 2011
fulfillment NEW
by: Robert

Please pray that the devil and his demons leave my life in Jesus name, and that God's will for my life be fulfilled. that i get my blessings from heaven without delay, in Jesus name.
thank you.

Dec 08, 2011
Keep safe and healthy NEW
by: Anonymous

Please keep my daughter and her unborn child safe ane healthy.

Dec 08, 2011
Keep safe and healthy NEW
by: Anonymous

Please keep my daughter and her unborn child safe ane healthy.

Dec 08, 2011
A place to hang my hat NEW
by: Anonymous

I am praying for a place to live and for my application for housing to be approved,I so need to lightem my burden financially so I can move on with my life

Dec 08, 2011
A place to hang my hat NEW
by: Anonymous

I am praying for a place to live and for my application for housing to be approved,I so need to lightem my burden financially so I can move on with my life

Dec 08, 2011
Thankyou Jesus. NEW
by: Anonymous

Jesus Please pass me in my teaching certification exam. Thank you Jesus. FS.

Dec 08, 2011
Flood us with your Favor My Lord Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

My Lord Jesus, I so humbly pray, in your name, that you guide us in our quest to provide for our family that you open those doors and flood us with your abundant favor. Lord I know you are the light and that you will guide us like a ship in the night. Lord I pray for wisdom, courage and understanding - I pray that I may hear you clearly and be guided by you lord. I pray that you provide the abundant overflow of work and that we my prosper with our new endeavor, my Lord Jesus.

I will build my house on a rock so that it will withstand the storm - and you are the rock, Lord Jesus. I thank you Lord in advance for flooding my family with your favor and providing Lord Jesus. I pray you guide my husband, and I pray he may too hear you clearly. I know in my heart that our new business endeavor will be a success because you, and only you, will receive the glory.

I have had some really dark days in my life Lord, but I Thank you lord for all those times that I thought that I would not make it through the day, but you saved me once again. I love you Lord Jesus you have carried me through and I know in my heart that you will bless this journey. P.S. Thank you for my babies Lord keep them safe and shaped into the mother that they deserve to have. In you Name I pray - Lord Jesus, Amen

Dec 08, 2011
Help My Brother/Father and Son NEW
by: Anonymous

My Lord Jesus Father I pray in your name that you continue to help my brother to fight the disease of his drug addiction; that you help him find the strength in you my Lord. I pray in your name to cast out those demons and help him flourish into the man you intend him to be. His boys need him in their lives, they need a strong spiritual leader and role model in their little live. I pray you place a loving, caring, and strong woman in his life that he may feel loved once again , Lord Jesus. Only you Lord can cleanse him and make rid of that addiction. Help him prosper and find strength to accomplish his biggest dreams, I pray you help him see himself as a valuable and beautiful person who deserves more than he is settling for. Thank you Lord for working in him and giving him a brand new start. I love you Lord Jesus!!!

Dec 09, 2011
Provide healing and Favor NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus Father - I Pray in your name that you help my parents in this desperate time of need. I pray in your name Lord that you provide healing for my father so that he may work lord. I pray that his disability be approved because they are drowning in dept due to his condition. Lord I pray you continue to work in him and remove the negativity in his mind and see the cup as half full rather than half empty Lord. I pray that you show him how blessed he is even though he is suffering. I know you will see him through everything he is going through and he will prevail, but I pray he sees the work you are doing as well Lord.

Lord I pray for my Mother that she too be filled with you r love and peace; that she can feel your glory on a daily basis and count on you to guide her through her struggles. Protect them Lord keep them safe and guide them through all their hard times because I know you will abundantly bless them in due time. In your Name we Pray - Lord Jesus. Amen

Dec 09, 2011
Prayer for love NEW
by: Anonymous

I have just prayed for the healing of my relationship with my boyfriend. We are going through a difficult time, but we love each each other. I pray for him to call me so we can talk.

Dec 09, 2011
Prayer for love NEW
by: Anonymous

I have just prayed for the healing of my relationship with my boyfriend. We are going through a difficult time, but we love each other. I pray for him to call me so we can talk.

Dec 09, 2011
need employment NEW
by: julietta

i am in need of a job please help me find work

Dec 10, 2011
Help NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord,please find it in your will to bring my ex back or give me someone to love just as much that will love my daughter as much as I.Please take away all the pain I have been suffering from..I would like to be happy again..Amen

Dec 11, 2011
Financial Difficulties NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray for our financial difficulties, Lord, please don't let us be out in the streets. Help us find a way to pay our rent and be able to stand back up. Amen.

Dec 11, 2011
secured job NEW
by: Anonymous

Pray that my husband is free from mental torture and harrassement. His boss is very arrogant and need things done immediately where it is not possible. Please pray for the place he works and the staff who are harrasing him. Pray that he has no problem with his job. Amen

Dec 11, 2011
In need of a job NEW
by: Sonia

I pray that I get a good paying job right away by this week and for my son and I be blessed eternaly.

Dec 11, 2011
In need of a job NEW
by: Sonia

I pray that I get a good paying job right away by this week and for my son and I be blessed eternaly.

Dec 11, 2011
In need of a job NEW
by: Sonia

I pray that I get a good paying job right away by this week and for my son and I be blessed eternaly.

Dec 11, 2011
by: DEB


Dec 11, 2011
by: DEB


Dec 11, 2011
by: DEB


Dec 12, 2011
Prayer for financial problem NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray to pay off all my debts... i know and i claim it god will grant my prayer.. thank you my lord..

Dec 12, 2011
please come to my aid dear jesus NEW
by: anonymous

my dear Father, you already know my needs,please help me, in the name of Jesus. thank you my God.

Dec 12, 2011
blessings NEW
by: Anonymous

i would like to publish my request that i received the canadian seasonal farming program job.

Dec 13, 2011
I have sinned please God forgive and help me. NEW
by: Anonymous

Please pray for me I have made lots of mistakes in this past year, please pray for me so God forgives me and helps me through these tough and bad times.

Dec 13, 2011
please hear and answer me NEW
by: Anonymous

i trust that You hear me my dearest Father. Please answer me soon. Thank you, I love you!

Dec 13, 2011
please hear and answer me NEW
by: Anonymous

i trust that You hear me my dearest Father. Please answer me soon. Thank you, I love you!

Dec 13, 2011
Prayer for financial help NEW
by: Anonymous

May the Loving Father intervene for our financial
problem that needed to meet deadlines. Thank you
gracious Father for all the blessings you pour us
and sustaning always our daily needs and for all your provision keeping my family safe and secured.

Dec 14, 2011
please hear and answer me dear jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

please anwser my prayers dear God, in Jesus' name I pray.Thank you.

Dec 14, 2011
please hear and answer me dear jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

please anwser my prayers dear God, in Jesus' name I pray.Thank you.

Dec 14, 2011
please hear and answer me dear jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

please anwser my prayers dear God, in Jesus' name I pray.Thank you.

Dec 14, 2011
please hear and answer me dear jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

please anwser my prayers dear God, in Jesus' name I pray.Thank you.

Dec 14, 2011
please hear and answer me dear jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

please anwser my prayers dear God, in Jesus' name I pray.Thank you.

Dec 14, 2011
job NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray dear lord most powerful God that my daughter is able to keep her job she is a good person who tries her hardest, may her boss give her a chance to see she is a good worker and a kind soul. In your name I pray amen.

Dec 14, 2011
job NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray dear lord most powerful God that my daughter is able to keep her job she is a good person who tries her hardest, may her boss give her a chance to see she is a good worker and a kind soul. In your name I pray amen.

Dec 14, 2011
job NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray dear lord most powerful God that my daughter is able to keep her job she is a good person who tries her hardest, may her boss give her a chance to see she is a good worker and a kind soul. In your name I pray amen.

Dec 14, 2011
Restored from cancer, release from financial stress NEW
by: Angie

I thank My Father for your exixtence being there-I need your consistent prayer support.

I am follower of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, I love Him with my whole heart. I commit and seek His guidance daily, to decern His
promptings and readily obey.

God's riches blessings,

Yours in Chris love

Dec 14, 2011
Thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

As I say my prayer, and I petition St Jude for his help, I know already my prayers will be answered. St Jude has always answered my prayers by delivering his miracles to me when I have prayed to him. He has always helped me.

Have faith and pray to him. St Jude will help you in your time of need.

Dec 14, 2011
In need of good results NEW
by: Anonymous

Do Well in my final exams get a score above 85

Dec 15, 2011
Please help me! NEW
by: Anonymous

I am extreemly desperate amd trying very hard to reach out to God in my time of need- i desperately need healing, alot of healing in my mind body and soul and hope so much that God will find it in his heart to help me!!

Dec 15, 2011
desperate plea fo employment NEW
by: Anonymous

I am fervently seeking the GRACE of Almighty God through Jesus Christ, to enable me secure a job in 2012. I am trusting in God for it to happen sooner than I even think!.

Dec 15, 2011
Help for financial difficulties and for Hubby to get well NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord, you said "ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall". I come knocking on your door and I know that I will find the answers. Please help us at this time of need, we are so much in need of finances. Rent money, food, etc. Make us instruments also to assist in the needs of others. Please shed light on my hubby so that he can completely be healed from his addictions. AMEN!!!

Dec 15, 2011
Please help Heavenly Father NEW
by: Munchkin

Dear Loving Father in Heaven,

I offer up my petitions to you through the intercession of St. Jude. Please help us find a place to live, funds for our move and jobs to keep us close to our loved one. Yours in Christ. Munchkin. God Bless All. I pray also for those in need of your help Heavenly Father.

Dec 15, 2011
Please help Heavenly Father NEW
by: Munchkin

Dear Loving Father in Heaven,

I offer up my petitions to you through the intercession of St. Jude. Please help us find a place to live, funds for our move and jobs to keep us close to our loved one. Yours in Christ. Munchkin. God Bless All. I pray also for those in need of your help Heavenly Father.

Dec 15, 2011
help me stay in school NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray for your help to help me stay in school, help me pass all my finals and exams.

Dec 17, 2011
Desperately Needing a Miracle NEW
by: Anonymous

Our home was foreclosed on but our lawyer was able to reach an agreement with the Mortgage company for a buyer payoff. NOW, they are renegging on the agreement THEY accepted. This is the second time we've had a written agreement accepted and renegged on. There reason is "we reneg on agreements all the time!". This is not fair and I pray to our Almighty God in Heaven that it will go through as is. The stress that this is causing especially at this time of year is unbearable. Please I pray they are not allowed to do this and the agreement that was agreed on will be able to go through before the New Year. Thank You!

Dec 18, 2011
Believe in Miracles by Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

I am publishing my prayer for Desperate needs... for a better paying job, and that I will be able to pay my bills this month; have 3 months ahead on bills before I have my left kidney removed.

Dec 18, 2011
Believe in Miracles by Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

I am publishing my prayer for Desperate needs... for a better paying job, and that I will be able to pay my bills this month; have 3 months ahead on bills before I have my left kidney removed.

Dec 18, 2011
Believe in Miracles by Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

I am publishing my prayer for Desperate needs... for a better paying job, and that I will be able to pay my bills this month; have 3 months ahead on bills before I have my left kidney removed.

Dec 18, 2011
please hear and answer me dear jesus NEW
by: kathy

Dear God, please help me financially, they have taken away my workman's comp and i do not havey for my bills.please help me so that i may help others, heal my wound, dear God, and let this 15 th surgery cure my bones. thank yoU My Father. I believe in miracles, and I am ready for mine to occur NOW.

Dec 18, 2011
please hear and answer me dear jesus NEW
by: kathy

Dear God, please help me financially, they have taken away my workman's comp and i do not havey for my bills.please help me so that i may help others, heal my wound, dear God, and let this 15 th surgery cure my bones. thank yoU My Father. I believe in miracles, and I am ready for mine to occur NOW.

Dec 18, 2011
please hear and answer me dear jesus NEW
by: kathy

Dear God, please help me financially, they have taken away my workman's comp and i do not havey for my bills.please help me so that i may help others, heal my wound, dear God, and let this 15 th surgery cure my bones. thank yoU My Father. I believe in miracles, and I am ready for mine to occur NOW.

Dec 18, 2011
Depressed NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord please send me a loving companion. Please take away my lonliness and depression and replace it with your love.

Dec 18, 2011
by: Michelle

I am requesting heavy prayer on my unwanted divorce. My husband is unsaved, has torn up my rosaries, crushed my virgin statues and pretends to love God He is making my life a LIVING HELL with the help of Satan. He won't give me child support. Has stolen out belongings and is trying to make me look like a horrible mother. This man has beat me, raped me, stolen my money, assaulted my patents, treated my special needs children horribly. I am DEPERATE. Answer my urgent prayers Lord Jesus. He is pure evil. Make him go away so my children and I can finally live in peace under the protection of your blessed mother.

Dec 18, 2011
my petitions NEW
by: Anonymous

Im asking for Jesus to give me protection and have a great, straight and pure path of life here in other country.

Dec 19, 2011
Solution to my debt burden andcpital requirement NEW

Heavenly Father, provide me with $220,000 I have debt burden of $80,000 and urgently need capital to stat my soap factory and as well offer to build God's temple and tithe as well, in the name Jesus I pray.

Dec 19, 2011
urgent help NEW
by: Anonymous

Father, please help us in our financial difficulties. Today is the day we are supposed to pay for our rent and we have no money. I also pray that i can find work so that i can help with the finances. thank you for all the blessings you have shown us. i know that you will come through for us.

Dec 20, 2011
Job, peace and love NEW
by: D.A

I pray that I find a nice and good paying job. I pray that I find a loving husband. I pray for my brother and sister who are suffering from drugs and alcohol addictions, may God heal and help them to completely stop that. I pray for my whole family to be healthy and happy and May God oppen the doors of opportunity in our lives. Thank you God in faith I believe you are answering my prayers in Jesus's name Amen.

Dec 20, 2011
In desperate need of a miracle. NEW
by: Joy

Dear Lord, I come to you again, begging you to help me with my financial difficulties. Please make it possible for me to gather up the money to go home to be with my son in time for Christmas.
Please hear my prayer... Make me worthy of an answer. Amen

Dec 21, 2011
help NEW
by: Anonymous

jesus i need your help in your name i praise amen

Dec 25, 2011
needs NEW
by: Anonymous

For a roof over my head and food to eat thank you.

Dec 25, 2011
needs NEW
by: Anonymous

For a roof over my head and food to eat thank you.

Dec 26, 2011
Love NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you, God, for all that you have done. Please bring my daughter's ex-boyfriend back to her. We are running out of time please help him find his way back

Dec 26, 2011
Love NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you, God, for all that you have done. Please bring my daughter's ex-boyfriend back to her. We are running out of time please help him find his way back

Dec 26, 2011
Love NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you, God, for all that you have done. Please bring my daughter's ex-boyfriend back to her. We are running out of time please help him find his way back

Dec 27, 2011
God please pull me out of financial crisis NEW
by: Anonymous

May God help me with finances and that Satan must bring back all he has taken from me in Jesus Name. Amen

Dec 28, 2011
finance and health NEW
by: belia

Most scared heart of Jesus I thank u for hearing me!I know n believe it will happened! That my husband n I will fine someone help us get the monies for him to retire in order to take care of his chronic diabetic he needs insurance we are old and without a job he cannot find a job becuase of his illness. Plz the sick the homeless and the hungry. Pray for peace in this wold we live! Than Lord

Dec 28, 2011
blessing NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank u God for the bless u will gives us today. For helping us in our finances

Dec 28, 2011
good luck NEW
by: Anonymous

i need help for financiale purpose so my family may be ok need to sell house quicklly

Dec 28, 2011
good luck NEW
by: Anonymous

i need help for financiale purpose so my family may be ok need to sell house quicklly

Dec 28, 2011
prayer for a job NEW
by: mumbi

Jesus.Please grant the desire of my heart of getting a new job so that i can meet my financial obligations.Amen

Dec 28, 2011
Financial Burden-Pregnant daughter in abusive relationship NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Sweet Jesus, I pray for your Divine Intervention on behalf of my daughter and her partner and their unborn baby. They are abusive to each other, breaking up and getting back together literally 2 or 3 times a week. My spouse and I are already helping financially as much as we can. We offered to pay for counseling if they truly want to work things out. If not, then please help us with the financial and emotional burden. We live in constant fear for our daughter's safety, from her partner and herself. We ask you Jesus, please lift our burden, heal our family and surround us in your Divine, Holy Light and Love. Amen!

Dec 29, 2011
prayer NEW
by: Lz

oh Holy God Please help me to get back my husbands love and affection.

Dec 29, 2011
pOWERFUL pRAYER IN Desperate time of need NEW
by: Anonymous

I uegently need large sum of money to come out of financial trouble. I need it to happen today. Thanks

Dec 29, 2011
pOWERFUL pRAYER IN Desperate time of need NEW
by: Anonymous

I uegently need large sum of money to come out of financial trouble. I need it to happen today. Thanks

Dec 29, 2011
pOWERFUL pRAYER IN Desperate time of need NEW
by: Anonymous

I uegently need large sum of money to come out of financial trouble. I need it to happen today. Thanks

Dec 29, 2011
finances NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord thank u for such a beautiful day and moring u have grant us! Bless the sick lonly homeless prisoners that they may find there way to You! I thank You for blessing with great sisters luisa who has gone out of her way to help us! Plz don't let her b too stress! She worries a lot. God I love You with all of heart soul and body. Thank You!!

Dec 29, 2011
very unhappy NEW
by: Anonymous

i am very sad and miserable. my mother keeps calling me hurtful names and wouldn't let me get freedom to go anywhere i want. i am twenty one years old and i am treated like a twelve year old. i also have a great boyfriend who treats me great but my mother keeps calling him names and trying to break us up. i hate my life because of her. please prayer for me that my life changes and that my boyfriend and i relationship can remain strong

Dec 30, 2011
Desperately Wanting Change in my Life NEW
by: Anonymous

Father, please grant my prayers for a good, joyful life. I want to start loving myself, gaining the confidence I have lost through the years. Help make the most of the New Year. Help me enlighten others by example. Make me an instrument of love and happiness. Help me with our financial difficulties. God, the Father, please end all my husband's vices - drugs, women, alcohol. Let him see your Light. Amen.

Dec 30, 2011
Give thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer for a job. I am desperate and need a stable income. Thanks be to god.

Dec 30, 2011
Give thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer for a job. I am desperate and need a stable income. Thanks be to god.

Jan 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

I believed in your miracle-and only prayers can solve all my financial worries and burden- to you Lord Jesus I pray that you will answer my prayer. Amen

Jan 03, 2012
Thanks and Praise NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to thank thr Lord Jesus St Jospeh for answering my prayers

Jan 03, 2012
Please pray for me NEW

Please pray for me , i'm going through a really tough problem in my life , please pray that I can get healed
From it as soon as possible .

Jan 04, 2012
lost boyfriend NEW
by: patty

God my boyfriend has left, please bring him back. He loves us so much.

Jan 04, 2012
Help NEW
by: Frank

Please look out for me God.... Soon

Jan 04, 2012
Help NEW
by: Frank

Please look out for me God.... Soon

Jan 04, 2012
Desperate with financial difficulties and problems with husband NEW
by: Anonymous

Father, please help us overcome our financial circumstances. Also help my husband change for the better. Amen.

Jan 05, 2012
Prayer to Virgin Mary and Saint Jude NEW
by: RAC

Prayer -1
O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruit of the Vine
Splendorous of heaven, Blessed Mother of the son of God,
immaculate virgin,
Assist me in this my necessity O star of the sea,
Help me and show me herein you are my mother

O Holy Marty mother of God
Queen of heaven and earth
I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity.

There are none that can withstand your power
O show me you are my mother
O Mary conceive without sin
Pray for us who have recourse of thee (3 times)

Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands (3 times)

Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine

Note : This prayer should be read 3 times for 3 days for getting your wish granted from Mother Mary.

May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored , glorified, loved and preserved throught the world now and forever
Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us
Saint Jude the worker of the miracles , pray for us
Saint Jude help of the helpless pray for us

Note : This prayer should be read 9 times for 9 days for getting your wish granted from Saint Jude.

Jan 06, 2012
urgent need for God NEW
by: Anonymous

Shoulder wound of Jesus...
Oh Loving Jesus,meek Lamb of God,I,a miserable sinner,salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder,on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross,which tore,Thy flesh and lay thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of thy most blessed body.I adore Thee,oh Jesus most sorrowful.I praise and glorify Thee,and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound.Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain,and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be merciful to me on towards heaven a long the way of Thy cross.In Jesus'name Bless me with a job,apartment,car and financial increase Amen to all

Jan 06, 2012
In need of peace of mind NEW
by: Anonymous

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/powerful-prayer-in-desperate-times-of-need.html#ixzz1ihO0Ff32

Jan 06, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the prayer I feel comforted and have all fAITH IN jESUS THAT HE WILL HEAR MY CRY AND ANSWER MY PRAYER AND DELIVER ME .


Jan 06, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the prayer I feel comforted and have all fAITH IN jESUS THAT HE WILL HEAR MY CRY AND ANSWER MY PRAYER AND DELIVER ME .


Jan 06, 2012
Healing NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to pray for my friend Mildred whose heart is very weak and full o fluid. Thank You Lord for her healing. Amen.

Jan 06, 2012
Healing NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to pray for my friend Mildred whose heart is very weak and full o fluid. Thank You Lord for her healing. Amen.

Jan 06, 2012
Healing NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to pray for my friend Mildred whose heart is very weak and full o fluid. Thank You Lord for her healing. Amen.

Jan 07, 2012
Financial need NEW
by: Annarella

Dear Jesus,
Please help me through ny financial situation i created myself...Please ask our Father our God to find in his heart to help me in my most desperate financial need. Please summon the Angels of prosperity to my aid and my family.
Dear Jesus, Son of God, hear my Urgent request.
I can't seem to make ends meet and it is destroying my relationship with my partner whom I love.
I Thank you in Advance Dear Jesus, Our Lord Our God. Please Hear my prayer.

Jan 07, 2012
thankyou lord Jesus NEW
by: maria noronha

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.

Jan 08, 2012

Jesus Christ in your in your name My Father But Son Of The Almighty GOD...I Desperately ask to please allow me to Thank You Now For A Blessing And Prayer Answered And Favored... Heal Those Of Around Me That Are In Pain Struggling And Suffering From Lack Of Love...Your Unfailing Love! And Blinded By The Lie Of The Greatest Lier Of All Liers In This World & This Earth We Are Now Temporarily At...For I Ask To Give Us The Strength Power And Knowledge To Wake Up...To Have The Right Faith and Hope That You Are The Truth And Answer To All Our Small And Big Problems...You Are The Righteous Loving And Forgiving One That Has Already Forgivin Us Before We Even Ask To Be...Father I Ask In Your Name That My Prayer I Eric Your Child Has Made Tonight From Heart And Soul Is Faithully Answered Already And In Your Hands Working Thank Christ Jesus Son Of The Almighty Loving And Only GOD!!! AMEN TO ALL...

Jan 08, 2012

Jesus Christ in your in your name My Father But Son Of The Almighty GOD...I Desperately ask to please allow me to Thank You Now For A Blessing And Prayer Answered And Favored... Heal Those Of Around Me That Are In Pain Struggling And Suffering From Lack Of Love...Your Unfailing Love! And Blinded By The Lie Of The Greatest Lier Of All Liers In This World & This Earth We Are Now Temporarily At...For I Ask To Give Us The Strength Power And Knowledge To Wake Up...To Have The Right Faith and Hope That You Are The Truth And Answer To All Our Small And Big Problems...You Are The Righteous Loving And Forgiving One That Has Already Forgivin Us Before We Even Ask To Be...Father I Ask In Your Name That My Prayer I Eric Your Child Has Made Tonight From Heart And Soul Is Faithully Answered Already And In Your Hands Working Thank Christ Jesus Son Of The Almighty Loving And Only GOD!!! AMEN TO ALL...

Jan 08, 2012

Jesus Christ in your in your name My Father But Son Of The Almighty GOD...I Desperately ask to please allow me to Thank You Now For A Blessing And Prayer Answered And Favored... Heal Those Of Around Me That Are In Pain Struggling And Suffering From Lack Of Love...Your Unfailing Love! And Blinded By The Lie Of The Greatest Lier Of All Liers In This World & This Earth We Are Now Temporarily At...For I Ask To Give Us The Strength Power And Knowledge To Wake Up...To Have The Right Faith and Hope That You Are The Truth And Answer To All Our Small And Big Problems...You Are The Righteous Loving And Forgiving One That Has Already Forgivin Us Before We Even Ask To Be...Father I Ask In Your Name That My Prayer I Eric Your Child Has Made Tonight From Heart And Soul Is Faithully Answered Already And In Your Hands Working Thank Christ Jesus Son Of The Almighty Loving And Only GOD!!! AMEN TO ALL...

Jan 08, 2012

Jesus Christ in your in your name My Father But Son Of The Almighty GOD...I Desperately ask to please allow me to Thank You Now For A Blessing And Prayer Answered And Favored... Heal Those Of Around Me That Are In Pain Struggling And Suffering From Lack Of Love...Your Unfailing Love! And Blinded By The Lie Of The Greatest Lier Of All Liers In This World & This Earth We Are Now Temporarily At...For I Ask To Give Us The Strength Power And Knowledge To Wake Up...To Have The Right Faith and Hope That You Are The Truth And Answer To All Our Small And Big Problems...You Are The Righteous Loving And Forgiving One That Has Already Forgivin Us Before We Even Ask To Be...Father I Ask In Your Name That My Prayer I Eric Your Child Has Made Tonight From Heart And Soul Is Faithully Answered Already And In Your Hands Working Thank Christ Jesus Son Of The Almighty Loving And Only GOD!!! AMEN TO ALL...

Jan 08, 2012
by: Eric L Zuniga

Jesus Christ in your in your name My Father But Son Of The Almighty GOD...I Desperately ask to please allow me to Thank You Now For A Blessing And Prayer Answered And Favored... Heal Those Of Around Me That Are In Pain Struggling And Suffering From Lack Of Love...Your Unfailing Love! And Blinded By The Lie Of The Greatest Lier Of All Liers In This World & This Earth We Are Now Temporarily At...For I Ask To Give Us The Strength Power And Knowledge To Wake Up...To Have The Right Faith and Hope That You Are The Truth And Answer To All Our Small And Big Problems...You Are The Righteous Loving And Forgiving One That Has Already Forgivin Us Before We Even Ask To Be...Father I Ask In Your Name That My Prayer I Eric Your Child Has Made Tonight From Heart And Soul Is Faithully Answered Already And In Your Hands Working Thank Christ Jesus Son Of The Almighty Loving And Only GOD!!! AMEN TO ALL...

Jan 08, 2012
by: Eric L Zuniga

Jesus Christ in your in your name My Father But Son Of The Almighty GOD...I Desperately ask to please allow me to Thank You Now For A Blessing And Prayer Answered And Favored... Heal Those Of Around Me That Are In Pain Struggling And Suffering From Lack Of Love...Your Unfailing Love! And Blinded By The Lie Of The Greatest Lier Of All Liers In This World & This Earth We Are Now Temporarily At...For I Ask To Give Us The Strength Power And Knowledge To Wake Up...To Have The Right Faith and Hope That You Are The Truth And Answer To All Our Small And Big Problems...You Are The Righteous Loving And Forgiving One That Has Already Forgivin Us Before We Even Ask To Be...Father I Ask In Your Name That My Prayer I Eric Your Child Has Made Tonight From Heart And Soul Is Faithully Answered Already And In Your Hands Working Thank Christ Jesus Son Of The Almighty Loving And Only GOD!!! AMEN TO ALL...

Jan 09, 2012
by: Eric L Zuniga

Jesus Christ in your in your name My Father But Son Of The Almighty GOD...I Desperately ask to please allow me to Thank You Now For A Blessing And Prayer Answered And Favored... Heal Those Of Around Me That Are In Pain Struggling And Suffering From Lack Of Love...Your Unfailing Love! And Blinded By The Lie Of The Greatest Lier Of All Liers In This World & This Earth We Are Now Temporarily At...For I Ask To Give Us The Strength Power And Knowledge To Wake Up...To Have The Right Faith and Hope That You Are The Truth And Answer To All Our Small And Big Problems...You Are The Righteous Loving And Forgiving One That Has Already Forgivin Us Before We Even Ask To Be...Father I Ask In Your Name That My Prayer I Eric Your Child Has Made Tonight From Heart And Soul Is Faithully Answered Already And In Your Hands Working Thank Christ Jesus Son Of The Almighty Loving And Only GOD!!! AMEN TO ALL...

Jan 09, 2012
by: Eric L Zuniga

Jesus Christ in your in your name My Father But Son Of The Almighty GOD...I Desperately ask to please allow me to Thank You Now For A Blessing And Prayer Answered And Favored... Heal Those Of Around Me That Are In Pain Struggling And Suffering From Lack Of Love...Your Unfailing Love! And Blinded By The Lie Of The Greatest Lier Of All Liers In This World & This Earth We Are Now Temporarily At...For I Ask To Give Us The Strength Power And Knowledge To Wake Up...To Have The Right Faith and Hope That You Are The Truth And Answer To All Our Small And Big Problems...You Are The Righteous Loving And Forgiving One That Has Already Forgivin Us Before We Even Ask To Be...Father I Ask In Your Name That My Prayer I Eric Your Child Has Made Tonight From Heart And Soul Is Faithully Answered Already And In Your Hands Working Thank Christ Jesus Son Of The Almighty Loving And Only GOD!!! AMEN TO ALL...

Jan 09, 2012
by: Eric L Zuniga

Jesus Christ in your in your name My Father But Son Of The Almighty GOD...I Desperately ask to please allow me to Thank You Now For A Blessing And Prayer Answered And Favored... Heal Those Of Around Me That Are In Pain Struggling And Suffering From Lack Of Love...Your Unfailing Love! And Blinded By The Lie Of The Greatest Lier Of All Liers In This World & This Earth We Are Now Temporarily At...For I Ask To Give Us The Strength Power And Knowledge To Wake Up...To Have The Right Faith and Hope That You Are The Truth And Answer To All Our Small And Big Problems...You Are The Righteous Loving And Forgiving One That Has Already Forgivin Us Before We Even Ask To Be...Father I Ask In Your Name That My Prayer I Eric Your Child Has Made Tonight From Heart And Soul Is Faithully Answered Already And In Your Hands Working Thank Christ Jesus Son Of The Almighty Loving And Only GOD!!! AMEN TO ALL...

Jan 09, 2012
by: Eric L Zuniga

Jesus Christ in your in your name My Father But Son Of The Almighty GOD...I Desperately ask to please allow me to Thank You Now For A Blessing And Prayer Answered And Favored... Heal Those Of Around Me That Are In Pain Struggling And Suffering From Lack Of Love...Your Unfailing Love! And Blinded By The Lie Of The Greatest Lier Of All Liers In This World & This Earth We Are Now Temporarily At...For I Ask To Give Us The Strength Power And Knowledge To Wake Up...To Have The Right Faith and Hope That You Are The Truth And Answer To All Our Small And Big Problems...You Are The Righteous Loving And Forgiving One That Has Already Forgivin Us Before We Even Ask To Be...Father I Ask In Your Name That My Prayer I Eric Your Child Has Made Tonight From Heart And Soul Is Faithully Answered Already And In Your Hands Working Thank Christ Jesus Son Of The Almighty Loving And Only GOD!!! AMEN TO ALL...

Jan 09, 2012
Desperate need of Man to marry and Job NEW
by: Anonymous

I read and prayed then sending my request, yes I have faith and believe my requests have been answered in Jesus name Amen. My request is to meet a wonderful Christian, honest,
Faithful, respectful, loving, caring, kind and will accept me for who I am. I also request for job change to get better pay with wonderful manager that will appreciate with understanding. I ask all these to happen this week, not next month or year later.
Please join me in one faith and pray for me, in Jesus name I bless you all for praying for me and I ask through our Lord Jesus name Amen.

Jan 09, 2012
Friendship NEW
by: Anonymous

I prayer to for my friend to find it in his heart to forgive me and move past the pain I caused him & be my friend again and be in my life. In God's name I pray.

Jan 10, 2012
Plublish my prayer of desperation and pain NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

my wonderful and loving God, my god that see the world in his eyes and how we look upon him for so many reasons and just living in this world today is painful and hard between work, money health, kids, not being able to help others. I need you oh lord, i need you to come into my life and forgive me for all my sins and pain and make me whole again. Please Oh lord, for whatever I have done in my past let it go and cleanse me with forgiveness so I can live, I am in a desperate time in my life that I want to not live and it's so against what I believe it but I just can't do this anymore, I am tired and weak and just heartbroken over so many things...Please help me oh lord, I am drowning in sorrow and pain, if you are there you will see the light and shine it on me and help me.. help me

Jan 10, 2012
change NEW
by: Anonymous

i pray that God give me the strength to face my deepest challenges. to change me so that i know i am loved.

Jan 10, 2012
Prayer for Financial Stability NEW
by: Anonymous

Grant me the grace to utilize the gifts you bestow in a way that gives you honor and glory

Jan 10, 2012
Shoulder wound of Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

Powerful Prayer in Desperate Times of Need

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Jan 10, 2012
by: Anonymous

i deeply pray that the canadian embassy in manila will stamped and send the immigrant visa of my husband so he can come ASAP TO CANADA before the delivery of our baby. im also praying for my easy delivery of a normal and healthy baby.i believe and trust god that my prayers will be granted

Jan 11, 2012
Most Desperate NEW
by: Anonymous

I prayed for our non paying tenants to leave quickly and peacefully. My fiancee and I are having a really difficult time with this situation and I feel we really need to turn to Jesus to help with this trying time.

Jan 11, 2012
Desperate help NEW
by: Anonymous

Im preying that when I go to the doctor everything will be fine. And that I wont be serverly ill or pregnant. I believe god will lead the way . I'm so scared that things won't come out great but ihave to stay positive . God please help me. Amen

Jan 11, 2012
Desperate help NEW
by: Anonymous

Im preying that when I go to the doctor everything will be fine. And that I wont be serverly ill or pregnant. I believe god will lead the way . I'm so scared that things won't come out great but ihave to stay positive . God please help me. Amen

Jan 12, 2012
Thanking God in Advance NEW
by: Anonymous

Praying for employment!!!

Jan 12, 2012
my prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

Pray that I can find a job be financial stable and to get my car fixed! Amen

Jan 13, 2012
Thankyou Lord Jesus NEW
by: anonymous

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.

**This powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it, ask for requests, then you must publish it right away
for requests to be granted.**

Thank you for hearing my prayers I have alot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.
Please save my son bobby from alcohol, drugs, rebelliousness nature. Thankyou Jesus praise you Jesus love you Jesus

Jan 13, 2012
a desperate prayer of a mother NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord I am desperately asking this very urgent need that in your loving and merciful heart, a miracle will happen tomorrow that I could produce $500 to pay for my son's college application since deadline is on the 15th of January. Lord I am totally broke and full of debts I don't know where to go but with you Lord nothing is impossible. I am a mother, Lord who wants a good future for my child, just like your mother...Have mercy on me dear God and forgive me for my wrongdoings and my lack of faith...

Jan 13, 2012
Urgent need from God NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray and request that i can help my family in the Philippines and for Irene and Karen amen

Jan 14, 2012
We need money to pay our bills, rent and groceries NEW
by: Anonymous

Please my Beloved Jesus, make our hard work fruitful so we can pay our rent this week, pay our outstanding electric, water and car insurance bills and to buy groceries to feed my children, husband and I. We are working so hard to help other's, please make it fruitful for us.
Glory to our beautiful and merciful God!

Jan 14, 2012
for a miracle NEW
by: Anonymous

Shoulder wound of Jesus . . .

Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.

I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name answer my prayers. Amen to all.

Jan 15, 2012
Tank you my Lord Jesus Christ NEW
by: Anonymous

I seek help that my enemy will be enlighten and do the right thing

Jan 15, 2012
Tank you my Lord Jesus Christ NEW
by: Anonymous

I seek help that my enemy will be enlighten and do the right thing

Jan 15, 2012
Tank you my Lord Jesus Christ NEW
by: Anonymous

I seek help that my enemy will be enlighten and do the right thing

Jan 15, 2012
for peace NEW
by: Anonymous

i pray that everything will be alright and to have a stable job....

Jan 15, 2012
help NEW
by: Anonymous

i seek help and prayer in my situation right now. i pray i get through this and Jesus helps me.

Jan 15, 2012
help NEW
by: Anonymous

i seek help and prayer in my situation right now. i pray i get through this and Jesus helps me.

Jan 15, 2012
help NEW
by: Anonymous

i seek help and prayer in my situation right now. i pray i get through this and Jesus helps me.

Jan 15, 2012
help NEW
by: Anonymous

i seek help and prayer in my situation right now. i pray i get through this and Jesus helps me.

Jan 16, 2012
Lord, help us NEW
by: Alison

Lord, pls help my future husband in his financial problem. Lord it's very urgent and we are worry

Jan 16, 2012
Prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

I hope my prayer is granted. My son is not yet talking. I hope he starts talking since its frustrating to see other kids talk & nt much improvement in him.

Jan 16, 2012
Need Help NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray for God to help make it possible that my house refinancing loan will be approved to pay off my debts.

Jan 16, 2012
financial burden NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish this prayer.
A family memmber is in real financial trouble at the moment and is stressed and exhausted from lack of sleep and worry.
Am placing all my trust in prayer for a speedy outcome to this worrying situation.
Sweet Jesus I place all my trust in you.

Jan 16, 2012
financial burden NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish this prayer.
A family memmber is in real financial trouble at the moment and is stressed and exhausted from lack of sleep and worry.
Am placing all my trust in prayer for a speedy outcome to this worrying situation.
Sweet Jesus I place all my trust in you.

Jan 16, 2012
financial burden NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish this prayer.
A family memmber is in real financial trouble at the moment and is stressed and exhausted from lack of sleep and worry.
Am placing all my trust in prayer for a speedy outcome to this worrying situation.
Sweet Jesus I place all my trust in you.

Jan 16, 2012
Help me Father NEW
by: Anonymous

To Clear my name from all troubles I got myself into, credit card and all court cases. For peace in my heart. To be highly favored, my named errased from their lists. A new start, a Godly husband, peace with friends.

Jan 16, 2012
Prayer NEW
by: Gordon

Oh Lord, I pray that I may find a job and money to ease my financial woes. I also pray that my family and friends stay healthy and free of financial woes. I thank you Lord for all that have blessed me with and for giving your life for me. I love you Lord and once again thank you for your love, Amen.

Jan 17, 2012
Most Needed Prayer Needed In Form Of A Finance Blessing From The Father Lord Jesus Christ NEW
by: ELZ

Ive been struggling as a single father of three and am recently A new man of Christ And Have been going through Test I beleive All new Christians that Seek The alord With All Faith And Trust...Therefore The Wicked one that seeks other than Truth and happiness attacks from all angles and tries to discourage my Faith by taking whats not important and tries to make finances my downfall is Only fooling himself cuz I put my worries and Fear in the Lord And My Savior Jesus Christ Who I Pray And Praise To Answer Prayers and Favor Me In Desperate Situations Like One I have Now With A Much Needed Financial Blessing To Keep My Family Together And Our Home. In Jesus Lords Name Amen To All

Jan 17, 2012
Most Needed Prayer Needed In Form Of A Finance Blessing From The Father Lord Jesus Christ NEW
by: ELZ

Ive been struggling as a single father of three and am recently A new man of Christ And Have been going through Test I beleive All new Christians that Seek The alord With All Faith And Trust...Therefore The Wicked one that seeks other than Truth and happiness attacks from all angles and tries to discourage my Faith by taking whats not important and tries to make finances my downfall is Only fooling himself cuz I put my worries and Fear in the Lord And My Savior Jesus Christ Who I Pray And Praise To Answer Prayers and Favor Me In Desperate Situations Like One I have Now With A Much Needed Financial Blessing To Keep My Family Together And Our Home. In Jesus Lords Name Amen To All

Jan 17, 2012
Most Needed Prayer Needed In Form Of A Finance Blessing From The Father Lord Jesus Christ NEW
by: ELZ

Ive been struggling as a single father of three and am recently A new man of Christ And Have been going through Test I beleive All new Christians that Seek The alord With All Faith And Trust...Therefore The Wicked one that seeks other than Truth and happiness attacks from all angles and tries to discourage my Faith by taking whats not important and tries to make finances my downfall is Only fooling himself cuz I put my worries and Fear in the Lord And My Savior Jesus Christ Who I Pray And Praise To Answer Prayers and Favor Me In Desperate Situations Like One I have Now With A Much Needed Financial Blessing To Keep My Family Together And Our Home. In Jesus Lords Name Amen To All

Jan 17, 2012
Help NEW
by: Anonymous

In the process of selling my retail building after my business failed. I am already losing money and now the buyers appraisal came in lower than the agreed upon price. I can not afford to keep the building, but I can't afford to lose $20,000. I am hoping for a miracle. Please pray for us. I have been living on credit cards and borrowing money just to make my mortgage. I feel like we are going under.

Jan 17, 2012
Help NEW
by: Anonymous

In the process of selling my retail building after my business failed. I am already losing money and now the buyers appraisal came in lower than the agreed upon price. I can not afford to keep the building, but I can't afford to lose $20,000. I am hoping for a miracle. Please pray for us. I have been living on credit cards and borrowing money just to make my mortgage. I feel like we are going under.

Jan 17, 2012
Help NEW
by: Anonymous

In the process of selling my retail building after my business failed. I am already losing money and now the buyers appraisal came in lower than the agreed upon price. I can not afford to keep the building, but I can't afford to lose $20,000. I am hoping for a miracle. Please pray for us. I have been living on credit cards and borrowing money just to make my mortgage. I feel like we are going under.

Jan 17, 2012
Restore My Daughter Back to her Right Mind NEW
by: Anonymous

Heavenly Father, I am asking you to restore my daughter back to her right mind, keep her focus and motivated, keep her spirits uplifted and the deppression away, keep her strong most important keep her away from satan! Keep this mental disease out of her mind.

Jan 18, 2012
by: Anonymous


Jan 18, 2012
Faith has never failed me NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Father,
Thank you for leading me to this place and, I praise you for all good that you have done.

I ask that my trip to the US may yield results and that,my Australian Visa may be processed that I may live a joyful life and provide for my family.
Lastly, I ask for good health.

Jan 18, 2012
To sell my property NEW
by: Anonymous

Desperate to sell my property before the banks move in

Jan 18, 2012
To sell my property NEW
by: Anonymous

Desperate to sell my property before the banks move in

Jan 18, 2012
To sell my property NEW
by: Anonymous

Desperate to sell my property before the banks move in

Jan 18, 2012
Request NEW
by: Anonymous

Request to get job.....

Jan 18, 2012
Request NEW
by: Anonymous

Request to get job.....

Jan 18, 2012
Marriage in trouble NEW
by: Anonymous

I will like to publish my prayer and ask that god will restore my marriage and help me and my husband to forgive each other and that he will remove all our enemies out our lives, I ask that god will heal us both, help us to love one another unconditonally, we have both cheated on each other and i ask that god will remove both of the people we cheated with out our lives. He kicked me out the house that we were both living in and i ask god that he will lighting my husband spirt and help him to forgive me so we can start over. I plead this prayer in jesus name and in jesus name i pray..I also pray for each and everyone else that god will also grant them their prayer. in his will..amen,amen,and amen.

Jan 18, 2012
Marriage in trouble NEW
by: Anonymous

I will like to publish my prayer and ask that god will restore my marriage and help me and my husband to forgive each other and that he will remove all our enemies out our lives, I ask that god will heal us both, help us to love one another unconditonally, we have both cheated on each other and i ask that god will remove both of the people we cheated with out our lives. He kicked me out the house that we were both living in and i ask god that he will lighting my husband spirt and help him to forgive me so we can start over. I plead this prayer in jesus name and in jesus name i pray..I also pray for each and everyone else that god will also grant them their prayer. in his will..amen,amen,and amen.

Jan 18, 2012
Marriage in trouble NEW
by: Anonymous

I will like to publish my prayer and ask that god will restore my marriage and help me and my husband to forgive each other and that he will remove all our enemies out our lives, I ask that god will heal us both, help us to love one another unconditonally, we have both cheated on each other and i ask that god will remove both of the people we cheated with out our lives. He kicked me out the house that we were both living in and i ask god that he will lighting my husband spirt and help him to forgive me so we can start over. I plead this prayer in jesus name and in jesus name i pray..I also pray for each and everyone else that god will also grant them their prayer. in his will..amen,amen,and amen.

Jan 18, 2012
Please take care of us NEW
by: Sarah

Lord.....help us, help us......please. I have left everything in your hands....

Jan 18, 2012
need jesus to intercede NEW
by: tom

I ask that god and jesus answer my prayer in extreme time of need.
I have been accused unjustly of a misconduct and it could cost me my job.Ask lord to help people see good in me and not be blinded by prejudice.
I in turn will be a faithful servant for all my remaining days on earth.

Is their such a thing as a deal with God?

please help me

Jan 19, 2012
by: Anonymous


Jan 19, 2012
by: Anonymous


Jan 19, 2012
please be with me NEW
by: kathy

st jude please be with me in cort today and give the judge understanding that i do not have any income and to restart my workman's compensation money today. please help me st jude thank you i love you!

Jan 19, 2012
Need prayers in time of need NEW
by: tom

nned help in saving my job which is in danger due to unfounded and untrue accustations.
I am a good christian who has had some problems but serve the lord by educating youth an helping them acheive success thru athletics.
Please help me in my time of need

Jan 19, 2012
Need prayers in time of need NEW
by: tom

nned help in saving my job which is in danger due to unfounded and untrue accustations.
I am a good christian who has had some problems but serve the lord by educating youth an helping them acheive success thru athletics.
Please help me in my time of need

Jan 19, 2012
Prayer for Mercy NEW
by: jim D

I pray for mercy and your saving grace for my Girlfriend Autumn and I. Please forgive us and save us. Break her herion addiction save her schooling. Give her a new life with you. I pray for your saving grace return Autumns life to a normal state. I pray for Gods will in our lives with no trouble hurt or anymore suffering. Please this load is to much to hold up we in great trouble Jesus please take it and fix it. Do not let our children suffer and do not let us bring anymore hurt and suffering in the world I pray for peace and a bountiful life with You Jesus and for all humanity. Jesus I trust in you have mercy on us all.

Jan 19, 2012
Prayer for Mercy NEW
by: jim D

I pray for mercy and your saving grace for my Girlfriend Autumn and I. Please forgive us and save us. Break her herion addiction save her schooling. Give her a new life with you. I pray for your saving grace return Autumns life to a normal state. I pray for Gods will in our lives with no trouble hurt or anymore suffering. Please this load is to much to hold up we in great trouble Jesus please take it and fix it. Do not let our children suffer and do not let us bring anymore hurt and suffering in the world I pray for peace and a bountiful life with You Jesus and for all humanity. Jesus I trust in you have mercy on us all.

Jan 19, 2012
a sinner lost in a world of sin... NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray to find my way to a safe zone in life with stability and hope for a better life, and to have a clean heart and soul. My sins make me sick and tired. I want to be a better person but am scared and confused. I have had a very rough life and feel at times I can not succeed in achieving my goals to better my self and my health for my family. I fear judgment day and want to be of good to this world and pray often for forgiveness but still feel guilty and ashamed. I feel week and foolish. I feel angry and hateful, in my heart I know there is a better way but I have no view of what's ahead with all the garbage that blocks the way. I can not seem to get to a point of progress. It seems I take one step forward and 3 steps back to often, and I just can't get to stable ground. Lord Please hear me and show yourself to me! Gently pick me up and bring me to a safe zone and help me to march! I beg of you to forgive me of my sin. And to gently teach me how to overcome temptation and give me the ability to filter out the garbage and see the light!

Jan 20, 2012
God bless us all !! NEW
by: Anonymous

I ask for jobs,good health and peace to my family and everyone feeling alone and lost. God bless you all

Jan 20, 2012
Healing for Leon NEW
by: Ava

I pray that my husband Leon will be healed from heart ailments .in Jesus name.Amen

Jan 20, 2012

MY dear Jesus, thak you for prayers answered yesterday!! I beg , in your mercy, that you will continue to help me win the fight thru another surgery, and financial blessings for my needs. I thankyou dear lord, for i know, with my faith in YOU that what i h ave asked is already mine. In y our time, not in mine, shall i receive them if you feel they are right for me. i love you with all of my heart!

Jan 20, 2012

MY dear Jesus, thak you for prayers answered yesterday!! I beg , in your mercy, that you will continue to help me win the fight thru another surgery, and financial blessings for my needs. I thankyou dear lord, for i know, with my faith in YOU that what i h ave asked is already mine. In y our time, not in mine, shall i receive them if you feel they are right for me. i love you with all of my heart!

Jan 20, 2012
healing for spouse and finances NEW
by: g

dear lord provide complete healing for my husband who has a terminal disease - he ahs to stay near a hospital and we are now looking for funds to buy an apartment next to the hospital. dera ord please intervene and provide so that we pay of debts and also get an apartment . in you we trust

Jan 20, 2012
UH blessing NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that my mother gets employed by university hospital soon. Amen

Jan 20, 2012
UH job blessing NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord, I pray that my mother gets a job in UH soon. She's been rejected multiple times and is getting discouraged. Give her the strength to get through until You bless her with a job in UH. Thank you for bringing her this far. I know you didn't bring her this far to forsake her. In Jesus name amen.

Jan 20, 2012
Help for my children and I to carry on NEW
by: Anonymous

..to be strong, to succeed and to thrive. Please Lord, hear our prayer.

Jan 21, 2012
Dear Lord NEW
by: Anonymous

I come to You Jesus today to ask You to please bring my loved one home safely & quickly. Please heal him quickly also, give him the knowledge & strength he needs. Close the doors that are not from You and open the ones that are from You. Bring him home Father please, I ask you in the Name of Jesus. Amen. Thank You Father.

Jan 21, 2012
by: Anonymous

GOD, please bless me financially so that I can purchase my land and build my house and please GOD help my son to grow in your love.

Jan 21, 2012
Reuest NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer to get a new job very soon

Jan 21, 2012
surgery NEW
by: mary

pleaase dear Jesus let this surgeon do the surgery on my foot, i know that it is already healed, for my faith in you. also give him the strength to help stand by me in court, where no none will help me, to help me winmy case against the one who has caused so much pain, whom i have forgiven, but i need financial help. thank you dear J esus.

Jan 21, 2012
surgery NEW
by: mary

pleaase dear Jesus let this surgeon do the surgery on my foot, i know that it is already healed, for my faith in you. also give him the strength to help stand by me in court, where no none will help me, to help me winmy case against the one who has caused so much pain, whom i have forgiven, but i need financial help. thank you dear J esus.

Jan 21, 2012
surgery NEW
by: mary

pleaase dear Jesus let this surgeon do the surgery on my foot, i know that it is already healed, for my faith in you. also give him the strength to help stand by me in court, where no none will help me, to help me winmy case against the one who has caused so much pain, whom i have forgiven, but i need financial help. thank you dear J esus.

Jan 21, 2012
Strayed Father NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray to you my Beloved Jesus, I pray for you heal my father of whatever is that he has. Only you know! My beloved Jesus, you know what is best for him. Please, grant him and our family the peace we need. In your name I pray!

Jan 21, 2012
My Beloved Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray to you my Dear Jesus that you heal my father of whatever is that he has. Only you are merciful. You know what is that what he needs. Heal him and his heart. Please Jesus help him, and us. To you I pray! Please hear my prayersj

Jan 21, 2012
I love you Jesus!! NEW
by: Anonymous

please bless my family with your love & good health! Thank you for healing me from cancer! I love you and believe in you with all my heart & soul!!!Amen!

Jan 22, 2012
by: Anonymous

please pray for getting a job in top mnc's in this month itself,according to God's will.

Jan 23, 2012
Tough times NEW
by: Anonymous

I prayed that I will get through the tough times that I'm in right now and God wil give a chance to make it right.

Jan 23, 2012
In Your Name Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

I ask that you will soften my ex-husbands heart. Please allow me to be able to have my children on a weekly basis that he won't keep them from me. I pray for financial help. I pray the love of my life will finally one day be mine.

Jan 24, 2012
Money and work NEW
by: Anonymous

Please help me father to get enough money to live on and to secure new work. Thankyou

Jan 24, 2012
desperate for help NEW
by: Anonymous

To restore my marriage. Thank you jesus!

Jan 25, 2012
getting out of debts NEW
by: Anonymous

To tell the truth I am in desperate times of need. I do not feel safe because of debts that is why I need Jesus to pull me out of debts and I want to be delivered today. IN GOD I TRUST.

Jan 25, 2012
please pray NEW
by: Anonymous

i have put two advertise ments on the local newspaper. please pray that i find my ideal soulmate through it. may good people apply and keep the people with bad intentions away from me.also pray that only good companies apply for my job ad and that i might not get cheated thank you.

Jan 25, 2012
please pray NEW

i have put two advertise ments on the local newspaper. please pray that i find my ideal soulmate through it. may good people apply and keep the people with bad intentions away from me.also pray that only good companies apply for my job ad and that i might not get cheated thank you.

Jan 25, 2012
please pray NEW

i have put two advertise ments on the local newspaper. please pray that i find my ideal soulmate through it. may good people apply and keep the people with bad intentions away from me.also pray that only good companies apply for my job ad and that i might not get cheated thank you.

Jan 25, 2012
please pray NEW

i have put two advertise ments on the local newspaper. please pray that i find my ideal soulmate through it. may good people apply and keep the people with bad intentions away from me.also pray that only good companies apply for my job ad and that i might not get cheated thank you.

Jan 25, 2012
please pray NEW

i have put two advertise ments on the local newspaper. please pray that i find my ideal soulmate through it. may good people apply and keep the people with bad intentions away from me.also pray that only good companies apply for my job ad and that i might not get cheated thank you.

Jan 25, 2012
financial problems NEW

Dear Jesus,

Your child Manjula is going through a lot of financial problems, and other domestic problems with
her children and other family members. Pleae I humbly request you to take away all my problems and worries and tensions, which I am undergoing through very badly.

Jan 25, 2012
in time of need NEW
by: Anonymous

with gods children who in life make mistakes and financial dilemmas we need guidance from the man above to help us thru the heartache of what our family issues of that are dealing with there children. so god we all need u guidance and help with life issues. god bless.

Jan 25, 2012
Hopeful NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that my dad will get a good result from an MRI scan - this is his first since receiving radiation therapy to reduce a brain tumour.

Jan 25, 2012
Thank you God NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your infinite mercy and wisdom and have insight to our most pressing needs, our worries, and anxities in God I trust...Amen

Jan 25, 2012
prayer for health and well being NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, I beseech you to find a way to end our struggle with finances, sell our house, and take the stress away and make room for good health. All things come from you through Jesus Christ, your son, who suffered on the cross for our sins. Thank you Lord for your blessings.

Jan 25, 2012
Prayer for Maxwell Cooper Berrios NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a dear friend with a sick infant. I pray that he recover from his condition of Pulmonary Hypertension. Please, dear Lord, help this child get better and recover, his parents are very scared. Thank You

Jan 25, 2012
Prayer for Maxwell Cooper Berrios NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a dear friend with a sick infant. I pray that he recover from his condition of Pulmonary Hypertension. Please, dear Lord, help this child get better and recover, his parents are very scared. Thank You

Jan 25, 2012
Prayer for Maxwell Cooper Berrios NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a dear friend with a sick infant. I pray that he recover from his condition of Pulmonary Hypertension. Please, dear Lord, help this child get better and recover, his parents are very scared. Thank You

Jan 25, 2012
Prayer for Maxwell Cooper Berrios NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a dear friend with a sick infant. I pray that he recover from his condition of Pulmonary Hypertension. Please, dear Lord, help this child get better and recover, his parents are very scared. Thank You

Jan 25, 2012
Prayer for Maxwell Cooper Berrios NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a dear friend with a sick infant. I pray that he recover from his condition of Pulmonary Hypertension. Please, dear Lord, help this child get better and recover, his parents are very scared. Thank You

Jan 26, 2012
please let us get our check NEW
by: Anonymous

please let us get our check Dear Jesus. Please take the problem off, Thank you God I ask I seek I believe.

Jan 26, 2012
Prayer request for my cousin.... NEW
by: PB

I would like to publish my request for prayers for my cousin Christopher who is fighting for his life in ICU right now. Please Lord Jesus help him to turn the corner and come back to us.... He has so much left to do in this world and he wants to live and those of us who love him cannot imagine that what is happening to him now is right or fair... He deserves at least one good break after so many unfortunate obstacles have been placed in his path over the past few years. This now is unbelievably and painfully just not right.... Please Lord Jesus, hold his hand and bring him back to us and let us be able to show him how loved and cared for he is.... And, we need him...
Please pray for Chris whoever may read this...
Thank you....

Jan 26, 2012
i want publish NEW
by: sonya m

For prayer for protection from my husabnd for me and my children and protection from my enemies and those who bring more despare and stress upon me and my family. I need a way to bring enough money into my home to take care of my children on my own and not have to rely on my husband. I think he may have broken my hand this time and i'm so tired of being abused and now he is turning on our sons and that made him even more angry and he shoved me into the wall and i already have a bad back that i need surgery for at some point and he has caused it to hurt me along with my hand so badly im in tears. My family raised me saying no matter what i have to stay married to him. I need a way to support my children from home and be able to pay my bills and still have money to help others.

Jan 27, 2012
Please give me another chance NEW
by: Anonymous

I am publishing my prayer to ask God to give me another chance with my wife and family. I humbly request that of God,the father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Jan 27, 2012
peace NEW
by: Anonymous

i pray for peace and happiness and no more arguments and stress

Jan 27, 2012
peace NEW
by: Anonymous

i pray for peace and happiness and no more arguments and stress

Jan 27, 2012
by: Anonymous

God please show me the way to love and happiness. I dont want to be alone anymore.

Jan 27, 2012
to be reunited with my family NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus, thank you for your love and help. I pray that I have another chance with my family. Please reunite us so that we may spend the rest of our lives in loving care of Jesus. Amen.

Jan 28, 2012
Prayer to find a Job in SG/AUSTRALIA NEW
by: RSM

Lord Jesus help me to find a Job in the Oil Rig asap. I believe that miracle will happen in your name .Amen

Jan 28, 2012
Prayer for my daughter NEW
by: mj

Please pray for my daughter who is in college and really needs to find a best buddy or friend. She is lonely and hasn't made too many friends. She needs someone like her...likes to study,anime and theater. She takes school seriously. GOD please send someone in her direction! Thank you.

Jan 29, 2012
by: ASH

dear lord let my broken relationship mend. let my bf come back to me

Jan 29, 2012
by: ASH

dear lord let my broken relationship mend. let my bf come back to me

Jan 29, 2012
by: ASH

dear lord let my broken relationship mend. let my bf come back to me

Jan 29, 2012
by: Anonymous

please help heal my foot after this 15th surgery , my God, i know in my heart it is already done. please help me and my children financially, so that i never have to worry about financial problems alone. thank you, i love you, my God!

Jan 29, 2012
Marriage propsal from my boyfriend NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that my boyfriend will propose marriage to me very soon.

Jan 29, 2012
Marriage propsal from my boyfriend NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that my boyfriend will propose marriage to me very soon.

Jan 30, 2012
Prayer for urgent help NEW
by: Anonymous

I am praying to request that someone who is very dear to me is extremely angry with me to the point of hating because of a misunderstanding, I pray that he understand my perspective of things and stops being cruel and hurtful.

Jan 30, 2012
I know God is, good NEW
by: Anonymous

I mentally cant get a hold of a lot of things in my life my marriage is a mess, my finance is terrible my children seem to be struggling i Am asking for pray to just get it together .it seems like the devil just want leave, me alone it feels like i am on my own .I know the power of God and I will not turn from that ....Help me heavenly father hold me and, use me as your child show me the way

Jan 30, 2012
I know God is, good NEW
by: Anonymous

I mentally cant get a hold of a lot of things in my life my marriage is a mess, my finance is terrible my children seem to be struggling i Am asking for pray to just get it together .it seems like the devil just want leave, me alone it feels like i am on my own .I know the power of God and I will not turn from that ....Help me heavenly father hold me and, use me as your child show me the way

Jan 30, 2012
I know God is, good NEW
by: Anonymous

I mentally cant get a hold of a lot of things in my life my marriage is a mess, my finance is terrible my children seem to be struggling i Am asking for pray to just get it together .it seems like the devil just want leave, me alone it feels like i am on my own .I know the power of God and I will not turn from that ....Help me heavenly father hold me and, use me as your child show me the way

Jan 30, 2012
I know God is, good NEW
by: Anonymous

I mentally cant get a hold of a lot of things in my life my marriage is a mess, my finance is terrible my children seem to be struggling i Am asking for pray to just get it together .it seems like the devil just want leave, me alone it feels like i am on my own .I know the power of God and I will not turn from that ....Help me heavenly father hold me and, use me as your child show me the way

Jan 30, 2012
by: Anonymous

Please Lord help me to acquire my home as soon as possible. I have prayed over and over again and doors just keep shutting in my face for whatever reason. Lord please remove all the obstacles in my life thats keeping me back.

Jan 30, 2012
Prayer for Marriage NEW
by: Anonymous

I publish this prayer that my husband will not want to stay separated and he will come back home real soon and our marriage will be better than ever.

Jan 30, 2012
request our home owners insurance will be reinstated NEW
by: Anonymous

Request our home owners ins be reinstated

Jan 31, 2012
for a cure for axiety and for a meanful job NEW
by: Anonymous

please help my family someone is suffering with mental axiety and depression and needs to get better and then needs a meanfull job. Please help dear Jesus.

Jan 31, 2012
for a cure for axiety and for a meanful job NEW
by: Anonymous

please help my family someone is suffering with mental axiety and depression and needs to get better and then needs a meanfull job. Please help dear Jesus.

Jan 31, 2012
for a cure for axiety and for a meanful job NEW
by: Anonymous

please help my family someone is suffering with mental axiety and depression and needs to get better and then needs a meanfull job. Please help dear Jesus.

Jan 31, 2012
for a cure for axiety and for a meanful job NEW
by: Anonymous

please help my family someone is suffering with mental axiety and depression and needs to get better and then needs a meanfull job. Please help dear Jesus.

Jan 31, 2012
by: Anonymous

lord, please i would love to live the right way... the way you want me too. i want to go to heaven the moment i die oh lord. please lord, let severin propose to me this valentine. soo much hangs oh this oh lord. please hear my prayer lord please help me!!!

Jan 31, 2012
Reuesting For Financial Blessings NEW
by: Anonymous

Iam praying for financial blessing I'm desperate with this hard times for my children's sake. Please Lord help me.

Jan 31, 2012
by: Anonymous

i request that i find a job by the end of this month...

Jan 31, 2012
Goodwill NEW
by: Anonymous

Please Lord, grant my prayers of a employment offer this week with Goodwill so that I may care for my children as you care for yours, so that I may assist and guide others as you have guided us. Dear Jesus I pray for this chance to show my gifts to others as you so gave me these blessed talents. In Jesus Name Amen and Blessed Be

Jan 31, 2012
Goodwill NEW
by: Anonymous

Please Lord, grant my prayers of a employment offer this week with Goodwill so that I may care for my children as you care for yours, so that I may assist and guide others as you have guided us. Dear Jesus I pray for this chance to show my gifts to others as you so gave me these blessed talents. In Jesus Name Amen and Blessed Be

Jan 31, 2012
for another chance with my family NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, thank you for loving me and my family. I beg that you grant me another chance to prove how much I love them and honor them. Please grant the miracle that I have been praying to you for. Thank you in advance for this miracle.

Feb 01, 2012
job well done NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray for a job well done at school .

Feb 01, 2012
Please help me Lord God. NEW
by: Anonymous

I'd like to publish my prayer that my EPass here in Singapore will be approved. My stay here in Singapore is about to end and I am hoping and praying to the Lord our God that he will hear all my prayers. I love my family so much and I wanna help them, and to get a job and working pass here in Singapore is the best way of helping them. I hope that I can get a pass or extension before my stay here in Singapore expires. This is all for you greater glory Lord. Thank You so much. Amen.

Feb 01, 2012
Husband NEW
by: Anonymous

Please pray that my husband will not be under so much stress and be able to take care business. In Jesus Name

Feb 01, 2012
by: Anonymous

My prayer request is that the Lord may be able to solve all my financial problems, that I may be able to borrow money from relatives or friends to pay my landlord his dues; that my landlord and his lawyer be gentle and compassionate and allow me to be able to pay my debts in installments and listen to my lawyer and agree to her proposition. I also pray that they will give me enogh time to move out of the apartment I am staying right now. In Jesus's mighty name. Amen!

Feb 01, 2012
Help NEW
by: Anonymous

Repair my relationship with MJ. Thank you

Feb 01, 2012
lord help me NEW
by: richard

lord im in desprate times i need money food and not get thrown out my roo lord please help me

Feb 01, 2012
prayer request answered NEW
by: semmentha

I want to publish this prayer for everyone to see and draw themselves closer to God and have their prayer answered. I pray for job from one of the applications I sent last year I need to go to school to get a good education. I need a financial miracle this month please. II need to pay my medical bills and laboratory test.

Feb 01, 2012
family NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you God for my family. Grant that my children will listen and obey their parents, Guide them in choosing God fearing life partner-one of their own,Grant us good health, direct us to the right part

Feb 01, 2012
by: Anonymous

I would appreciate any prayer right now.. I need for the Lord to help me to forgive and to centre me with His calmness, God bless all.

Feb 01, 2012
God I would be truly humbled if you could please help me NEW
by: Freddie

God I repent to day and the other day to two the closes people to me and I ask that you help me god in guiding me to be able to handle my problems and also helping others and help them forgive me please thank you god

Feb 01, 2012
God I would be truly humbled if you could please help me NEW
by: Freddie

God I repent to day and the other day to two the closes people to me and I ask that you help me god in guiding me to be able to handle my problems and also helping others and help them forgive me please thank you god

Feb 02, 2012
God help me get a job NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear God, please help me get a job because i desperately need one

Feb 02, 2012
prayers needed NEW
by: Anonymous

I request that i am forgiven for my issues charged agaisnt me as well as keeping and building the strength of my love and I during our time apart

Feb 02, 2012
dear god and all that is holy NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray to you to help me become the best person i can be. I ask for your strength and guidance in finding a better job and providing a better life for my son. I implore you to be merciful towards all of us who seek your help and never forget to be thankful for what we do have. Please love us, hear us and save us. In your name we pray. Amen

Feb 03, 2012
please hear my prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

Please Lord help my family to get through this disgusting request of greed with dignity. Our family has been through enough and now have been given yet another hurdle to overcome. We need peace to rebuild what has already been broken. Please grant is the peace we need and the strength to fight this attack. Amen

Feb 03, 2012
please hear my prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

Please Lord help my family to get through this disgusting request of greed with dignity. Our family has been through enough and now have been given yet another hurdle to overcome. We need peace to rebuild what has already been broken. Please grant is the peace we need and the strength to fight this attack. Amen

Feb 03, 2012
my prayer to Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that the hardships of a friendship I am struggling with will be granted a very peaceful answer.

Feb 04, 2012
Canadian Visa NEW
by: Anonymous

God i am requesting to grant my visa for the reunification of my wife and my son.

Feb 04, 2012
Prayer Request NEW
by: Anonymous

I prayer my daughter and her husband with find their way back to one another. In Jesus name Amen

Feb 04, 2012
Prayer Request NEW
by: Anonymous

I prayer my daughter and her husband with find their way back to one another. In Jesus name Amen

Feb 04, 2012
prayer for future husband NEW
by: Anonymous

please pray for me to get marry soon in the right man,please also to passmy comprehensive exam in my MBA.

Feb 05, 2012
Lord please hold me and help me NEW
by: Beni

Please lord help me, you know how much I love him, thank you for bringing him back in my life, I must be patient I know, but sometimes I just cant make it, he does nothing to help me...you are the only one to help me through and touch his heart...thank you Jesus, I love you

Feb 05, 2012
Lord please hold me and help me NEW
by: Beni

Please lord help me, you know how much I love him, thank you for bringing him back in my life, I must be patient I know, but sometimes I just cant make it, he does nothing to help me...you are the only one to help me through and touch his heart...thank you Jesus, I love you

Feb 05, 2012
Lord please hold me and help me NEW
by: Beni

Please lord help me, you know how much I love him, thank you for bringing him back in my life, I must be patient I know, but sometimes I just cant make it, he does nothing to help me...you are the only one to help me through and touch his heart...thank you Jesus, I love you

Feb 05, 2012
Lord please hold me and help me NEW
by: Beni

Please lord help me, you know how much I love him, thank you for bringing him back in my life, I must be patient I know, but sometimes I just cant make it, he does nothing to help me...you are the only one to help me through and touch his heart...thank you Jesus, I love you

Feb 05, 2012
Lord please hold me and help me NEW
by: Beni

Please lord help me, you know how much I love him, thank you for bringing him back in my life, I must be patient I know, but sometimes I just cant make it, he does nothing to help me...you are the only one to help me through and touch his heart...thank you Jesus, I love you

Feb 05, 2012
Lord please hold me and help me NEW
by: Beni

Please lord help me, you know how much I love him, thank you for bringing him back in my life, I must be patient I know, but sometimes I just cant make it, he does nothing to help me...you are the only one to help me through and touch his heart...thank you Jesus, I love you

Feb 06, 2012
Please lord help me NEW
by: Anonymous

please lord help me in my financial problem. Please give me your assistance. Please i hope someone would answer my sponsorship letter and solicitation letter. Please Lord. I badly need your help.

Feb 06, 2012
Dear Lord help NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord help, please i need your financial assistance. Please Lord I hope someone would answer positively to my solicitation letters. Please Lord, i cannot concentrate with this problem stuck in my mind. Please help.

Feb 06, 2012
needing your strength lord NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord please help me find the peace I need to care for my family during this time of internal suffering. My family needs the best of me to fight this obstacle. Please let this suffering go away so that we can start to rebuild ourselves.

Feb 07, 2012
prayer fo restoration NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that I will be able to get back to myself physically mentally and emotionally and spiritually as I have lost myself and my way and I desperately need to find myself and way again. Thank you Lord, Amen

Feb 07, 2012
Trying to reach out. NEW
by: Anonymous

Jesus, I am trying very hard to reach out and have faith in you in my very desperate time of need. I really hope you are there for me and will heal me. I am getting very very desperate and cant go on like this for much longer, please heal me, Please heal the others who need it too. Amen.

Feb 07, 2012
jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

I would like to publish my prayer to ask for help to get a job and find real love

Feb 07, 2012
Request NEW
by: Anonymous

I requested physical and emotional healing. Please pray for me. I need help ..

Feb 07, 2012
Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

Please heal me physically and emotionally. I am in need of urgent healing so I can enjoy life again..

Feb 07, 2012
Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

Please heal me physically and emotionally. I am in need of urgent healing so I can enjoy life again..

Feb 07, 2012
Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

Please heal me physically and emotionally. I am in need of urgent healing so I can enjoy life again..

Feb 07, 2012
Jesus NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

Please heal me physically and emotionally. I am in need of urgent healing so I can enjoy life again..

Feb 07, 2012
Prayer Not Answered NEW
by: Deb T.

Lord, I have waited and waited for relief. My time is here and I am about to be evicted. I have tried so hard to keep my rent paid and on time but other debts and garnishment has put me in a bad financial situation. I just don't make enough money to pay off all my debts so now I am facing eviction. Lord, please spare me the pain and humiliation of an eviction. I have no where else to go. I borrowed and paid some of it but I am still at a balance. I am thanking you Father for hearing my prayer. Amen.

Feb 07, 2012
Prayer Not Answered NEW
by: Deb T.

Lord, I have waited and waited for relief. My time is here and I am about to be evicted. I have tried so hard to keep my rent paid and on time but other debts and garnishment has put me in a bad financial situation. I just don't make enough money to pay off all my debts so now I am facing eviction. Lord, please spare me the pain and humiliation of an eviction. I have no where else to go. I borrowed and paid some of it but I am still at a balance. I am thanking you Father for hearing my prayer. Amen.

Feb 07, 2012
Prayer for finances NEW
by: Anonymous

lord merciful saviour help me get out of the financial crisis iam in give me that miracle i desperately long for lord gracious here my humble request

Feb 07, 2012
Amen NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, please have her give me another chance. I humbly ask for your help and mercy.

Feb 07, 2012
GOD, my saviour. NEW
by: christine

I would like to publish my prayer to praise the LORD..Dear God, you know i'm suffering right now. Please, help me & grant me my wishes. I admit i'm a sinner but please forgive me. God. you are the only one who can help me. You have said "Ask & you will receive". SO God, i'm turning to you now & asking. I place all my trust in you. I'm confident you will help & have pity on me. I thank you God. AMEN.

Feb 07, 2012
GOD, my saviour. NEW
by: christine

I would like to publish my prayer to praise the LORD..Dear God, you know i'm suffering right now. Please, help me & grant me my wishes. I admit i'm a sinner but please forgive me. God. you are the only one who can help me. You have said "Ask & you will receive". SO God, i'm turning to you now & asking. I place all my trust in you. I'm confident you will help & have pity on me. I thank you God. AMEN.

Feb 07, 2012
GOD, my saviour. NEW
by: christine

I would like to publish my prayer to praise the LORD..Dear God, you know i'm suffering right now. Please, help me & grant me my wishes. I admit i'm a sinner but please forgive me. God. you are the only one who can help me. You have said "Ask & you will receive". SO God, i'm turning to you now & asking. I place all my trust in you. I'm confident you will help & have pity on me. I thank you God. AMEN.

Feb 08, 2012
thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you for hearing my prayer.

Feb 08, 2012
thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you for hearing my prayer.

Feb 08, 2012
thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you for hearing my prayer.

Feb 08, 2012
Prayer to get a Job Very soon NEW
by: Anonymous

Lord please help me and my husband to find a job very soon, especially my husband. We desperately need jobs so we will be able to survive and support our 2 yr old baby girl.

Feb 08, 2012
Employment NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that my husband passes his welding exam today and is able to secure employment with this company.

Feb 08, 2012
Desperate for help NEW
by: Hannah Elise

My name is Hannah, and a single mother of 2 beautiful children. I am in a very tough time right now. My kids were removed from my care in august. I have no employment, no income, no car, and i need help from prayers and the lord jesus, For him to show me the way so i can get my life back on track and get my kids back!
Thank you

Feb 08, 2012
tough times NEW
by: Anonymous

help me get through this rough time im going throw i need strengh

Feb 09, 2012
paranoia NEW
by: Anonymous

I seek help that the thing that gives me paranoia is unreal and th