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Pryaer Request - Waiting on his Call, Need Intercession Urgently

by Kimberly
(Orange Park, FL)

I was given hope that Phillip had intention to call. He not only said it to me but also to a friend of his that he would. I think he would have continued to give a hateful "NO!" response to her instead of "I'll call her tomorrow." I know he was sick today, so I pray that it is the only reason he didn't call but that he will call tomorrow after he wakes up. I PLEAD and pray to God that he WILL come through with his words that he WILL call me. My heart is aching and I am waiting. I don't want to be lied to and hurt even more after the slight hope. God, don't give me that slight hope and let me hurting anymore. Please. Let me have the chance!!! An entire day after talking to me, when message by his friend about the call, he did still say "I will call her tomorrow" instead of anything mean or hateful or dimissing the idea. Then I saw he was sick and even if things were normal between us now he still wouldn't want to talk when he was sick. PLEASE work miracles through his heart concerning this. Please. Let the call come. Give us the chance for happiness together and restored communication!!! Tell me what to do next.

Comments for Pryaer Request - Waiting on his Call, Need Intercession Urgently

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Feb 26, 2009
by: Intercession Warrior

Stand in faith, knowing that God desires restoration for us in every area of our lives. Seek God with all your heart, and continue to speak life to your situation inspite of what it looks like. Remember that God gave us the power in our tongues to declare the word of God over our lives. So begin to make i am statements. For example:
I am established in God by every good work
I am established in God by every good work
I am an overcomer
I am empowered to bind and loose, and decree what the bible says I am , and I receive all that God has for me

This is a war, but the fight is fixed, and we always win with God. Be blessed and keep your head up.

Jan 27, 2009
Prayer Changes Things
by: Debbie

I will touch and agree with you that all will work out to your good. Stay encouraged, prayerful, and looking up. Things will turn around, if we keep the faith.

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