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Prayers for Healing Direction Guidance

I have been out of work for several months with many interviews and no job offers. I have been on a spiritual path all of my life. I am going through tremendous trials. I am beginning to feel disappointed and losing my faith and hope in God, the universe and not seeing the blessings in my life.

I am seeking to become more enlightened and I am seeking a true spiritual path for my life. I am seeking connection to my inner wisdom and God center so that I can hear the guidance from higher evolved guides, angels, beings of light and all transformed spiritual beings so as to assist me in moving forward in this journey. Please pray for me.

Comments for Prayers for Healing Direction Guidance

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Apr 05, 2008
by: christy

god will win, you will get through this, god will not give up on you

Apr 07, 2008
Healing Direction Guidance
by: Naomi

I offer my prayers, lift your prayers with you and send them on the wings of faith, and I long to let you know that you are not alone. When two or more of us align with each other and turn to the light, we strengthen our call to those who can bring the vision and light we need to discern our next step for a spiritual journey.
My experience has been that when you become a seeker and open your heart and mind to find a direction, there is always a time of emptiness as well as additional trials, and it prepares us for the divine response to your prayer, to feel light moving through you, surrounding your heart, and to feel the sweetness of love that draws you closer.
Blessings and Love,

Apr 09, 2008
Healing Direction Guidance
by: Lina & Eileen


Apr 16, 2008

May God refresh and renew your spirit and open your inner wisdom so you can feel the light and love that you are and that He is. Amen

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