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Taking custody of a baby

by Trish
(Seabrook, TX)

Me and Rhianna

Me and Rhianna

I need everyones prayers. We have been helping young woman out that was pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl 2 months ago. The baby is in foster care and I want to bring the baby home. My husband and I are about to be 50 years old and my husband feels we might be to old. But I feel in my heart that God wants us to take care of the baby. We need to make a decision soon. The mother is doing everything the courts ask her to do but there is no promise that she will succeed. I have prayed about it and believe I am doing the right things, but I need my husband to believe as well. Please pray that God puts it in his heart where he has no doubts. God is the almighty and can do things I am not able to do. Please pray for us. I believe our home would be good for baby Rhianna. I need everyone help because power comes in prayers. Thanks ahead of time for everyone that prays for us.

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