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I Feel Like My Heart Gets Rip Apart Every Single Day

I've been divorce 7 months now.
My ex wife left me for another man and took our two little kids. Eventhough she is not my wife anymore, i still love her and love my kids very much. I did everything to stop her decision but that is what she wanted. Not a day goes by i don't feel like my heart gets rip apart. I want my family back. I want god to be our center of attention. I want to take my kids to the little kids service while my wife and i hold hands together and go in to church and sit and pray together. Please pray for me and my family. I feel like rock bottom just keeps getting deeper and i'm tire of crying, i'm tire of prettending i'm happy, i'm tire of being alone and unwanted. I'm tire of living life like this...please lord, please give me proof of life, please part that sea throught the middle and lead me to what i humbly ask for in your name jesus christ. I need you lord, you know my heart, you know my mind, please hear my cry...

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Apr 19, 2011
I Will Pray For You!
by: Anonymous

I did not lose my wife and children, but I did lose my girlfriend last June and she has completely turned her back on me. She told me almost two months ago she has a fiancee and they both want me to leave her alone. She will not even send an email to acknowledge i am alive. I was with her almost 2 yrs...maybe a little longer. I hurt every single day and the world keeps turning and my sorrow goes on and only I know the horrendous pain I have and am suffering. I feel very much like what you describe that you feel like. My heart is filled with your sorrow and my own. I only found this site tonight. I am trying to approach things in a different way by sharing my story with you and others here. Please keep praying and I will also pray for you and a return to peace with your wife and children. Please pray for me sir. I hope God answers both our prayers in the ways we wish. God Bless You!

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