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Prayer Request - I Want my Wife Back

Please lord bring my wife back to me. She is the one i love and she wants to go into someones else's arms. Im grateful for the time we had together but i want more. I need more. I want my wife to be the person for me forever. Please forgive me for all the sins i have committed. You are a loving god. I worship you and pray for you . Please help me get through this and bring my wife back to me . Make her understand that she need to be with her husband and make this marriage work. You are a loving god and you will give me the guidance i need and for her too to come back to me. Thank you god AMEN

Comments for Prayer Request - I Want my Wife Back

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Sep 25, 2008
I hope it works out for you
by: Anonymous

I am in the same boat, thought it was going to end today in divorce court. but it was for a later date I got 4 days for her to have a change of heart then its to court, shes told me over and over for the last year that its over, even had a restraining order put on me, then she let me come back for a week, then through me out again, then when I came over and demanded to stay, she had me thrown in jail. Then when I pretty much had her out of my mind she calls me up to ask for money for food, so I give her the last bit of money I had, and went over to her apartment, to find her cooking dinner for some other man she works with whose married and has 2 children, probably same man she told me she was having sexual relations with. I walk in and their she is to answer the door and I see some other guy sitting in her apartment, I say O is that the Chris from work you were telling me about, the one you said was married having marital problems, the one you told me you were sleeping with, she says no, so ask to come in. she says no, so I walk in and introduce my self, Hi I am Eric who are you, He says Chris, I say do you not have a wife to go home to, he looks all startled. then Traci gives me a ride and says It could be a different Chris. God have mercy on me I am a terrible sinner I have done so many bad things to my wife, and caused her to flee into an adulteress relationship, All the hurt, and pain I must of put her through, all the tormenting, and craziness, and controlling I tried on her, I am truly sorry for all of that, well I hope and pray your not in the same boat as me, and if you are I feel your pain brother, God bless you, the God who is always faithful Jesus Christ in his name amen

Jul 04, 2009
I so hear you
by: Anonymous

I've been married for over 20 years. I'm a pastor. My wife hates being a pastor's wife and is upset that we live where we live. We have 4 kids...good kids (by God's grace). We have very little intimacy and it drives me totally, absolutely out of my mind some days. I pray, I seek God. I haven't, and Lord willing will never cheat on her... There's nothing I would hide from God or man if anyone would want to hear about my struggles and sin. I don't want , and flatly refuse, to be with any other woman than her. I desire to know how her body works. I want to please her and want her to learn how my body works, etc... Living with her all these years I feel like a drunk living in a liquor store who's told to stay away from the booze. This is absolutely amazing that God would put me in this relationship. Jesus, not my passions, is Lord...yet, whoa...why does life have to be such a struggle? Temptations abound (especially on the internet) -my goodness - this is not my parents world! I know she was abused by some pervy cousin or something when she was young...yet she refuses to open up about her hurt.

She has had cancer twice...breast cancer both times - I could care less - body-wise - it doesn't matter how torn her body is - I love her so very much. I need her so very much. I don't want to visit people at church, I have little confidence...cuz there's no build up at home. If God sends me to hell - I'll praise Him anyway - I don't care...I love Jesus - He died on the cross for me (a sinner) but, I pray - how long Oh Lord. When we were engaged - she couldn't wait to be with me - though, by God's grace, we made it and did no consummating till marriage...but wow...this one really hurts God! Father, God, I love you - BUT OH, I am so hurting and know that there could be so much more here! God, have mercy...Christ have mercy...Lord have mercy...and make us new! In Jesus' mighty name... Amen

Jul 06, 2009
prayer for marriage
by: Anonymous

I pray God will find a way to bring more peace and love into your marriage. That the dissatisfactions will find their way to more sincere expression of your unity together....

Jan 21, 2011
i want to bring my wife and child to stay together with me happily forever
by: tilakmonie

jesus chirst i take your name please bring my wife wihtout her i cant live and my child please to stay together with me happily forever

May 08, 2011
I am with you
by: Anonymous

I feel for you. My wife left me for another man almost 2 years ago, and as crazy as I feel sometimes, I want her back every day. She is the love of my life. I don't want anyone else. I hope your prayer comes true for you. Pray for me too if you will.

May 11, 2011
want my wife to give me a chace
by: gerald arsenaulr

Wife left me.said she love but was not happy.I found god now I pray she will find it in her hart to give me a chance.she is my soul mate.havnt eat much nor sleep.live in alma ga .pray for me that god will open her hart an let me in .an forgive me as a husband.she want talk to me..my number is 9122539720 .pray for me to give me strength an make me strong.I'm fateful.

May 11, 2011
want my wife to give me a chace
by: gerald arsenaulr

Wife left me.said she love but was not happy.I found god now I pray she will find it in her hart to give me a chance.she is my soul mate.havnt eat much nor sleep.live in alma ga .pray for me that god will open her hart an let me in .an forgive me as a husband.she want talk to me..my number is 9122539720 .pray for me to give me strength an make me strong.I'm fateful.

May 26, 2011
Regret til death
by: Anonymous

I have been married over 23 years. I had a year and a half affair on my wife. She has every right to divorce me. I am in complete depression and have given my life back to God. I plead for his mercy and beg for him to give me another chance to love my wife selflessly. I love her, and was blessed by God when I met her 27 years ago. I know he can change harden hearts. I have repented and know that I will always be married to her in God's eyes, even if she divorces me. Thank you for listening.

Jun 13, 2011
i love her
by: jason

ive been married for three years now,and now my wife wants to seperate,i spent to much time working,which made me go crazy and so i started drinking which made her unhappy,i said things all the time but didnt do it,i care for her so much,i dont sleep at night anymore,i worry if she is ok,i miss her with all my heart and soul.please come back to me dear sasi,i love you.

Jun 21, 2011
Wife left 2weeks ago
by: Anonymous

There was no cheating just me accusing but I am good husband I miss my wife so much I been prayiing hasnt got no good news lord please bless my marriage bring her home please lord please in name of jesus christ

Jun 21, 2011
Wife left 2weeks ago
by: Anonymous

There was no cheating just me accusing but I am good husband I miss my wife so much I been prayiing hasnt got no good news lord please bless my marriage bring her home please lord please in name of jesus christ

Jul 07, 2011
Brign her Back!
by: Anonymous

Lord, please bring my wife back to you. This is the only way she will come back to me and the kids. She is running pretty wild out there right now, messing with other's families. Please put a wall between her and anyone or anything coming between our marriage.

Jul 13, 2011
I Love You Lord And My Wife
by: Anonymous

Dear Almighty Lord Jesus, please hear my crying. My wife and I have been married for 21 years. Now she wants out. We have two wonderful girls (21 and 18). I have not been a great husband. My wife is wanting a life with someone else. I have confessed my sins before you oh God. I am sincerly and sorry for them. You are my God who give me strength. I praise you Lord for your steadfast love for me. Please let your spirit spill into my wife's heart and reveal your will and future glory. Make me a man of your image. Let me behave in a way that is christ like for my wife. Please take care of her. Keep the evil foe away from her and your family. Everything I have is yours God. You can take it all away, but you sent Jesus to the cross for all of us. Please let your glory prevail victory over the devil in our marraige. Let us be your light and example to the world. I love you Christ Jesus, thank you for your sacrafice to me and my family. Your are the King of the World. Thank you God. Please bring my wife home. In the name of Jesus Christ, please hear my prayer. Your lowley servant

Jul 14, 2011
dont stop believing
by: Lee

My thoughts are with as im going throught the same thing at this time! I pray to be back with my family and i will add you to my prays!

Sep 03, 2011
Hardened Heart
by: Joshua

Please my Heavenly Father, open her heart up and see that I love her truly. Please help her to see that we need to be a family and raise our children together.


Sep 08, 2011
Still hanging on
by: Anonymous

I feel for anyone who loves there wife and is divorced. My wife told me all last year she didn't love me at all. I myself struggled trying to take care of a family. We had five foster kids that was my world, my wife and stepchild. Plus trying to help a going church in a different town its been hard. The very first week of this year my wife kicks me out, my kids go to other homes. That just bout killed me seeing them leave. The same month my wife files for divorce. I end up coming back a little while later to help her out. Then when the divorce was finale she told me to leave. Now she has a boyfriend, plus she's struggling to pay the bills. It just hurts to see the one you love and you can't do anything about it. He doesn't help her and when she calls I just hear the stress and the depression that she's going threw. I told her how much I loved her. Gods word says to love your wife as Christ loved the church. There is hope, but do I move on. Everytime I see her I know shes the one. I just need your prayers, going threw this has really made my spirit weak. Pray for me.

Sep 14, 2011
I need my wife back.
by: Anonymous

I have never cheated on my wife and she is convinced I have. I had a drug problem and last year I stopped and she took me back. Things got tuff and I started again. I went to rehab and found God when I got back. Now when I thought everthing was good she says she wants a divorce. God forgive me for my sins. God please let her want to work it out. She sees that I have changed. I am done with the drugs. For you, my wife, kids , and myself. God i pray and feel you are in my heart and soul. I love her so much and she and my kids deserve better and with you by my side I can give her the best. In the name of Jesus my savior bring her back to me. She is my BEST FRIEND and I miss her so much. I love you so much and you love me together we will work threw this. God help me. In the of the Father Son and Holy Sprit. Amen

Sep 17, 2011
Help me god
by: Victor

Jesus I pray that you would restore my marriage,
I have been married for 21 years, my wife was a godly
Woman up to a year agao, she left me and our two sons
22 and 18 said she wanted to be her own person
Wanted to be single and go to bars and date different people
She has no communication with myself or our boys.. Lord I no you are the god of family and marriage and I pray you would bring her back to us in Jesus name,, father I love my wife
More than anything and would be willing to do what ever
It takes, I pray for her daily and ask the holy sprit to convict
Her of her wrong doings and bring her home,, Jesus I need you. Amen!!

Sep 17, 2011
Help me god
by: Victor

Jesus I pray that you would restore my marriage,
I have been married for 21 years, my wife was a godly
Woman up to a year agao, she left me and our two sons
22 and 18 said she wanted to be her own person
Wanted to be single and go to bars and date different people
She has no communication with myself or our boys.. Lord I no you are the god of family and marriage and I pray you would bring her back to us in Jesus name,, father I love my wife
More than anything and would be willing to do what ever
It takes, I pray for her daily and ask the holy sprit to convict
Her of her wrong doings and bring her home,, Jesus I need you. Amen!!

Sep 17, 2011
god please bring my family back together.
by: christain

i have prayed. however i would like to pray on here along side my brothers who feel the same pain that i do. i have been with my wife for 6 years. i love her more than seems even posible. she is on my mind from the time i wake up until i go to sleep. we met 6 years ago and fell in love almost instantly. we moved in together after just a couple of weeks. after about a year due to some drug and alchohol use things got kind of abusive. i did things that i normaly wouldnt have done if i had not been using. in october of 2010 after a night of drinking we started arguing, wich led to pushing and shoving. she called her friend to pick her up and she was gone. three weeks later i went into a 21 day rehab and when i got out i found out that she was already living with another guy 25 miles away. she ignored all my phone messages i we hadnt talked in months until one day during the last week of july she called me crying to pick her up from down the street where she was living, her and her boyfriend had split up a couple of weeks before this and she was living with friends. well something happend and she had to leave there so with nowhere else to go she called me. i went and picked her up and we stayed in a hotel for the night seing as how i was living with my mother and she wouldnt even look at michele (much dislike).long story short we got an apartment together and she was telling me how much she loved me and that she would never leave me again. after about 4 weeks i woke up one morning to find her sitting up in bed crying. she said she still loved the guy she was living with in akron and she didnt love me at all. she claimes she doesnt even like me and cant stand even being around me!!! i had to move out about a week later. she doesnt have a vehicle and the guy she says shes in love with doesnt either. they can only see eachother about once every two weeks when she can borrow a vehicle to go out and see him. bye the way we have a daughter together. i just dont understand why she wont try to work out our marrage for my daughter and myself and give it time. i told her the attraction will come once she stops talking to this other guy and gets more involved with our family but she just wont listen. god please bring my family back together. i love her more than words can say. i have changed dont use drugs or am not even the slightest bit abusive or hardly even raise my voice to her, but she just wont budge.

Oct 02, 2011
Missing my wife
by: Anonymous

God please pray for my wife to commit to saving our marriage we split October 10th of last year. I had a one time relapse to drugs and she threw me out. I have not used it will be a year next week. I am not sure if she loves me anymore. We still live together in our home. Go on vacations together with our 4 year old son. We go everywhere together, sleep in the same bed together however we are like room mates and parents not husband and wife. I have done everything and live my life the proper way. And she still won't commit to our marriage. She tells me she doesnt love me. I love her and would do anything to saver marriage. Please pray for nd

Oct 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

Lord God I pray for every body here who are broken hearted and have sent the prayer requests. I also want my exwife back and my kid so we can be a perfect family. Please break all the power of satan and bless your people. We confess our sins and pls give and help us.


Oct 23, 2011
your will be done
by: Anonymous

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please hear the prayers of all who come before you in this forum. Please guide us and help us to become the loving and supportive husbands that our wives need. Please bring healing and redemption to our marriages as only you can. Thank You Lord for the 19 beautiful years of marriage that I've had with my wife and for the opportunity to see my shortcomings and to grow into the man You and my wife and kids need me to be. Please continue to work in my life and redeem my marriage. Cast out all evil and selfish desires and work all circumstances surrounding my family to your good. Please rekindle our love and devotion to one another and may our every action bring glory to your name.

Nov 10, 2011
help me god
by: Laramie

my wife left oct.6 2011 i hope god will bring her back soon i love her an miss her please pray for magen my wife of 17 years

Nov 11, 2011
Now I see
by: Duane Harvey

My wife and I are living separately, she says she still loves me, but can't be my wife anymore. I've not been the best husband,but she is the light of my life, my Godsend. I am seeing now my mistakes and I pray that God will knock down that wall. I confess I am a backslider, and pray forgiveness for my transgression.. As I will pray for your situation, please lift up Duane And Christine in your prayers of restoration...Thank-you

Nov 26, 2011
Lord help our family back together.
by: Forever I love her

Dear lord, I have lost my wife due her gambling habit and she loved to chat another single men online. I have been accusing her, I have been extremely jealous because of her lifestyle. I pushed her away. I love her so much, I was just worried of her and I was scared that I lose her, so in the end I did. Lord forgive my sins, please let my wife be safe. My only wish is that me and her and our 2 beautiful kids would be a family again. I sacrifice absolutely everything if I could just be a family again. I love the idea of marriage and family, I'm not perfect husband or father, but I am willing to learn from my mistakes, I have suffered due my wifes behaviour, but I forgive her in my heart. Amen.

Dec 11, 2011
help me please.
by: Paul

i had an affair. i sought sollace in drink and the arms of another. i now truely understand waht it is to love but more importantly to be loved. my wife and i are seperated now, we see each other we talk. we hold each other we kiss goodbye. i would give my life for her. i would give my life to have her back. please lord help me. please i beg you.

Dec 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

dear Heavenly Father,
Please bring my family back!I wasnt perfect but never had a chance to correct my mistakes.Please bring them back to me,I know what I need to correct and will..

Dec 24, 2011
by: Aaron

Dear Lord Jesus please help my wife and I on our 13yr and going MARRAIGE and our seperation and be with our3 kids. Help her know that things can be great between us and help her to know I will change and be grateful to have her back n my life help her with her anger on this and bring her back to me so I can show her how special she is. Thank-you LORD for all these years with her and please let her know how things will change and be great for are family as we can be together and so happy AMEN

Jan 09, 2012
back my wife in my life
by: randy

were together in one house..in almost 4 years
but now she said she dont love me
i have a mistake that i done to her. but.. saying bad word to her hert there feeling. but at that time ill done im drunk is not really me to act like that.. so lord of heaven help me .to bring my wife back.in my life ilove her so much cant live w/out her, can sleep at night i cant eat properly, and help me lord to chance my attitude, i promise it would not happand again.one back in my life so lord. help me your the only can do that. touch there heart to saay for give me.. i im saying sory my marry ann. plz forgive me at the 2nd time.. ilove so much and i need you in my life.. in the name of god of heaven amem...

Jan 15, 2012
Lost love
by: Anonymous

Well I beenarried for 7 years and my wife told me she doesn't live me anymore either. I was a bad husband so bad I know now that I can change and see where I went wrong at. I don't really think god will bring her back. I pray that he does we have 3 kids tighter 6,5,3 years old. I love this women with all my heart. It's funny cause things you love on life are always taken from you. Which makes it hard to love. When it's to late you want to start loving. I read what you guys have to say and I feel goodknowkng that I'm not the only one that feels this way. I know it's kind of sad to say that but it's true. I wonder in time will she see that I love her. I don't know but maybe my love isn't enough for her. Just maybe she needs to fly away and make somebody else happy. Then you cone back to the whole thong that god doesn't make mistakes so she should be with me. So now I ask how long go I wait for her. Cause I need her lord please bring her back to me I pray in the name of Jesus I pray. That you will fix all the hearts on here and bring us are wife's back. I love you babe and I'm sorry come back

Jan 19, 2012
Jesus i believe
by: PB

Anyone out there with the apoointment of God please pray for me and my wife weve been married a little over two years ivve mentally abused for making she wasnt my all and i had realtionships with other women over email that she found i really didnt know how much i loved her till she left me for not going to counseling ive made my peace by asking God to forgive me and confessing my sins to her, I know in heart she my all i just everyone who cares to pray for my angel who is out in the world without her husband, i love God for allowing to realize my faults ang giving a chance to heal and become better for me and our marriage I love u Rah Rah

Mar 11, 2012
Pray for me
by: Anonymous

Please pray for me ... restore my marriage!!!

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