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My Wife is Leaving Me - Please Pray for Immediate Reconciliation

Please pray for my wife and myself. She wants to leave me. I have made a firm and immediate decision to change my heart, my mind, my will and my actions and I fully allow God to do this for and through me. Please pray that God will immediately change my wife's heart, her mind, her will, and her actions and that she would fully allow God to do this and that she would make an immediate decision herself to do this.

Please pray that:
1.) Our minds would be bound to the mind of Christ.
2.) Our wills would be bound to the will of God.
3.) Our actions would be bound to the Fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness and self-control.
4.) Our hearts would be bound to the Heart of God.
5.) Our marriage would be bound by the Spirit of God and the Spirit of His perfect love.

That true change will take place in both our hearts, minds,wills, and actions immediately, and that permanent reconciliation will take place immediately, and that my wife will not leave me and that we both will want to be with each other and that we will actually live together as a godly husband and wife, and that there would be genuine forgiveness one to another - through the Power and the Love of God.

Thank you

Comments for My Wife is Leaving Me - Please Pray for Immediate Reconciliation

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Oct 30, 2008
mine left too:
by: gayland

my friend i have prayed for the both of you. i DO know what you are going thru. im not a smart man, i have turned things over to GOD i have prayed that his will be done. that was hard for me but i did it. all things work together for the good of those that love GOD. iam ready to accept what ever GOD allows to happin. we want things to be changed right away because it hurts us so bad. GOD hears your prayers even if you dont think so, just turn it over to GOD and wait. your friend in christ gaylandtalcum

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