Our Open Path newsletter can help you stay aligned in today's changing world. Yes, Please!
Please pray that on Wednesday’s court date (Nov. 3rd) my lawyer is able to make great progress in finalizing my child custody issues without going to trial, that my ex-wife and judge Gonzalez are fair and reasonable and realize that children need both biological parents, and that we follow the forensic recommendation to revert back to the original joint custody schedule as quickly as possible because I miss my children very much. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.
Thank you and God bless,
Michael F. Flushing, New York (Queens)
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Theresa M.
Request prayers for healing of spasms/numbness in left side of face and body also tinnitus. i have dental problems and an addiction to nicotine which i cannot conquer please pray for me - to find some space for myself where I can 'get myself together'"
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Solomon
(Patna, India)
Please pray for my mother Stella who is in hospital for the treatment of gangrene. Please pray for her to have a speedy recovery in Jesus name.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Philip
Please pray for my Mom, I had lost in touch with her for quite sometime. I am worried. I would like to ask God's protection and blessings be with her and hear from her soon. Thanks for your prayer.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
We thank God for so many blessings. God bless you all for being there and caring/praying. We have had a horrific family rift for over 7 years, driven by ignorance and darkness. No human love has helped. God can restore, heal, forgive, convict, encourage, protect and reconcile. This is a most urgent need. Deliverance from addictions and healing from gross trauma needed here by many. We know that God is much greater than this human failing. In Jesus name, amen.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by isaiah
(atlan,ga usa)
need bad financial help
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by norma
I ask for prayer for my husband. I pray he will find a job back in his field of oceanography. I pray he will get a terrific great paying job, with great benefits, & a home of our own so big we will never need a storage unit again.
He has been out of his field for almost 2 yrs now & we have been living with relatives for 1 1/2 now.
I also pray my children will continue to excel in homeschooling.
I pray I will lose inches & pounds & keep them off. I know I am overweight & I am trying but need the willpower to continue. Living with relatives makes it a little difficult to do eating habits & exercises. I want to lose the weight & inches not only to look better but I want to be around for my children. They are still young & want to be here for them later. My youngest son asked if I was going to die because I am obese. I am 50 lbs over weight & would like to lose those. I am not wanting to lose more than that unless that is what God would want but I just want to get down to normal weight.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Hammad
I am having kidney stones pain. They are painful and new formation of stones are not stopping. Need 2 favors. 1. New stones formation should be stop and 2. existing stones leave without pain.
Thank you for your attention and everythng you are doing for me.
Pakistan, City: Lahore.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Let my sister get her VISA
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
WILL YOU PRAY FOR me to get a urgent finance blessing now.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Eva
(United Kingdom)
Lord You are Good and Your Mercy endureth forever. Thank You Lord Jesus for spiritual life for my son Eddie and his family. Thanks and God Bless you all.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Please Please Please pray that my son Rammy keep his job in the United States Coast Guard. Please. Thank you
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Jane
Please pray for us. We need financial help. We are behind on our rent an bills. My husband needs a job and quick. We have much to be thankful for and we are. But I don't want to be homeless. Please pray for us.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Monique
(Lake City, Florida)
My name is Monique and I live in Lake City, Florida. I am a Bible student at Liberty University in the Master’s program, obtaining a degree in Divinity. I recently gave up everything.....my house, my belongings, my self, my soul, everything. . . to Jesus and for Jesus. I now live in a mobile home with my husband, who is also in the Master’s program.
I also gave up oxycontin after 10 long years of addiction (prescribed). I gave that up via God’s grace. I could not do it on my own. I totally broke down about 7 weeks ago, and whala, we got a bid on our big house the next day, and then we moved here, into an “old folks/retirement” mobile home park. We did this so that we could free up our time to help the elderly instead of taking care of a huge yard, huge ceramic tiles, huge bathrooms. I read my Bible and study about 18 hours a day. I write papers on God’s love and mercy.
However, during the move, I fell. I was on the oxy due to seven previous failed neck surgeries, which causes radiating pain down my right arm and into my hand. God delivered me, and I have NO cravings. However, I just found out today from a specialist (third opinion now), that my spine is degenerating, and that my fall rebroke or rehurt my neck. I have hardware in my neck that is now displaced, and now no drs will even touch me due to my weight. I have lost 20 pounds and am down to 80.
In the last six weeks since we moved here, I have brought my new best elderly friends to our church, devoted my entire days to Jesus by prayer, study, writing, and helping others with the HOLY SPIRIT’S GUIDANCE. I KNOW WE ARE IN THE END TIMES, AND THAT THIS IS A HUGE TEST FOR ME. I HAVE SCRIPTS I CAN FILL TO GET BACK ONTO THE OXYCONTIN, BUT I DO NOT EVER WANT TO GET BACK ON THAT JUNK. When I was on it, my prayers hit a ceiling, it seemed. After I detoxed, the spirit flowed through me. I even made friends and helped others. I am 48, and my neighbors are in their 80’s and 90’s and I was helping them. However, the pain from the fall got worse and worse, and now I am depressed, and in constant pain. I am stuck as no dr. nuerosurgeon will touch me (Obamacare and fear of lawsuits and fear of my weight and unable to withstand a surgery to remove the displaced hardware.
We are totally willing vessels, and Jesus has been preparing my husband, Brian Wilson, and I to go to Israel to help the Jewish brothers and sisters. I have a burden for helping the Jews return to their homeland.
Satan is attacking me physically. It was my fault for falling (I shouldn’t have been cleaning without someone nearby to watch me – and I knew better. However, I am quite sad, depressed, and need to get back out and help my elderly friends and write, study, and fininsh my degree.
Please, please ,please pray for Monique Baugus and brian Wilson in Lake City. God is the true physician. Please pray that our ministry grows and that we can make it to Israel to help our brothers and sisters accept Jesus, the Messiah, the only Savior. I need prayer so bad. It’s prayer or drugs, and I refuse the drugs. Please pass this along to all Christian’s who are blessed with the gift of prayer and healing and intercession.
Love to all or you, MONiQUE- -I love Jesus more than anything!
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Milagro
Please pray for me and my wife to get back together
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Hi brothers and sisters! I need urgent prayers. My husband is physically, verbally, and emotionally abuse with me. I have tried to warn him that I would leave him if he wouldn't stop. He gets angry and takes it out on me, and tells me he can live alone if he has to, to excuse his abusive behavior towards me. I love him as a person, but not the actions. I want to leave him but I was hoping that God would heal him and change his heart. I guess I don't matter to him. Please pray for me!
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by heffe/jeff
(elk grove ca)
I would just like prayer for me and my wife Alera for our needs. to keep us well and our unborn baby safe and healthy.and i pray for the lord to smile on us and our family's . please bring us together, closer as one. an help us in every way. heal are minds body's an souls. and to protect us from any bad persons or spirits, lead us closer to his favor.To teach us real love that could only be Jesus.Amen..thank you God bless Jeff ....
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by lorna
(los angeles)
please pray for my inner healing .. obsessive thoughts of the past regarding my husbands affair while on drugs haunt me and I am like a prisoner of my mind.. I am weak and only God can lift me up and out of this...to love and have joy again in my life amen
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Ms. KayDee
My boyfriend and I broke after a year relationship. I found out he may have been cheating on me and that he lied to me. The worst thing is I feel used. I need Gods help to not be bitter and to forgive him. I still love him very much. I only want to be with the man that God sends me to be my husband. Please pray for God to send me a husband someone that loves him first, me second, that will not cheat on me, lie to me, abuse me, that is good to me and that is kind hearted and a good man. If my ex-boyfriend is that man for God to please soften his heart and let God, love, trust and faith into his heart and to please send him back to me. If he is not the one for me to be with and marry, to please heal my broken heart and send me the man he wants to be in my life. When I am ready to accept that man as my husband and love him.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Ann
(Brooklyn, NY USA)
Lord grant me a spirit of forgiveness and save me from depression and loneliness. Open my eyes to see that I have been richly blessed and open up my lips in thankful praise.....Amen
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Gina
I pray that God will forgive me of my fornications and give me a new beginning,i also pray that he should erase this from the memory of the men i slept with.GOD MAKE ME A VIRGIN SPIRITUALLY AND PHYSICALLY.AMEN
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Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
I Cynthia need a prayer .my marriage is in trouble. My husband walked out of our marriage a month ago and wants a divorce already,He is influence by negative people and given negative advise. we are married 7 years and together 10 years. I love my husband and dont want a divorce. so Im asking for a prayer from everyone to help my marriage and my husbands negative feelings towards me and our
future to be to be sweep away. My dear god please lead us in the right direction. Bless us and our marriage.bring peace and love back to us. My marriage needs help and positive prayers .in the name of god.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by v
God i love some1 so much and his parents are fighting with his because of religion problem. we are really in love.please give us courage and give his strength to face his parents.i wish we could get married and both familly to be happy and our relationship to b eternal and that we always happy together for ever and ever.God make him realise how much he loves me and always be by my side whatever happens
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Rathi
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
I need GOD's assistance to lift my financial burden. I have been carrying it for so long ......and I need to know if God is there for me. I ask for forgiveness for my sins and need all my financial problem to be solved.......Where is MY GOD when i need him the most. I feel so alone.....please pray for me so that i can be happy.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by jeff
(elk grove ca)
O Lord, I continue to have faith an worship and trust in You. Father I thank You for all the blessings you have showered me and Alera I pray we repent from all our sins and that you’ll be with us and are unborn child always, And be the center of our lives. JESUS I pray to commit our lives as well as spirits to You. Lord .You know our pains, sufferings, wants and dreams. Please direct us the way You want. heavenly father until we deserved all the love You had given us. O Almighty and merciful God, who hast commissioned Thy angels to guide and protect us, command them to be our assiduous companions ; to clothe us with their invisible protection; to keep us from all dangers finally, having preserved us from all evil, and especially from sin, to guide us to our heavenly home. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. May the God who called Abraham to journey into the unknown, and guarded him and blessed him protect us too and bless us in are journeys .May JESUS confidence support us and our needs May the HOLY SPIRIT be with us mind body and soul. Blessed are you, Lord, . By the blood of JESUS AMEN . thank you....
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Christie
Please pray for me and my daughter Claudia. We have had so many difficulties in the last three or four years it has almost destroyed me at times and wrought havoc on our hearts, souls and minds. Every prayer is greatly appreciated.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by gasper
Dear lord, i'm thankful for everything. for the life and the people i have. am thankful that you've kept me alive up to this moment. Father i come towards you i ask you to help me with my exams father help me get a division one of single digit dear father most especially that of seven points. father i know you have placed a bright future infront of me. father clear my mind off bad thoughts and keep me closer to you dear father. i pray in your mighty name. amen
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by vk
Dear God i love u so much.i love someone and we want to get married wbut his parents are opposing to it.please god make our relationship spiritually and emotionally stronger and may his parents agree to our marriage and may him b always be faithful to me and always love me forever and ever and get maried and live happily ever after.i dont want to lose him God
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by lisa
Please pray that I find employment, a better job than I had before, where I will be happy, and before running out of my savings. In the name of Jesus. Amen. thank you!!
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Please pray that we can come up with the financial payments to save our home and we get the mortgage we need. We are 5 months behind, Please pray somehow, someway we can stay in our home of 4 years. So many depend upon us and there have been no jobs. Please pray for us, that we stay in our home and we get jobs. please
We are sick with worry, the Lord has always provided for us, please pray so that he will help us soon. Bless you
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Tina
(not Eden)
Precious Lord please aid me in my troubling times. I desperately need your calming hand in my turmoil and stressed life. Please help all the debtor that owe me to pay me soon and guide me to pay my debts. Help me to achieve financial freedom with the sale of our investment property, I ask for your protection and to know.....that no matter what I face today is nothing that you and I cant handle.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Linda
Dear Mother Mary, assist us in a miracle that BB will get the loan he needs and he will be return to himself and be a good person. Please protect us and shower us with blessings
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by Cel
(USA )
God thank you for today for your mercy, love, peace, and miracles. I come to you trusting you, I am wishing miracles now follow miracles into my life when I am able to my car payments, and other obligations. Miracles in my finances. Miracles for my friend H & I to be in a loving relationship towards marriage if God willing. Amen.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Ann
(Brooklyn, NY USA)
Lord grant me a spirit of forgiveness and save me from depression and loneliness. Open my eyes to see that I have been richly blessed and open up my lips in thankful praise.....Amen
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Mirjam
(El Paso)
Please pray with me for my son Michael he is lost and has been for a long time 21 years old , married a second time already and has no contact with his Wife, in love or so he say's with a girl from Korea that is were the army send him. He is bitter and wants out of the army he said he will just stay in Korea and never come home again because he loves this girl and he hates the army, all of his life since the age of 16 after I divorced he has beed out of control and very angry.His Father and the rest of the family dont want anything to do with him and the only time he call me is when he is in trouble he has been using drugs and alcohol and steals from people .But no mather what I tell him he will now listen I am so worried for him and love my son to death.My daughter is 18 and he also worries her all the time she is doing real well works hard and goes to school. the used to be very close what shall I do he is very rude and disrespectfull to me it's hurting me so bad to see him trow his life away.He is so smart passes test all the time without studing and I just dont want to give up on my son.My Husband now said Honey he is 21 years old you have to let him go you done all you can But I come from a real abusive family and always swore I would never let my Childreen down but I am financially struggling and just cant do it anymore pray for my son please Thank you
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Vij
My husband left me a month ago for his parents since they doesn't like this marriage. I am deeply in love with my husband and cannot live without him. i love my in-laws too. Oh God! theres nothing you cannot change in this world. Please do some miracle to change my inlaw's and my husbands mind. Please God help me to bring him back to me with everyones love.
Please God, bring my husband back to me and let us all live happily. Please God help me. I don't have anybody else to ask help except you. Please God, help me. Please transform my husband and bring him back to me.
Please include me in your prayers. may God Bless you all.
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by Deidre
(Greers Fairy)
I Have A Problem The lord Cursed Me He Being Jesus Christ. I Broke The Law Of the Lord. Tabbacco. Everything Else I Done Isnot So Suppose To Be Cursed About Because Honesty To The Lord But Then I Remembered I Keep Breaking The Law Tabbacco By Useage Over And Over So another words One Sin All Sins. I Donot Undevelope For His Reasonings because I Keep On Haveing Mind Set. I Am Told I Know Perfectly Why He Done Cursed Me Yet I Know All Too Well. I've Tried To Show Him And Even Not tried to show him I Was Uncomp But He Still Revolves Me. I'm Just Lost In Myself Love Please.Thanks. Good Bye.
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by jeff
i have been praying i am a christian and i have faith that GOD can heal me i need inspirational prayer and i believe that i will be healed soon.God bless
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by khim
Dear God,
Lord God please helps me for everything. I’m so depress that is why I need your presence, I want to feel that you're here with me. I can’t decide what I should need to do. Please help me to find the right answer to my questions. My mind is so confused for what happened. I felt that my body didn’t function very well, I’m so forlorn today. I wish that maybe I’m in the middle of a nightmare and after a while I wake up and saying thanks God it is not true, it is just only a bad dream. But it was happened already; I already felt the feeling of disappointment, displeasure, failure and I felt so hurt for that. I always failed to make my family proud of me and make them happy, ever since I’m always a failure in their eyes, I’m nothing and worthless. But in your eyes I’m priceless Lord God I know that you’re here, I know that you have plan and I will wait for that, God! I need you I always need you…please help me…thank you GOD..
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Please Lord I need your blessing. I'm drowning financially. Please Lord Bless ME. Please hear my call for your blessing
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by Vorster
May two children will be writing there grade nine final exams stating on 15th November 2010, my prayer request is to ask the Lord's guidance and wisdom to do there best because this will help them now about there future. kindly help me in prayers. there names are Bright and Delphine Phiri.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by heffe/jeff
(elk grove ca)
I would just like prayer for me and my wife Alera for our needs. to keep us well and our unborn baby safe and healthy.and i pray for the lord to smile on us and our family's . please bring us together, closer as one. an help us in every way. heal are minds body's an souls. and to protect us from any bad persons or spirits, lead us closer to his favor.To teach us real love that could only be Jesus.Amen..thank you God bless Jeff ....
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by Linda
My heart hurts for my 16 year old son Nick.I need prayers for him...He is heading down a path very dangerous
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by Richard
(Pretoria, South Africa)
Dear Father,
I have drifted so far away from you that I don't know how to find my way back to you.
I am only breathing; not living. Nothing fills my life with any joy anymore...I am so empty.
I try to fill the hole with alcohol and drugs and sex. I keep up appearances, but it is starting to fall through the cracks. I am in dept, I constantly feel ill, I don't feel like I am good enough; even though I have a full time job and good at it...It feels like everyone is out to prove me wrong...I am filled with feelings of hate and lust and envy and despair.
I am so sorry Father; I wish that I could promise that I will try to change, but I have disappointed you so many times before...I can't live with myself anymore.
I need your guidance and your love. Today, I pray, Father, forgive me.
Fill me with your Holy Spirit and deliver me.
I am lost without you, but I am not strong enough to give up everything that chains me to Satan.
Deliver me from my sins and wash me clean in Jesus' blood.
Father, be with me.
I pray to You.
Your son
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by Vivien
Dear Friends,
Thank you for any prayers that will help me to receive God's grace and abundance for my children and myself.
My financial situation is very scary to me. My daughter has been sick for many months with constant headaches which are partly related to a car accident. She might be expelled from school because of missing so much. Our car was "totaled" by another driver. I'm anxious that our ongoing medical follow-up won't be adequately covered by the settlement. I pray for total healing from the injuries we sustained. It could've been much worse!
I need safe, loving, and affordable childcare for her while I need to work and she's not in school. I need to work more. Thankfully, I have a job where I can work more hours when I'm able to.
I'm still going through a divorce that was thrust upon me 3-1/2 years ago and need (inner and outer) help to finish the details required of me to let this relationship go. My anxiety level is very high right now and makes tasks which are already challenging even more difficult.
My house is on the market and we have no equity in it. I pray that we can sell at a price to at least break even, in spite of a very challenging market. Thank you!
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Prof. Louis
(Pretoria, South Africa)
Details about this prayer request follow in a letter posted on our Blog today. Please pray that someone will hear His voice and be obedient to assist us-
NWMD-IU is a network of ministries, churches, colleges, theological seminaries and universities who trusted the integrity and Biblical soundness of the studies done at this on-line university.. This is your opportunity to become part of our history in Africa with your kind donation of any kind. We need more classroom equipment, like chairs, tables, computer equipment, projectors ect. But most of all, we need our own university facilities.
In God we trust to supply in all our needs. See the need which you may effect with your arms of love.
We received thousands of applications asking for sponsorship and free course programs. We want to continue as Institution which assist students globally but more within South Africa from one National location as from 2011 (D.V.)
Our main office in Pretoria is overloaded to the extend that the electrical wires burned due to too much computers, printers, camera equipment running on only a few wall plugs. This is a big problem as we are busy with the CHE and SAQA accreditation process and one of the challenges, we have to overcome asap is to have better administration offices in one location. We expect more than 300 students next year from Amazing Grace Ministies which will be trained by Prof. Gerhard Kotze and staff in the Cape Province but this means more administration for NWMDIU in Pretoria.
Prof. Jude Martin plans to accommodate NWMDIU in the Edenvale area when he completes a 5 year building project but we need to continue until this facility would be ready.
NWMDIU have been running effective as virtual international university for more than 5 years from different locations and small offices but now we need to move to the next level and this means we need one university building anywhere in South Africa, even on a farm or residential area or any old unused lodge or guest house might be suitable to begin with.
This means We, NWMD International University need land or any house or building which we might enlarge to accomplish our God given vision to supply free course programs for struggling students as well as affordable degree programs which we have done for 5 years already by assisting more than 100 students to reach for their dreams and accomplished much without our own facilities as we are not funded by any government. To see our International list of successful graduates go to;- http://www.degreeverification.zoomshare.com/
Part of the National requirement for accreditation of our institution is to have a proper faculty, building, office, classrooms and equipment which may be inspected.
If you know about anyone who would like to assist us with land to build on or any house which we may convert into a university building please contact Prof. Louis M. De Bruin at proflouis@gmail.com
Please pray for us to continue to be a blessing for the nations. More info about us at;- http://hotglobal.ning.com/
and also at;- http://mainnwmdiu.yolasite.com/
May God bless your love and obedience to His voice today.
ADMINISTRATION & Prof. Louis M. De Bruin
New World Mission Dunamis International University
NWMD-IU is a network of ministries, churches, colleges, theological seminaries and universities who trusted the integrity and Biblical soundness of the studies done at this on-line university..
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by kirk
(san diego)
I need guidance. I'm out of work and living in my truck. Broke and don't no where to turn. I know God wants me to soar like wings of eagles, but I'm at the end. I need His wisdom and His light to show me the way. Trying to stay joyful, but my burdens to heavy. I'm praying and reading. Need you to pray for me too.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
God, Thanks for giving me a wonedrful life though i need a better job with good salary to satisfy ma family needs and to marry ma girl.. Please help me. love you
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Elizabeth
(Cleveland, OH)
Please pray for God's healing in my marriage and family and for my husband to find Jesus' healing grace. We have been married for 19 years and have two children 9 and 12. My husband is battling anxiety issues and changing careers at the same time. This has been a four year ordeal and we all seem to be at a breaking point. I want to keep my family together but am not sure at this point it is the healthy path for us.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
I know that God can heal. Nothing is impossible for God. I know I can ask anything of God in Jesus' name.
My husband is suffering from cancer and the future looks bleak. He is taking part in a trial of a new treatment but he might not be having the real thing as it is a double blind placeabo test. I do not know how to ask for his healing, firstly because I do not want to be parted from him but also because I want this treatment to be successful in its trials for all people in the future.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Hammad
I have some problems with my brain and nervous system which is not medically prove. My all brain test are normal. My brain or nervous system can’t tolerate small voices. If someone shut the door or any other small noises which an ordinary person can tolerate easily disturbs me a lot and my whole brain receive jerks. I also have a migraine problem. I have severe headache. All the time it remains. Can’t open eyes easily or comfortably. Blood pressure problem, high and low both. Again if little high which is actually not high according to doctors, but my brain don’t tolerate it. I also have very painful kidney stones.
In short my problems are:
1. Extremely weak brain and nervous system.
2. High and low blood pressure
3. Very painful kidney stones and disease of forming rapid kidney stones.
4. Migraine problem. Severe headache
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Linda
Please pray for me and my son, help us through this difficult time and let us rise up strong and free. Help us be clear of anything standing in front of us.
Thank you
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by Preeti
Dear Brother/Sister, Please pray for my mother Urmila who wants to be blessed with Holy spirit. Rgds,Preeti
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by Laurence
(Naperville,IL USA)
YOU can do anything we ask of YOU. I am asking and praying that YOU Immediately, today Stop My Divorce and Save My Marriage and The Children's Happiness. It was wrong to start divorce proceedings. Forgive me. I forgive all Love YOUR Son Laurence
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by virginia
pray for my boyfriend who is undergoing serious financial cries and his debts please pray for him to get back on his feet
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by Nadene
Please pray that God will help me in this desperate situation that I am now currently in. Thank you
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
My husband left me a month ago for his parents since they doesn't like this marriage. I am deeply in love with my husband and cannot live without him. i love my in-laws too. Oh God! theres nothing you cannot change in this world. Please do some miracle to change my inlaw's and my husbands mind. Please God help me to bring him back to me with everyones love.
Please God, bring my husband back to me and let us all live happily. Please God help me. I don't have anybody else to ask help except you. Please God, help me. Please transform my husband and bring him back to me.
Please include me in your prayers and pray for all those seeking missing loved ones. May God Bless you all.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Fran
I got out of the violent marriage, my home was foreclosed on. I got a room (thru a friend of my Daughter's) there is marijuana use in that house every day and I am very uncomfortable, I don't do drugs and I hate them around me, I spend a lot of time at my younger Daughter's house, there are many people in and out all the time and there is also marijuana use there as well. I am beside myself. I don't have a home, I don't have an income and no agency will help me. I cry all the time. I am in my 50's and this is a first for me. I know there is a lesson I am to learn here and it must be a doozey because I am no longer in control of my life, I follow others rules no matter how wrong they are. My daughter tells me "I will do this or that for you" and most times she does not and it looks like I will loose my goods that are in storage because she has insisted that she will pay for the storage so I will have one less thing to worry about but she has not done so, so I just loose!!! Besides all of my prior health problems, I now have arthritis in both of my knees. God Please hear my cries, come to my aid, please!!!!!!! I need my own place where I can be safe again.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Botha
Please pray for my marriage my wife filed a divorce and our daughther is 4 years old . I love them with all of my heart and want to be with them. Pray please
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by Kathy
we had some turmoil in our family I might of handle it the wrong way but please pray for my son to understand it was brought out to get his intention he has a very explosive temper so anyone in his way gets it thats even including his kids and everyone in return he will not us see the kids which hurt but he thinks hes only hurting us not realizing it is hurting the kids, physical and verbal abuse he has to be lifted and show him the right way
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
dear brother and sister,
Br-in-law has undergone kidney transplant donated by sister, please send
healing to br-in-law so that kidney gets integrated well and starts it best Gods functioning.
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by Kathy
(Everett, WA)
My husband and I have been married for 7 years. He moved out 4 weeks ago saying he didn't want to be married anymore and wanted to be free to do what he wanted to do. He will not talk to me and is hiding and running away from our marriage. I am heart broken and praying that god restores my marriage and brings my husband home.
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I`m asking for prayers to heal my relationship & marriage with my wife who left me several months ago. She says she doesen`t love me , I`m depressed & extremely hurt over this. I`ve prayed too God everyday but it seems my prayers aren`t answered. please pray for me. I`ve heard the more people who pray, the more prayers get answered, Is that right ?
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by sushila
Im in so much pain and hurting. Please help me.Im a born again Christian I have tried everything but I’m still hurting. As soon as I wake up there is heaviness on my heart and with crying and tears my rest of the day goes on until I go to bed. I had a boyfriend who promised to marry me and we were supposed to get married but the parents didn’t want me. They have changed his mind but here I can’t forget him. It’s been three months and I have been crying every day. No happiness no joy in my heart. I can’t eat or can’t sleep please I need someone’s help.Please Lord Jesus help in my situation.Pray that my boyfriend calls me back and talks with me.And we gaet back together again in Jesus name. Amen
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by heffe/jeff
(elk grove ca)
Heavenly Father, Thank You for loving and caring for each one of us individually, as though we were the only ones in Your great universe. Father, You know exactly what is going on in our life's and all of the reasons we are asking for prayer. I pray that You would please help me and Alera in our trials and struggles. Please work all things out for us best good and for Your glory. May our situation be something that will draw us into a closer walk with You. I pray that You would draw us ever closer to Your heart and Your ideal for us. I pray that You would supply all our needs, physical and spiritual (Philippians 4:19). Help us to continually make a full surrender to You, no matter what it takes. And please bless their unborn child as well, and help me and Alera to be prepared to train this little one in Your ways. Thank You so much that we can come to You, knowing that You hear and will answer our prayer according to Your will, because we ask in Jesus' name (1 John 5:14, 15). Amen."
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Joseph
(Brooklyn, NY USA)
I have been trying for 5 years to get my divorce, but has been unsuccessful doing so. My Attorney has been fully paid and has not been able to give any word on the status of the case. Please pray for me that whatever is hindering/blocking me from not getting my uncotested divorce be removed. For 5 years I have not seen the woman.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Please pray for my grandaughter. She has become involved with an unhealthy group of friends and shows definite signs of drug abuse. She has always been an honor student, but is failing her senior year. If she shows up to Thanksgiving dinner I am worried that she will be confrontational and verbally abusive. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide her and protect us and bring our family together.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Please pray that the one I love will contact me soon. It has been over 5 months since I have heard from him. He has many problems and I just want to be friends and hear from him. Dear Lord, please keep me on his mind and in his heart. You know how much he means to me and I know he was put in my life for a reason. In Jesus's Name I continue to pray. Amen.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Prayer for my daughter so that she gets a good job soon. Thankyou.
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by deborah
(assonet, ma )
going paralyzed feet to head sensory loss numbness mobility going dexterity, endurance ms and unknown neurological disease effecting entire body no meds dr can help effecting entire central nervous system inside and out swallowing and breathing due to location of lesions on brain , neck spinal cord expexted quad , bed bound respirator praying to God 3 yr no answers
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by Afsana
I wished for my twin soul mate/dream man to arrive and he did but I was foolish and did not recognize him. I need a lot of prayer so that I do not doubt that we will not be together very soon. I need prayer so we are together very soon, if possible now. I have been waiting to be with him for 12 years. I feel so much pain I can't go on any longer. I need a lot of prayer. Please pray for me.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Dierdre R.
(Cape Town, South Africa)
I have been having terrible anxiety and panic attacks for the last eight months. Please may I request your prayers to heal my mind, body and soul of this terrible affliction. Each day is a struggle and I do not sleep because I have panic attacks in my sleep which send my mind into overdrive and wake me up. I live alone and fear that my mind is giving way. Please help
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Joseph
we need financial blessings for my sisters marriage. First of all i thank and praise god for helping us so far. pls pray that there will be no money shortage for marriage and pray that marriage will bring her into light of the god and she will live with her husband happily forever...
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by barbara
PLease pray for my niece elizabeth has bipolar mistreated by her dad and his girlfriend she is having problems at school now and home seeing a doctor dec4 pray that they do what is gods will thanks she 14 i worry about her taking her life
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by Michelle
Greetings in Jesus Name
Please agree with me for the following requests:
1: Husband Mervin for deliverance from demonic oppression and alcohol addiction, lies, anger and deceit as well
2: My brother Lawrence who has a growth in his brain that cause him to have severe headaches and convulsion- pray that God will touch him and heal him.
3: For our local church family that need to make important decision, that God will direct each one in the way forward.
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Shalom everyone! I am asking a favor to please help me to pray for God's guidance and blessings to find new and stable job. I am a month jobless already.
Thank you in advance for your prayers.
God is Good All the Time!
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by chacko
(hyd,andhra pradesh,india)
The powers of witchcraft and black magic is so powerful for my elder brother, who is suffering from severe depression and illhealth.If that is not enough his job,the sole means of survival, is under great threat as his superiors have issued a serious offence penalty order. Please pray for my brother to be free of this evil force and also for his job protection without any transfers and penalties.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
DEAR Heavenly Father I come to you with a bowed head and humble heart asking you to please help me.Give me strength to endure another day for I am weak Lord help me to be strong I have no money and the bills just keep on coming the rent and childcare is due how can I hold out I pray to find a better job for me and Isaac so we can help ourselves Christmas is around the way and we don't have anything for the kids but love Oh most gracious one PLEASE I'm in need for a blessing and a breakthrough love your child.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Mark
(The Netherlands)
Please Mother Mary, reunite us and let there be a miracle.
Please help me with this difficult case what is for me impossible, but with You nothing is impossible, no one can withstand your power.
You know it is out of pure love.
Please Help me Mother Mary.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by david
Dear Lord, maker of the heaven & earth I give you praise. Father I lift the need of my job in share trading & investment...help me make the correct decisions in regards to the investments I make. Dear Jesus, King of glory - I thank you in faith for helping me restore all the money I've lost in the past. I praise you for your mercy/grace & for teaching me how to become a success "your way" in the Holy name of Jesus. Lord I ask you to bless those reading prayer in the Holy name of Jesus.Amen.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Kindly pray for food clothing shelter
Kindly pray for mother RAMADEVI for good health Wealth and happiness, she is suffering with joint pains , and thyroid problems, and I KIRAN REQUESTING YOU TO pray for my progression in business with wealthy healthy and fullness of fruit full joy full life, kindly pray for my marriage to get good faithful wife
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Lord i know that i made a lot of sin's during my younger year's.. I am sorry for all that bad things i made.. Really deep in my heart i am sorry for what i made, and ask for your forgiveness.. Lord i am really afraid now for what is happening to me, thats why i write these letter to you.. Lord i will be getting married next month.. My project manager and deputy general manager already signed for my leave application, but the problem is our Deputy Manager reject my application.. Lord i was really afraid, please help me to change my deputy's manager mind to signed my leave application.. I love my fiance so much i want to be with him for my entire life so please help me to be there during my marriage.. I love you Lord..
I Love You!
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by kelly
My dear friend is having surgery for hes kidneys please pray with us for him to have a great recovery. thank you all.
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by Jennifer
(ammas ashram india)
Please send healing to be for anxiety especially around survival and money. thank you. Jennifer
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Holy Spirit I come to you for divine miracles. You who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, You who gave me the Divine gift to forgive all the wrong that was done to me, and You who are in all instances in my my life. I want to Thank You for helping me today in my finances and love and confirm with you once more I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual Glory. Amen. Again, Thank you for the divine miracles in my finances and love.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by mel
(manila philippines)
Lord, I am here asking for your help to save me from my financial worries. I know that you are not letting me down but this time I have this is only one wish. I just need a capital money for the computer shop that i wanted to have so I can provide for my family and help my 2 sisters for their studies. Lord I love you, I know you love me too even I am a sinner. I love you so much my Dear Lord. I really want to have computer shop for my family I love you Lord.
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Our uncle Ray fell and injured his upper spinal cord, and he is paralyzed from the shoulders down. He is slowly regaining some sensation as the inflammation goes down, but as you an imagine, this is an enormous trial for him and his family. Ray has devoted his entire life to helping others, and now he needs our help. He is an amazing person, and we love him deeply. Please pray for his continued recovery, for comfort and support for him and his family, and that he be able to feel the love of God holding and supporting him through this extremely difficult time.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
I recently got engaged and all we do with my fiance now is just fight and am begning to hate him , please give me a sign god
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by jones
Thanks God for every thing you have done for me... but now I real real real need your help I need some money please God help me with this I love you God...
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oh , god plzz for give me and my sins.. and show me the lite of blessing ,this i ask in the name of holy lord jesus christ..amen
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Please pray for my husband Eddie he says he is depressed and he is taring our marrage appart we been married 14yrs and have 2 girls one 8 one 11 we need your prayers so bad. He said he had no use for God in his life but he is soooo wrong the devil just wants him to belive that way for some reason he want have nothing to do with me want laugh want enjoy anything with the holly days here we dont need that so please pray God will hear my prayers and save our marrage and save my husband. Thank you Evelyn
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I want to make good grades when i take my finals i also want to be prayed for a car to get around so i can get a job.
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Mrs. Leacock
My husband and myself need you prayers for the release of all debt and for financial stability now. God 's blessing to all
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by JPB
Please dear God, reunite myself and my soulmate. I am only asking for just one more chance, one more chance for both of us to build a loving and lasting relationship again, in Jesus name I ask amen.
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by jocelyn
(lees summit,mo)
I am writing a book
about my life dealing with demons
etc. I want everyone to know about the devil that he is
Real after reading my story hopefully it will save alot of
Ppl souls and make them christians for i am an living testimony
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by Brandon
i need prayer for god to draw near in my life..it's spiraling out of control i need to be healed within my soul.amen
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
I want to make good grades when i take my finals i also want to be prayed for a car to get around so i can get a job.
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by Robert J.
Please pray for my family and myself, my wife and I our both out of work. And both of us have health issues. We need financial help and we both need job's. At this time I can not get my wife medical help that she need's .
I am afraid that something is going to happen to her, and I alone can not help.
Thank you if you could help in prayer.
God Bless
Robert J.
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by Lee
Please pray for me. I feel lost and alone today. Dear Lord, please come to me. Holy Spirit fill me. I pray for my children. Please keep them safe and healthy. I'm asking for the miracle that Josh comes back into my life. I love and miss him terrible. Please Lord, give me strength in mind, body, and soul to go on for me and my kids. In Jesus's Name I most fervently pray. Amen.
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by julie
We need a place to live you know how we struggle every month and things are bad for us please help us the holidays are here and im so worried and stressed, thank you Jesus i know you will find us a perfect home, touch the heart of the right person guide us and provide means to move thank you !
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by LT
Please help remove the block in communication, rebuild the trust that has been broken, help us to love respect and listen to one other, heal our broken hearts from previous relationships. Help S to stay focused on us and our relationship and to leave the past in the past. Please deliver S from the temptation of cheating,flirting,sexting and internet porn. Lord in order to build a strong bond of friendship and solid foundation together. Let S and I
realize how important all relationships are and that recognize each others wants and needs. Help us realize not our own selfish views of how the relationship fits
both of our needs but how our relationship can work to fit God’s plan for us
together. Please Lord,We need a miracle. Amen.
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by kirk
(san diego)
I need help finding a job and a place to live. Sleeping in my truck right now and almost completely broke. Don't know where to turn except to you.
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by vk
Dear God i love u so much.i love someone and we want to get married wbut his parents are opposing to it.please god make our relationship spiritually and emotionally stronger and may his parents agree to our marriage and may him b always be faithful to me and always love me forever and ever and get maried and live happily ever after.i dont want to lose him God
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
Please Lord I beg for your intervention to restore my marriage, Lord please touch my husband's heart and soften it to you and me. I beg your forgiveness and his for the pain I have caused and in so doing have pushed him away. Lord please turn his heart back to me to give me the chance to work on being the wife I should be. Please strengthen me and guide me to do your will. You are the author of marriage and I trust in you Lord to put your arms around us to build a union in your glory. Please Lord take the thoughts of separation away from him. God in heaven, please heed all these prayers. Please continue to pray for strength and guidance to weather this storm. I beg God's forgiveness for my sins and failings and to mold me to His will to be the wife my husband needs and deserves. Please LORD, also pour financial blessing over myself and my family. Amen
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by LaToya
(Tampa FL)
Please pray for My Husband's Salvation & for my heavenly father to place in him a clean heart! And remove any demonic spirits & strongholds that have been placed upon him or are Marriage!! Pray that GOD will remove his heart stone and place a heart of flesh & love for his wife & children. We have 13yrs of marriage and 4 kids I love him with all my heart and please pray for us!!!
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by chris
(knox tn)
Please pray for me and my girlfriends relationship. i try so hard to make things work as does she but i work alot and we have a kid on the way i love her so much she gets upset when i have to work cause my shifts are 24 hours . i just want it to work out i love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her
Return to Prayer Requests 6.10 to 2.11.
by Robbie
That my financial needs are taken care of far and beyond what I can dream, and so it is, thank you.
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I'd like to pray for my wonderful mother. She has been a single mom for over ten years and has done a wonderful job raising myself and my three brothers. Now that we're older, I would love for my mom to find some true happiness in her life. She needs help financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Thank you and God Bless!
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by N.N
(south africa)
earnestly request prayers Im a newly wed mom of 3 wonderful hardworking husband Im a stay at home mom hooked on drugs Im super functioning but the guilt &deception is killing me I hate myself & sabotaging my blessed life. Ive always been anti-drugs until my child was molested&I got sucked into escorting,my late fiancé(2 kids dad)brutally murdered by a friend. I lost faith in everything found relief&shelter in drugs (how I regret) I dont have an addictive personality but I hate doing them&lying to my loved ones when I do. I do them coz I become flat,non feeling,nothing can hurt me when Im high not my past,my family,my broken dreams,my fear of the future. Truth is Iam loved beyond by my kids,husband & in-laws above all by my Maker otherwise I wouldn't still be breathing. I can stop but I don't WHY? Plz pray for me. Thanx
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by Monika
(Berlin, Germany)
Please help me, oh Lord, to get free of cigarettes and out of depression so that my health will become better and I gain again joy in live. This comes from deep of my heart, and I thank you for all your blessings, guidance and inner help.
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I pray that God strengthen our marriage. Since he lost his really terrific job everytime we get into an agrument he applies to companies out of the country. I figure it is just to get away from me. We live with my parents he works 2 jobs & well this is not a great situation here so things get tense. We have been married for 11 yrs & spent most of it apart because he always works out of the country. This great job he use to have in Houston he loved. He sd we would never be apart anymore. Are kids are growing up & he missed a big part of it. One of our sons is autisic & he does not take it well when my husand is gone. We got in an argument yesterday & still have not spoken. This financial crunch is still really hurting our marriage.
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by Mary
Please Pray That I Can Recieve Gainful Employment to Support My Children. Thank you In Advance for Your Kindness.
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by Vanessa
(Australia,Victoria,point cook)
dear lord,
you are in my thoughts and prayers every-day
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by Henry
(South Africa)
I ask that GOD will lead me in this coming days. I don't know what is lying ahead and I lost everything. GOD help me and forgive me.
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by heffe/jeff
(elk grove ca)
Lord, I continue to have faith an worship and trust in You. Father I thank You for all the blessings you have showered me and ALERA I pray we repent from all our sins and that you’ll be with us and are unborn child always, And be the center of our lives. JESUS I pray to commit our lives as well as spirits to You. Lord .You know our pains, sufferings, wants and dreams. Please direct us the way You want. heavenly father until we deserved all the love You had given us. O Almighty and merciful God, who hast commissioned Thy angels to guide and protect us, command them to be our assiduous companions ; to clothe us with their invisible protection; to keep us from all dangers finally, having preserved us from all evil, and especially from sin, to guide us to our heavenly home. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. May the God who called Abraham to journey into the unknown, and guarded him and blessed him protect us too and bless us in are journeys .May JESUS confidence support us and our needs May the HOLY SPIRIT be with us mind body and soul. Blessed are you, Lord, . By the blood of JESUS AMEN . thank you
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by Jacqueline
(Tacoma, WA)
I am unemployed and seeking a job. I ask prayers for a job, a place to live, and a car. My oldest son is homeless in Texas, and he is trying to get money to come back to Washington. Please pray with me for God's favors. Thank You. Jackie